#BONSAI: Caring for your ornamental trees in summer

in #bonsai6 years ago

WHETHER you're an avid bonsai lover or simply love ornamental trees, there are some important things to take into consideration as we approach the height of summer.


(IMAGE SOURCE: pixabay.com)

The trees have come out of dormancy not that long ago and have since produced countless fresh leaves, but you will notice their growth slowing down. This is your trees way of preparing themselves for a short period of dormancy during the height of the final summer months. The tree now has enough leaves and its root structure will support it if well nourished throughout the coming months.

But there are a few things you need to do to ensure that it survives. These tips have proven useful over the years but the most important tip is knowing when and how much water your tree requires. The golden rule has always been to water when the soil feels dry at finger depth.

However, a more effective watering method, based on an ancient Japanese saying of 'Once for the pot, once for the soil, and once for the tree' has proved far more successful. By watering back and forth over your ornamental tree collection three times, it allows the water to soak into the soil and the pot with enough water for the roots to soak in.

Skipping watering by a day or two during the hot summer months can be detrimental to the health of a tree, especially the smaller feeder roots which the tree relies on to collect water and feed itself. Watering your tree simply to cool it is a bad idea as it is the roots which require water and not the foliage. Moistening the foliage of trees during the warmer months is also not the best of ideas as the water droplets collected on the leaves act as a magnifying glass, burning the leaves.

It is advisable to fertilise your trees during this time, however, certain local species of trees, especially the commonly used monkey thorn trees fix their own nutrients and do well by being weakly fertilised on a weekly basis.

With all the additional watering it is wise to constantly monitor the level of soil in the pot. Keep adding soil as it gradually declines. It is also best to water by hand, even consider submerging the pot in water until no more bubbles appear.

On a final note, it is absolutely important to remember that just because your trees enjoy full sun, it does not mean they would not appreciate a little bit of afternoon shade.


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