The Hidden Dangers of Personal Blogging (and Steeming!)

in #blogging7 years ago

Knot Cool

Here's something to think about when writing on your personal blog (or Steemit page!)

Yesterday I received an email from a company with whom I support. I should mention the article I wrote has been very popular and positively received by many people. I had a little pushback from some folks who miss the point of the article [it's business related], but that's the life of a writer. I'm not going to name the company or the article, but here's the note they sent me.

"It's come to my attention a recent post of yours, XXXXX, may be in violation of the XXXXX Community Program Code of Conduct. Specifically, under the "Representing XXXXX" section:

'I will act and speak professionally in a manner that reflects positively on XXXXX.'

That you talk about your association with XXXXX and since you broadcast this post to people who are part of your community means anything you say can be perceived as having a connection to XXXXX, and that XXXXX endorses this content (which we don't). Recent activity on [social media] regarding this post shows that people are upset at both you and XXXXX."

This means if I wish to remain associated with this company, I need to constantly second-guess EVERYTHING I write on my personal blog because it "may" be negatively perceived by a few people and thus cause me to be in violation of their rule. [Pretty much guaranteed at some point!]

As a writer I believe it is my job to make people think. Writing flaccid or bland copy is not writing - it's just noise. I'm not a fan of churning out content for the sake of content. I want my words to crawl into your head and make you chew on an idea - to challenge your beliefs, to make you smile, to make you pause and reflect.

I'm saddened by this email because it means I need to remember association with a large brand puts me on notice their word police are scrutinizing everything I say and do. Not cool.

To be clear, they are not paying me to write, I simply encourage people to explore their products because I like them. If I was accepting payment for writing services, that's a whole different game. I'm 100% independent.

Anyway, just thought I'd share this because if you blog - as I do - and if you write thought provoking articles too, you may very well run afoul of these rather "blanket" censorship rules and earn yourself a slap on the wrist email like this one.

Finally, I wrote to them yesterday and asked to see proof of these comments so I might understand their position. In the end though, I said I'd happily forgo the relationship in lieu of my right to free speech and the ability to write what I wish on my personal blog.


bad behavior won't stop unless you call it out. name them please.

Hi Rounder, not worth 'poking the bear' ... the subject has already gone cold. Plus, never under estimate someone's ability to spend MORE TIME making your life a misery online than you have to defend it!

you do have a point there!

Besides - if you call 'em out, others may fear associating themselves with you lest you have a disagreement.
(now...if only "I" could learn to keep my trap shut.)

If you've never made an enemy - you've never stood for anything ;)

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