
good luck . there just going to give you meds is what my money is on

Pharmacueticals grrrr...

They come and take my weed which for me has been the absolute besr medication for this shit ever.... And then ignore me. If meds is all the try to give me instead of help to actipn a mental health plan...ill lose jt

its legal here . do they offer medical weed with a card ?

Not here sadly

I am facing 21 years in prison for making my own medicine.

Wow, what country/state is this ?


It is a joke here.

man, that sucks did not realize the laws were so hardcore on drugs there .

hopefully you can get the help you need.

Doesnt look like i will. I am still here waiting. I think i will just leaave.

They keep saying i am not allowed to but seriously.... Why put someone who is feeli 2nd mentally unstanle in a rolm Full of pelple with a promise of soon soon soon.