Book Review: John Gray, Ph. D. "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"

in #book6 years ago

****Title: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
Author: John Gray, Ph.D.
Interpreting: T. Hermaya
Editor: Tanti Lesmana
Cover design: Mila Hidajat
29th Print, February 2018
Publisher: Gramedia Main Library****

Once upon a time, Martians met Venusians. They fall in love and make happy relationships because they respect each other and accept their differences. Then they arrived on Earth and began to suffer from amnesia. They forget that they are from different planets.

This figure is illustrated by a common argument between men and women, Dr. John Gray explained that the emergence of these differences between the sexes disrupts the creation of complementary love relationships. Based on his success in giving years of guidance to married couples and individuals, he gave advice on how to overcome differences in communication styles, emotional needs, and behaviors to increase greater understanding between each partner.

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus is a means to develop deeper and more satisfying relationships.

Ladies, have you ever had trouble understanding men's hearts and feelings? Or maybe you are often annoyed with your partner who seems to never be able to capture all the code and things you say? Whether we realize it or not, the way men and women communicate can indeed be very different.

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, this classic book can be your handle. This book, which was first printed in Indonesia published in 1995, has a lot of interesting information about how men and women communicate. By likening men from Mars and women from Venus, this book presents various differences in communication between the two people and also the right way to bridge all the differences.

This book is not just a theoretical analysis of psychological differences, but also practical instructions on how to succeed in creating loving relationships.
(p. xxi)

It consists of 11 chapters, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus explains in detail about the differences that men and women have. Starting from the designation for men as problem givers and women as home improvement committees, the reason why when there is a problem men tend to "enter the cave" and women choose to talk more, the emotional needs of men and women, effective ways to prevent quarrels, to Applicative tips to keep love alive.

All chapters provide a lot of knowledge and make our insights open. Such as an explanation of the problem of men who are likened to rubber bands while women are like waves. From that explanation, we will be led to better understand men's emotions in maintaining their love. Also, of course we as women will be revived about the importance of keeping these up and down emotions stable.

Men need acceptance and encouragement. To help a man grow, just don't try to be too hard and force him to change. Men can get angry when their mistakes make women angry because they are actually afraid of not being forgiven. What women fear most in a relationship is feeling alone and lonely. Women are afraid to accept, men are afraid to give. Those are some important lessons that can be obtained from this book. Certainly there are still many useful explanations that can be our provision to build good communication in a relationship. It also includes ways to deal with contention until an explanation of how love is actually seasonal. There is also a Love Letter Writing Technique that can be used as a solution in overcoming complicated problems. Wow, basically our insights will be wide open when reading this book.

For those of you who are currently in a relationship, this book can be the right guide to understanding your partner's emotions and feelings. For those who are still single, this book can also be a useful provision so that later when you have a relationship, you won't be confused or confused. Various basic things about male and female communication can be found in this book.

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, this classic book is still very applicable in modern couple relations. There are many basic things that need to be understood so that the relationship between beings Mars and Venus can take place harmoniously. The differences between men and women may indeed be irreversible but there are always ways to be able to live together lovingly.

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