RE: 9 Points on Divine Feminine and Masculine / Some Thoughts on Feminism
@motinkergnome first off - thank you for sharing your story, I know how hard it is to bare your soul on a platform. I have also lived through similar abuses at an early age but outside of school, however I was ridiculed in school as well - it must be a redhead thing ;-) Luckily years of therapy also helped me to deal with BPD, PTSD and a slew of other disorders and I was able to start rebuilding. I am SO happy to hear you have made it through, as well! You're amazing! <3
We create for ourselves what and who we think we deserve - and that's no new agey crap that is admitting life is continual evolution by which you teach others how to treat you - I cannot attract that which I do not resonate with. (That is a mantra that has helped me through many problems and I still use today.)
Sometimes it's easy for society to stigmatize all men and cast blame on them all for all the violence in the world.. but we forget to look back in time and see how these men were raised as small boys.. they were told don't cry, don't be a pussy, don't show affection to the girl you're crushing on, be strong, be unyielding.. then they grow up with these flaws immortalized inside them like the mosquito in amber and we women wonder why they are treating us like pieces of meat and running their lives like cut throat competitors.
These are all system malfunctions that no single user is at fault for.. it's quite easy for those outside to look and say well when boys turn into men they should realize the flaws in their thinking. And to comments like that I can only recommend a few classes in psychology and neurology maybe a biochemistry run down while their at it. lol
Thank you again so much for opening up and sharing! You are unbelievably brave my friend! All respect and love sent your way.
You are welcome. If it helps just one person to know that they are not alone I suppose the bearing of my soul is worth it.