My first blog on the world wide web
Everyone seems to be blogging nowadays. It is the thing to do if you have something to say or often, even when you have nothing to say but would prefer to say it in 500 words or more. I’m not sure where I would fit into this spectrum, but** it is time for me to jump on this bandwagon.** Thus, I welcome you to my very first blog on this site. I have dabbled a bit with blogging on the blockchain (more about that later) and have been a guest blogger here and there.
Blogging is a wordier version of social media than what most of us generally consume or practice. Yet social media it is and if you are reading this, you are at the very least a consumer of social media. I find it ironic how many people preach about the evils of social media on social media. And how many people claim that they avoid and distrust social media but barely miss a thing on Facebook or Twitter or whatever. In my first blog, I want to argue against some of the reasons people avoid or fear social media. Here we go!
People say social media is no good because…
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You pretty much already do it here :) I know several people that post on multiple platforms and end up linking the all together. More possibilities?
Social Media is a playground where you create content and share to a variety of platforms, all at your finger tips. Love/Hate relationship happens, sorting out where you are comfortable, and where visitors are looking for your advice/direction.
Attracting people to oneself, very much like a preacher who is able to get the word out whereas others fall short, not interacting with the right approach.
Good luck with your venture @reonlouw