Bobcat skid Steer Life !
What’s going on everyone this is Cryptotash here back at you with another enjoyable post ! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day so far !
I want to start off by saying I have a Bobcat S740 and I sub contract jobs with my skid steer. So today I was at a Metal Recycling yard . So basically all they want me to do is move material from it’s spot to the belt so the material could be bailed into a compacted block . So the company that was subcontracting me , their bobcat operator highest number of bails made were 74 ....
I thought to myself they must be shitting me there’s no way I can do that in 8 hours . But I got into my zone and told myself I can do anything I put my mind to ....
to make a long story short I ended up breaking his record with 123 bails in 8 hours .
The whole moral of this story is to never doubt yourself , confidence is keep ! It’s all mental ! At the end of the day believe in yourself!
This is a good post, followed you so keep them coming.