Interesting review Jeremy. The take-away for me centers on the consistency of human behavior. No matter past, present, or future, people have, do, and will continue to pass judgement on our fellows/peers. Other behaviors that manifest as a result are vast but seemingly predictable and tend to lean toward the negative. I am a reader also, I love to hold the physical book, turn the pages, feel the paper, and carry my current read around with me. I have read many articles but no e-books to date. I have not read many sci-fi books, I gravitate toward conspiracy type research works focused on financial, political, technology, and the military industrial complex (love that term). More than a small percentage of what I read, reads like sci-fi, scary stuff as well as interesting. You say thank you for reading, I say thank you for writing. Best.
Thank you to you too (again) haha! I was born into the digital age and even for studying, I use e-books when I can. There's an ease to it.
Yes, you are right. Human behaviour is consistent, to a certain extent. I just would have hoped that the issues would be different, at least. Make it more sci-fi related. Actually, there was a type of evolved argument which I liked, where the 'religious' people wanted to return the ship to Earth and wait for Doom's Day like God wanted. There it's an evident contrast between Religion/Nature to Science but it is presented in an adapted manner.
I am not big on many who provide information via Ouija and other metaphysical sources of contact Jeremy but was referred by a friend to: Messages From Michael (Yarbro, 1980) and find it to be an interesting read. This one is not creative writing, it is presented as a transcript that I accept as presented. I do not question that our guides communicate by many ways and means although I am not so sure about the authenticity of many works that are claimed to be authentic. Messages From Michael did not provoke any real suspicion as I read it, I was actually comfortable with the decree of authenticity. I have also enjoyed reading Joseph Speaks and other books by Michael Reccia. Best.
I don't want to ignore this message, because you really put time in it - but - I'm not into that kind of reading. For two main reasons:
I am still recovering from being raised in a religious household. Part of the 'rebelling' nature there would make me reject readings that suggest spirituality even if they appear authentic.
I'm currently tired with 'reading'. I mean it in the sense that I have been reading so many scientific articles and books for university (doing my final year), that when it comes to leisure reading, I attempt to go for fictional material (unless it's poetry).
I hear you Jeremy, I can relate on a couple of levels as a recovering Catholic and I recently completed my Masters, I remember clearly what a work out it was. For the record most of what I read could pass for sci-fi/fiction, what I choose to read is, generally speaking, well researched material that exposes how the scoundrels in positions of power and authority continually deceive the masses. I also enjoy spending time reading geologic historical researchers (e.g. Immanuel Velikovsky). Be careful not to close the door too tight, you could miss valuable, even liberating, information. Best.