Creating Data Organization Structure For Blogger
Jenis data terstruktur organisasi sering digunakan untuk membuat rich snippet, yang merupakan markup kode sumber yang disertakan sehingga Google dapat mengekstrak data organisasi penting dari etalase blog Anda. Google dan mesin pencari lainnya kemudian dapat menggunakan data ini untuk membuat rich snippet, widget, kartu, dan fitur bergaya "grafik pengetahuan" lainnya dalam hasil pencarian mereka.
Dengan mencantumkan struktur data organisasi, tampilan blog anda dihasil mesin pencari Google akan terlihat lebih keren dan elegan. Tampilannya agak beda dengan blog lainnya, hal ini tergantung dari kode atau isi struktur data yang anda masukkan pada skema organisasi ketika anda membuatnya.
- What is Organization Schema
Organization schema is a form of structured data used to mark up information about an organization on a web page. This can include information about the organization’s name, legal name, physical location, contact information, as well as details about the organization’s leadership, products or services, and affiliations. Because structured data offers information in a standard format, it can be easily read by humans and software. By describing your organization and its content using this structured data, you allow search engines to treat your website and its pages as a database.
Schema markup defines certain values in the HTML code of a website, which provide specific information to search engine crawlers. In simpler terms, schema markup is a vocabulary for developing structured data. With organization schema, you provide key identifying elements of your organization, such as your company logo, legal name, website URL address, contact details, and social media profiles.
- Why is Organization Schema Important for SEO?
Organization schema tells search engines more about your business. While structured data itself isn’t a ranking factor, using it can make it easier for search engines to display your web pages for relevant queries.
Organization schema, in particular, helps Google display your business information as a rich result or knowledge panel, with images, links, and additional information.
Take a look at the image below, an example of organization schema generated by Google Maps.
- How to Create Organization Schema
To implement organization schema, you need to write organization schema markup. And add it to your website. You can do this using a plugin, using AI, SchemaPro, Yoast, Rank Math or writing schema markup manually.
There are three formats that Google supports to do this: JSON-LD, microdata, and RDFa. However, we (and Google) recommend using JSON-LD because it is the easiest to read, write, and update without disrupting your existing website HTML. This method is the easiest way to implement and maintain organization schema. Because it keeps the markup separate from your content HTML as a stand-alone block of code.
In practice, there are many sub-types of organization schema, here are the sub-types of organization schema that Google recommends:
- How to Apply Organizational Schema
After you have successfully created an organizational scheme with the example guide above, you must be wondering where to put the script. Usually and most commonly done by Bloggers, the organizational scheme is placed in the "Publisher" property.
Then you also ask, where to put the publisher property. The properties of the Publisher data structure can be placed in the BlogPosting, WebPage or Website properties. So everything is interrelated. Below is an example of an organizational scheme written into the Publisher property.
"@context": "",
"@type": "WebSite",
"@id": "<data:view.url/>#website",
"url": "<data:view.url.canonical/>",
"publisher": {
"@id": "<data:view.url/>#organization",
"url": ""
How, is this article clear enough to explain the organizational scheme. It is indeed a bit complicated, when I first learned the data structure with JSON-LD language, I experienced many obstacles. We suggest, if you experience obstacles, do not hesitate to write in the comments column. Hopefully I can help you.