My Journey. 40 Days Without ANY FOOD.

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Day 9 of 40 days Living Only on WATER...

I started a water fast this on Friday, January 5th, 2018 I plan on NOT eating ANYTHING for 40 days from my start date. A water fast is a method of healing and cleansing the body by not eating any food at all during the fast and drink ONLY water that’s been practiced since the days of Jesus. The human body normally uses a very large percentage of energy digesting our daily food intake (over 50%) so when we stop eating, the body uses all of that now available extra energy to heal itself. It is surprisingly easy to do a water fast and for most people, not eating for 40 days is very possible and I do believe the longer the fast the more the benefit!

Before I begin: I am not a doctor so use your own brain to determine whether or not this is something that interests you, go ask doctor and most will tell you this is dangerous! IDIOTS! I do not know everything so make up your own mind.
I started my water fast for a few reasons. First my brother Brad wants to stop smoking and people have found that while fasting they tend to naturally stop smoking. This is my second water fast and my brother wanted to join me in the fast in hopes of stopping smoking. He started with me this past Friday however he got a headache and stopped, so I just continued on.

Today (Sunday and 9 days fasting for me), Brad decided to give water fasting another try. One very visible benefit of fasting is that you will lose fat very easily, about a pound of fat a day for men is normal and is what I experienced on my first water fast. Brad is overweight and when he saw I already lost around 10lbs in 6 days it motivated him to try again which pleased me greatly.

I was overweight myself at 5’11 and 215 (now 194lbs as of this morning) pounds or so, so weight loss motivated me as a primary driver of fasting. Another factor that led me to fast is that fasting heals many, many, common health problems such as asthma, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and many other ailments. And the final factor that really solidified my initial belief in the idea of water fasting is that it is recommended in the Bible for us to fast.

Psoriasis Should COMPLETELY Clear Up.

So why isn’t water fasting practiced by everyone if it is so powerful at healing sick people? MONEY & GREED. It is very difficult for pharmaceutical companies to make money selling water and ACTUALLY healing people, so this important information has been suppressed from humanity due primarily to greed I believe. Keep em sick and they will need to buy drugs forever! There are many interesting videos on the benefits water fasting. I recently watched “The Science of Fasting” on Amazon and it gives a very interesting story on the history of fasting along with presenting a Wellness Center in Russia that helps all kinds of people with health problems through water fasting.

Sorry for Gruesome Pics!

I highly encourage ANYONE who is overweight or has ANY heath ailments to consider water fasting as a potential way to treat their health problems versus going to a doctor for the newest, latest, million dollar medicine, which often doesn’t even solve the problem. My last water fast I fasted for 23 days and my psoriasis almost totally vanished, my mental clarity was amazing and my total weight loss was 40 lbs. The reason my weight loss was 40 pounds and not 23lbs is because you can lose a significant amount of weight in the first few days and then the pace of weight loss levels off. My eyesight also improved significantly while on the fast and I believe stayed better for quite some time.

Me at 220ish. Yikes!

Because I did not correct my eating habits after my first water fast, I lost most of the health benefits I had gained within 6 months of my initial fast. I believe that a food allergy is what causes my psoriasis so I will attempt to figure out which foods will be safe for me to eat after this fast and try and keep the psoriasis at bay. After my last water fast, I went mostly back to my old eating habits and gained back about 30 lbs ultimately along with my psoriasis. I expect after this fast that I will make a greater effort at improving my diet to help stay healthy. The most important thing to do if water fasting interests you is to do your own research and come to your own conclusion if this is something you want to try. Keep in mind there will be many things you read that will try to scare you from fasting. I believe this is big pharma trying to negatively influence you because they do not want any competition. The most important person who I came across regarding excellent information on the subject of water fasting is Dr. Herbert Shelton. He was a pioneer in spreading the truth about water fasting and I believe had the law after him for “practicing” medicine without a license. Theres that friendly “government” for you, helping keep you as ignorant as possible!

I will give brief weekly updates on my progress in the water fast along with some photos and other thoughts. I sincerely hope that someone who reads this and is plagued by health problems or has friends or family who are ill to seriously considers the ancient practice of water fasting as a better solution than to having another drug pushed on them by big pharma. PEACE – David Hicks zoomtruth

All content in this post is ORIGINAL MATERIAL.

About Me

My name is David Hicks. I think many of my beliefs are considered not so "normal" to the majority, and I envision a day when that will not be the case. I love people and life and look forward to this new age of knowledge that is just beginning to take hold. Please join me on investigating the ENDLESS wonders of a world that, up until I left the SLAVE SYSTEM, I never had the time or energy to appreciate. Life is BEAUTIFUL .

