" “AS FOR YOU, O house of Israel,” thus says the Lord GOD: “Go, serve every one of you his idols—and hereafter—if you will not obey Me; BUT PROFANE MY HOLY NAME NO MORE WITH YOUR GIFTS AND YOUR IDOLS."
Ezekiel 20:39 (NKJV)
Comment: God in the passage above was saying you might as well continue serving your idols If you would not obey Me. It is an insult to God to keep coming to Him with gifts and sacrifices without heeding His Word, without practicing or living in line with the principles given in His Word—the Bible. Obedience is better than Sacrifice, in the sight of God: "SO SAMUEL SAID: “HAS THE LORD AS GREAT DELIGHT IN BURNT OFFERINGS AND SACRIFICES, AS IN OBEYING THE VOICE OF THE LORD? BEHOLD, TO OBEY IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE, AND TO HEED THAN THE FAT OF RAMS" (1 Samuel 15:22 NKJV).
God is never after whatever anyone wanted to bring. He delighted in your obedience or the doing of His Word than whatever Sacrifice you may want to bring: "SEEING YOU HATE INSTRUCTION AND CAST MY WORDS BEHIND YOU?" (Psalm 50:17 NKJV).
READ Psalm 50:16-21
The fact that you are bringing gifts or offerings to God does not mean you are living right. Living right, walking in line with God's principles is completely different from giving offerings.
I have emphasized Giving in some of my teachings; but Giving to God—His work, the ministers, and the Needy—does not give you a licence to live a carefree life as a believer in Christ Jesus.
You might be Giving and God equally might be blessing you in return; It does not mean that the secret sins you are entrenched in would be overlooked and be swept under the carpet.
The reason why you are being blessed when you give, despite the fact that there are dirty things in your life, or you still live in secret sins, is; God is honouring the covenant He had with the minister or ministry under which you are or the ministry or minister which you are giving or sowing the seeds to.
There are two things that would likely happen If you did not desist from sinfulness, the sinful life you live, whilst you continue with sacrifices or seed sowing:
a. After a period of grace given you by God to repent and stop your habitual sins has elapsed; If you changed not, God will sanction you—discipline or chastise you, and It might be very severe (1 Corinthians 11:30).
THE life you live would be seen or considered, by God, as someone who is indulging his or her flesh; because all along you know the truth, the right thing—how you ought to live as a believer.
b. The second part is; there might be a severer punishment or discipline or Judgement If divine corrections are unheeded after several repeated failures. This might be a kind of terminal sickness or disease or a sudden death (1 Corinthians 11:31,32).
So giving gifts or offerings or seeds or sacrifices does not give you a licence to continue in your habitual sins or a Sin you have entrenched in.
Remember, I said, you might be seeing or getting results of financial liftings as you continue Giving; that might be as a result of your connection to the minister or ministry you are giving the monetary seeds or offerings or whatever the material gifts is.
Note: Getting a financial turn around or financial breakthrough as you give does not mean God approved the unrighteous life you are living.
Do not solace or assuage the guilts or pricks you are having in your conscience; thinking that God will overlook your waywardness and sinfulness simply because of your Giving. No. It does not work that way. Genuine repentance or the change in the way you live is the solution.
If God would want to overlook, the devil who is the accuser of the believers would not allow; he accuses the believers to God everytime—day and night (Revelation 12:10).