Bonds and the counterparts to bonds
Everyone loves bonds with money
But hardly have any
If you have $5 💵
You can purchase one sandwich 🥪
Everything has a counterpart
A coin for example has heads and tails
Your perception can be more real than reality
For example, if you think, having money makes you in charge
And not having money, makes you subject to somebody else’s will
The nature of these bonds is not really understood
For example, if you give up five dollars, you can receive a sandwich
The sandwich will enable you to sustain your body for an extra day
Sedition or sadism
Sedition is when you want a sandwich but don’t want to give up five dollars
They’re delicate ones keeping the store you buy your sandwiches from running
There could be 1 million reasons why you don’t want to give up five dollars to sustain your body with one sandwich