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Very interesting! Something I’ve thought about trying for a while - thanks for sharing your experience :)

I just posted Day 19 Water Fast update its on video if any interest...

First and foremost be safe during this fast.
I am in no way suggesting any medical treatment but stay focus and this time change your eating habit.
Do you have to do it for 40 days ?
Please share with me in the bible where you can fast only with water.
Thank you and wish you the best, by the way keep us updated.
Keep on steemit.

Thanks so much for your sincere concern, I feel so excellent now it is CRAZY, but I know it can be a bit of a roller coaster so I will watch and if I feel weird I will cut it off immediatly even if tomorrow.
I do not have to go 40 days , just my goal, I have read so many accounts of the MOST SIGNIFICANT healing taking place in the last 10 days at 40, to be honest if you still have body fat I could probably go another 10 days but I am just not interested. There was one man who was severely overweight, and he ate nothing for a year haha (I think they may have given him vitamins at some point, but much is stored in us already.

The Bible just has Moses not eating while walking in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. I have not read the entire Bible yet, but I read enough people referring to different parts that it made sense to me.

Thanks so much for the encourage ment and I think I will up date in 10 days so I will do 3 more posts hopefully! PEACE

I just posted Day 19 Water Fast update its on video if any interest...

Next update coming Friday....

When I was first spiritual awoken, back in 2007. I did many water fasts. I never did a 40 day one. I didn't want to commit to a specific number and then backtrack on it. I viewed it as a way of honing my spirit and concurring my flesh. I would do 3 days here then eat then 2 days then 4 days and so on. It was an amazing experience. At one point I did attempt to to a total fast for 7 days(ie no water. I had my reasons but am not going to go into them on the block-chain) But only made it 3 days and after my mother pretty much begged me to stop.

Fasting is the natural chemotherapy in my opinion. It is also a major spiritual turbo booster. In other words it means that you are serious enough to give up what your body craves. Kudos brother. I wish you the best. I'll try to keep dropping in to see how you are doing.

btw Idk if it's flat but we sure arn't monkey men on a spinning ball flying through space.

Haha you are awesome. I have been watching vids on breatharians, I believe them now. I was pretty skeptical but there was an article on scientist making protein from AIR! and I was like yup. No water is very daring to me, my thirst is non stop almost all day, but maybe because I smoked for 20 years and drank and drugged, yeeesh. what was I thinking?

My first fast my family went NUTS too and I was laughing at them initially but it wore me out by the end, so ignorant most of my family is and they choose to remain that way in the face of evidence, kinda lonely.

I just posted Day 19 Water Fast update its on video if any interest...

Seriously?!! This sounds triple interesting. You too (the earth is flat?) How about the quality of drinking water, wouldn't it matter here? with all the talk about acidic/ alkaline water? And I actually think the pharmaceutical companies are wrong thinking they won't make good money selling water to people - I think people will actually buy anything! This' been proven over and over.
I hope your fasting goes very well. totally following you.

I agree with you! The quality of the drinking water is key. I would avoid the tap water that is filled with disgusting chemicals and flouride poisoning us. I would stick with mineral water personally. You are so right! People will buy anything if endorsed by the FDA! Such BS!! The FDA worls against us to enslave us to their medications. David was right in his post about keeping us sicker with medications.

David good luck with your fast! I am quite keen to see your results! Kudos to you my dear. I would like to try a fast as well. I follow completely clean eating and take no medications. Drink only water with lemon. Once I cease breastfeeding I think I will try! Best of luck!

You are SOOOOO far ahead of me in being healthy. Thanks for the motivating words and I AGREE 100% , I am planning on getting a water purification unit for the entire house. I think I will buy bottled water tomorrow and try mineral water like you suggest, thank you. I purify my water but it is NOT enough.

I am really going to try and eat better but I DO NOT see ever giving up my pizza!!!!! lol
Its a breeze, just a little less energy than usual, but your mind becomes different, pretty cool.
Thanks again!

I just posted Day 19 Water Fast update its on video if any interest...

Thank you ! Sorry about the flat earth, just to me seems more likely than a ball spinning 1,000 mph at the equator with water sticking to it! Your funny about the water and people are selling bottled water , most bottled water now cost more than gasoline per gallon lol.

So many amazing people here, it is disappointing knowing that it is not possible to develop deeper relationships with everyone. Thank you !

I just posted Day 19 Water Fast update its on video if any interest...

