RE: 9 Points on Divine Feminine and Masculine / Some Thoughts on Feminism
First of all, that picture of the girl/tree is stunning!! I stared at it for so long before I could continue reading!
I agree with everything you are saying here! I think the entire concept of feminism has taken a wrong turn somewhere and now the word feminism seems to be synonymous with bitchy or man-haters. Years ago, when feminism was truer to it's original focus, I could identify with it, but not anymore. And somehow, women have turned on each other in the process, which really makes no sense at all.
I'm with you; we have to face the simple fact that we are men and women, but what we don't need to accept is all of the social conditioning that goes along with that. I grew up on a farm and have a sister and two brothers. We all played together in the dirt, with trucks, tractors...traditional boy things. I had one barbie I remember, but I took more joy in unattaching her head from her body for some reason (that analysis is for another time;) Anyway, I remember my first day of kindergarten so clearly; my sister (twin) and I ran to play with the group of boys on one half of the classroom; the girls were grouped around a plastic kitchen that we wanted no part of. Mrs. Russbridge (yes I remember her name too!) came over and gently put her hands on our shoulders and redirected us to the girl's side, saying, "no, no girls, we play over here". I remember it all so clearly because it was my first experience with feeling ripped-off based on my gender. At the time, I was simply angry because it wasn't fair !
I raised two boys to be good people; cry when you're hurt, play with whatever you want, learn to cook...nothing traditional in any sense of the word and everything in general. My ex-husband had such a hard time with it all because he was/is a "man's man" and boys don't cry blah blah blah. Thankfully my parenting proved stronger and both boys are healthy adults who are emotionally intelligent without the traditional hangups that a lot of people get saddled with.
I'm all for "unboxing" us and working and living together, seeking out our "divine balace".
Thank you @amariespeaks for a great post here. Geez, I see I wrote a @davemccoy length comment lol
if you and @amariespeaks keep doing this, I will never catch you ... this just isn't fair! :P
Good job to both of you (above and below) ;)
Well lookit at the little @davemccoy sandwich we've got going on here @amariespeaks ;)
Thanks Dave ;)
haha... I'm in trouble!
lol @lynncoyle1 I'm glad you were channeling @davemccoy's word powers! I loved your comment :) and honestly, I grew up the same - in the woods and the dirt. I actually did one year of high school in a trade school because I wanted to do auto but I was ridiculed by the girls in my school, being the only girl in that area, there were all types of rumors and harassment - I ended up getting kicked out for fighting lol but the point is what we do to our children is not fair.. and mostly it's done subconsciously based on archaic mindsets and false presumptions.
I try to do the same with my two boys and luckily my husband is behind it (for the most part lol - he was raised to be a hardcore man) Even I have caught myself slipping up and auto-repeating one of those "those are for girls" comments had I have to stop and think to myself, huh..why do I think this I speaking without thinking.. lol
I hope more people will start to unbox a bit to this way of thinking because I feel like this is closer to what freedom and sovereignty mean than what we are being told freedom is right now..
Thank you so much for reading and taking the time out to respond! This is the best part of writing because you get to hear others talk about their life story and perceptions, it's very cool! I appreciate it so much :)
You are so welcome... it was my pleasure and you're right, it's so cool to find out more and more about everyone!!
I love imagining you in trade school and fighting lol my kinda girl ;)
And yes, we have all been so conditioned since birth, it's a wonder we can sort any of it out!