How To Love One's Body: Honoring One's Unique Female Beauty
Women are often extremely critical of the way their bodies look. The media reinforces one ideal body type: willowy, large-breasted, sleek and tall. The average woman sees 400-600 advertisements a day in the media, many of which refer to her appearance. If one's body type doesn't fit this ideal, then one can experience attacks of low self esteem, feelings of unworthiness or a lack of success in the workplace or in relationships. Women must change their attitudes to their bodies to truly experience physical, emotional and sexual health.
Step One: Nurture One's Body
When women are physically healthy, they are more likely to value their bodies highly. Regardless of one's body type, when one is sleeping well, eating right and cutting out harmful habits, one's self esteem will rise. One may be able to get away with eating junk food, staying out all night and smoking and drinking heavily as an adolescent, but by the time one is in one's twenties, taking care of oneself should be a priority.
Get eight plus hours sleep. Drink lots of water. Eat a balanced diet. Don't smoke. Imbibe less alcohol and other harmful intoxicants. Treat the body as a channel through which everything is possible, if it's taken care of properly.
Step Two: Exercise One's Body
A vital part of taking care of oneself is committing to a regular exercise program. One doesn't have to join a gym. In fact, gyms are often unhealthy places for women as they are zones for competition and comparison of body types. Find a friend (or a dog) to walk with daily. Stroll to the grocery store instead of taking the car. Run up stairs. Do a home pilates or aerobics routine. Lift light weights.
The most important thing is to exercise as part of one's daily ritual. Twenty minutes to an hour is plenty. One's body will not only be more shapely, trimmed of unnecessary pounds and inches, but it will glow with exuberance and confidence.
Step Three: Pamper One's Body
Women can get so busy with their multiple responsibilities that they forget about their bodies, except when they get depressed and fall into criticizing them! See your body as worthy of little luxuries and gentle gifts. Take baths with aromatherapy candles and salts. Use facial masks with herbal ingredients.
Treat the body to a massage or time at the spa. Lie in bed one morning a week and read, sip tea, relax. Have loving or vigorous sex. Whatever makes one's body feel good should be indulged in when possible.
Step Four: Love One's Body As Is
Comparing oneself to others and using this as a basis for a negative critique is something women are prone to engaging in. The best gift one can give one's body is to put a stop to this harmful behavior. Everyone has scars, cellulite, stretch marks, fatty deposits, thick body parts or problems with rashes and dull or excess hair. Everyone has a different body type unique to her.
When women cease comparing their bodies to those of supermodels, waitresses or even their next door neighbors, their happiness will concomitantly increase. If necessary, stay away from magazines or shows that seem to create this frenzy of comparisons. Refrain from staring in the mirror and mentally pulling one's body to pieces. Love for one's body grows in proportion to how much it's cared for as a vessel that, in and of itself, is valued and esteemed.
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Oh my goodness, you hit it right on the head.
We are our worst critics when it comes to our bodies...others may think similar things but they'd never actually say them to us because they would be considered, at best rude, at worst total bitches or dicks... (sorry about the language)
So why do we allow ourselves to think so badly about our bodies? Is it all media/television/magazines that should be blamed?
I think the wonderful Julia Roberts said it best when she played the hooker with a heart of gold in Pretty Woman (with the wonderful Richard Gere) when she said "the bad stuff is easier to believe".

Nice article, by the way and straight to the point
Intelligent reading and relevant for my situation. I will give it to my GF to read it as well