RE: 9 Points on Divine Feminine and Masculine / Some Thoughts on Feminism
hey there @hayleyuk thanks for skimming my post, picking out a word - assuming what I'm talking about and then writing a ranty comment on my page! Never seen you comment on any other of my posts or seen your name around either.. otherwise I may not be as irritated by your side-tracked and completely off topic comment.
If you had read anything I wrote you would have seen Feminist's and Feminism was not the point of this post. It's sad to see people who are so easily triggered and jump off the handles over a single term. Great you're "passionate" about what you "believe" but perhaps you need to step back and learn to listen without judgement before you react. I'm sorry to see you're so reactive and volatile. How will you promote your point effectively by jumping down throats? I definitely didn't want to listen to your points NOT because I even disagree with you - I actually mostly agree - however it's your over the top approach that makes you unable to have an actual discussion.
I'm not even going to try to answer your anger based half questions because clearly you didn't ask them for answers - you asked to start a fight.. and as I wrote above division is not what we should be focusing on but you missed that entire portion because you felt the need to spam me with this comment before even giving me the common respect of reading what I wrote.