in #blue-planet7 years ago

Black Helicopter Involvement In Mutilations

The pertinence of a specific element of the problem is shortly revealed in the course of any thorough investigation into the mutilations. We refer to a appearance of unmarked and otherwise unidentified helicopters within a spatial and temporal proximity of animal mutilation sites. The occurrence of the two has been persistent enough to supersede coincidence.


These mystery helicopters are almost always without identifying markings, or markings may appear to have been painted over or covered with something. The helicopters are frequently reported flying at abnormal, unsafe or illegal altitudes. They may shy away if witnesses or law officers try to approach.

There are several accounts of aggressive behavior on the part of the helicopter occupants, with witnesses chased, buzzed, hovered-over or even fired upon. At times these choppers appear very near mutilation sites, even hovering over a pasture where a mutilated carcass is later found. They may be observed shortly before or after mutilations occur, or within days of a mutilation.


The intention here is merely to stress that the mystery helicopters did not develop concurrently with the animal mutilations themselves. Such helicopters, unmarked, flying at low levels, soundless, or sounding like helicopters, have been reported for years, and have been linked to an even more widespread phenomenon, the "Phantom" fixed wing aircraft.

As far as Tom Adams is concerned, the answer, could be a combination of the above explanations.

There also has been speculation that they are involved in biological experiments with chemical or biological warfare or the geobotanical pursuit of petroleum and mineral deposits. On one occasion, an Army Standard Type Scalpel was found at a mutilation site. Since the disks have been mostly involved with the mutilations, it is thought that this was a diversionary event.

In fact both, Alien and the U.S. Government are responsible for mutilations, but for different reasons.

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