in #blogs2 months ago


25 I searched everywhere, determined to find wisdom and to understand the reason for things. I was determined to prove to myself that wickedness is stupid and that foolishness is madness."
Ecclesiastes 7:24,25 (NLT)

"HOW WONDERFUL TO BE WISE, to analyze and interpret things. WISDOM LIGHTS UP A PERSON'S FACE, softening its harshness."
Ecclesiastes 8:1 (NLT)

• Wisdom is said to be the principal thing (Proverbs 4:7). It lights up a person's face. And It gives you boldness.

  • You need godly wisdom to reign in life, as a believer in Christ Jesus (Proverbs 8:14-16). In whatever field of endeavour in life, wisdom is needed.
    a. Wisdom is needed to excel in ministry, businesses and whatever you are doing (Proverbs 8:32-35).
    b. Through wisdom, you get things done in life and possessed or received what is purposed for you (Proverbs 8:15,16).
  • Being wise is as good as being made comfortable, having abundance of things that are needed in life (Proverbs 8:18,21).
  • Wisdom gives directions in life, and It would also save your life. Many out of ignorance had lost their lives, they are lacking in the wisdom needed to direct (Ecclesiastes 7:12).

• Wisdom is elusive or hard to find: WISDOM IS ALWAYS DISTANT AND DIFFICULT TO FIND" (Ecclesiastes 7:24 NLT).

12 “BUT WHERE CAN WISDOM BE FOUND? And where is the place of understanding?
20 “FROM WHERE THEN DOES WISDOM COME? And where is the place of understanding?
21 IT IS HIDDEN FROM THE EYES OF ALL LIVING, And concealed from the birds of the air."
Job 28:12,20,21 (NKJV)

  • Solomon said: "I SEARCHED EVERYWHERE, DETERMINED TO FIND WISDOM AND TO UNDERSTAND THE REASON FOR THINGS. I was determined to prove to myself that wickedness is stupid and that foolishness is madness" (Ecclesiastes 7:25 NLT).
  • In other words, wisdom is gotten through the searching or seeking. It has been established that wisdom is elusive, or hard to find, thus, It has to be searched or sought for.
  • How-to of wisdom or the practical method or instruction on getting wisdom—the search for it:
    a. The fear of God is said to be the beginning or foundation of wisdom. In other words, the reverential fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Job 28:28; Psalm 111:10; Proverbs 9:10). When you reverence God, you are a candidate for godly wisdom.
    b. You ask from God (Job 12:12; 28:23,27,28; Proverbs 2:6; Ecclesiastes 2:26; James 1:5).
    c. Through the knowledge of the Word of God: AND THAT FROM CHILDHOOD YOU HAVE KNOWN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, WHICH ARE ABLE TO MAKE YOU WISE FOR SALVATION through faith which is in Christ Jesus" (2 Timothy 3:15 NKJV). The Word of God makes wise!
    d. Through the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 11:2). Fellowshipping with God through the Holy Spirit reveals what could not be known ordinarily without Him.
    e. By walking with the Wise: "HE WHO WALKS WITH WISE MEN WILL BE WISE, but the companion of fools will be destroyed (Proverbs 13:20 NKJV).
    RELATING with someone who has the understanding of God would cause wisdom to ruboff on you (Psalm 37:30; Proverbs 10:21,31).
    PART of walking with the Wise is, reading the materials or books of proven authors.
    REMEMBER, wisdom had to be searched for with determination (Ecclesiastes 7:25).

• There are different types of wisdom.
a. The wisdom that comes from above, from God (James 3:17).
b. The earthly wisdom, which is sensual, corrupted, and demonic—the source is the devil (James 3:14,15).

  • God is the source of good and genuine wisdom, the wisdom that is not corrupted. Whilst the corrupted wisdom or worldly wisdom or demonic wisdom is gotten from the devil (Ezekiel 28:17) and found in the children of this world.

• If a believer in Christ Jesus walks intimately with God through the Holy Spirit, depends on Him for directions, such would not act or do things foolishly (Proverbs 3:5,6).

  • God's wisdom or godly wisdom is dispensed or communicated by the Holy Spirit who resides on the inside of every believer.
  • If you walk in the spirit, as a believer in Christ Jesus, that is, your communion or fellowshipping with God is intact, you get to know things through your intuition—the inward Man or the recreated human spirit.
  • The functionality of the regenerated spirit of man, a believer, has three components; the intuition, fellowship, and conscience.
  • Someone who is being led through the intuition, having fellowship with God through his or her spirit, and hearkening to his or her conscience, is said to be walking in the spirit. Such a believer would not walk in the flesh (Galatians 5:16). And such would not lack wisdom for direction!
  • The word you receive in your spirit, inward Man, through intuition, fellowshipping, and the functionality of your conscience, is called a revelation, or wisdom from God.
  • Such words give you an edge above others. You know more than your colleagues (Psalm 119:98-100). Because you have the privilege and access to the hidden or secret knowledge of God, which was communicated to you through the Holy Spirit on the inside of your spirit—inward Man.
  • Wisdom which is profitable to direct (Ecclesiastes 10:10), in all the affairs of life, is gotten via the Holy Spirit. Always Acknowledge God through the Holy Spirit on the inside of you (Proverbs 3:5,6). Be sensitive to Him!
  • People, including believers, act foolishly because they neglect the Holy Spirit who is the source of wisdom. The Holy Spirit was primarily given to the believers to direct and guide, be the companion of those who are of God through faith in Christ Jesus (John 14:26; 16:13).
  • The Holy Spirit is gentle, what you do not want Him to interfere with, He would not get Himself involved in it.

• You will not fail in Jesus' name.

  • You will not lack wisdom in your journey in life in Jesus' name.
  • If there is any sickness in your body which was not planted by God, such is uprooted totally in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

• Take notice of this:
IF you are yet to take the step of salvation, that is, yet to be born-again, do it now, tomorrow might be too late (2 Corinthians 6:1,2; Hebrews 3:7,8,15).
a. Acknowledge that you are a sinner and confess your Sins (1 John 1:9); And ask Jesus Christ to come into your life (Revelation 3:20).
b. Confess that you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that you confess it with your mouth, Thus, you accept Him As your Lord and Saviour (Romans 10:9,10).
c. Ask that He will write your name in the Book of Life (Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:8).

  • If you took the steps As highlighted above, It means you are saved—born-again. Join a Word based church in your area and Town or city, and be part of whatever they are doing there. Peace!

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