Excerpt from my upcoming book ‘the philosophers scribe’
Hey everyone, I am currently in process of writing a new book, and wish to share parts of it as it’s being written in effort to remain active and continue to bring quality content here on steemit, without further ado, here is an excerpt:
‘Go get yourself a notebook, not to take notes, but to begin writing your plans and goal on paper. Yes get some high quality pens too! What you want to do is each day at mornings score, is to sit with your pad and pen and write out your day, week, month, year and beyond. Get things into perspective. This may be a difficult habit to get into at first, but I assure you once it’s set, you will be unable to break this habit as it is so critical to your success and mental health, it will be like missing a workout (if you are in the habit of not working out we will help address this), you will feel horrible by not writing, it sounds strange but if you subscribe to the idea that we create our lives, by consciously choosing our thoughts, and by the shape and nature of our minds, you will invest time and energy into writing your plans and goals on paper, and begin to get crystal clear as to what your after in life. And there are rules to what you can and cannot go after in life, unfortunately reality is not dream land, no there are other human beings which if you choose to violate the rights of in your aims you will be sorely punished tenfold. I am not making this up I have learned by experience. So please respect others will and rights and be clean and high as to your aims.’
Thanks everyone, until next time!