I can't find the link?

Sorry about that, I posted some other things and it got lost in the clutter. So far so good on day 22, last night was brutal. My mouth was dry the entire night even after I would drink water. Almost gave up. But I'm good now. Have a nice day! -Dave

Oh, but that's good, best wishes! Checking the link.

Wow, very interesting, really hope this works for you. I'm a strong believer that many foods we eat are causing us health problems along with the chemicals in the water. Looking forward to seeing how you progress. Good luck.

Thank you so much for the support, I agree strongly with you regarding food causing us health problems.
I had @alexcaskie mention further up that I should look into urine therapy, I looked into it and drank my own piss this morning! It tasted like tea and gave me a energy boost.

I think I'll give that one a miss

We have been conditioned to believe urine is dirty. Your thoughts, were my thoughts as well at first. here is an interesting article on it .

I just posted Day 19 Water Fast update its on video if any interest...Distilled water is HUGE in my opinion, I just bought a home distiller I am going to show off soon haha.

Well, good luck on your fasting, I hope it does what you want it to do. Keep us updated on it.
Much love and light,

Thank you SO MUCH! Me too! (scary pics huh?) I WILL keep updated for sure, every 7 to 10 days. Peace and Love.-Dave

Pictures were something I've seen and dealt with in real life, not personally, but I've been around psoriasis it's the arthritis that sucks worst of all. I've got arthritis, but not psoriatic. Still, I feel for ya brother. Sending prayers, love and light your way.

My mom's got it too (arthritis) brutal . CHECK THIS OUT. You may be JOINING ME haha!

.In 1987, Wojtulewski reported on 41 patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with a 4-week elimination diet. ... In 1988, Hafstrom fasted 14 patients with water only for one week. During fasting the duration of morning stiffness, and number and size of swollen joints decreased in all 14 patients.
Diet: Only Hope for Arthritis | Dr. McDougall's Health & Medical Center

One week is NOTHING the REAL HEALING begins at like 10 to 20 days or more, it is SO EASY, a dry mouth, a little hunger, alittle less energy for me (not all) PLEASE look into it, I TRULY EXPECT my skin to be clear in about 10 to 15 more days, and I WILL POST photos no matter what (if I am wrong)- WE MET for A REASON now lets make the most of the opportunity... maybe? That article was the FIRST one I found and I didn't even open it , but I READ many times of water fasting I believe even CURING arthritis!

Well, I'm not big on fasting, but I've been known to from time to time. Problem is when I stop fasting the hunger comes back with a vengeance and my weight balloons up, which isn't healthy either. When I get that hungry, my mind shuts off. I can't control the appetite at all, so wat I do instead is make small portions and drink lots of water.

Yeah, I hear you 100%, they can boring as heck. My first fast I did that too lost 40lbs and gained back 30 but I never reached my old high. I am hoping to naturally enjoy better foods for me , but seriously I have thought about my fresh made buffalo chicken(minus the chicken) pizza I make at least a dozen times already so ........Maybe try drinking your piss! haha, I just started yesterday and there is something to it, hahah...

Ok, that's where I draw a line, rofl. I just won't drink my own urine. Not unless I'm in a dire life or death situation. I have way too many pollutants in my system for that. If it's working for you, go for it.

Thats so funny, almost EXACTLY what my dad said, all else fails he'll drink his piss as a last resort lol.
I understand, but it really is mental conditioning, tastes like TEA! (but sometimes NOT)
I'll post an update, I think my psoriasis is half cleared up but the fast does that anyway , PEACE

I just posted Day 19 Water Fast update its on video if any interest...

As much as I respect what you and your friend are doing I encourage you to eat at least a little raw foods like nuts, or raw veggies along with the water so you don't traumatize your body too much. Also, its important to remember to pray and draw on your spiritual strength to help you endure the suffering you will have to endure during the detoxification process. It also says in the Bible that when you fast you should appear to others that you are not fasting and it should be like a secret. Just something to think about. The best news on this whole post to me is that your friend is giving up cigarettes which is proven poison. Good luck to you both. Pretty cool that you are doing this.

Wow , Thank you for your thoughts though I must say I am NOT suffering ONE BIT! Occasional hunger pains is all, with that said I do appreciate your concern and your recommendation on the raw foods. I really do NOT want to risk starting my digestive system thus the water only.

I am going to start really praying tonight, thank you for telling me that, as far as me posting this to the public, (I am a NEW Born again Christian 7 months) I came God (or he chose me?) after I discovered the Earth is Flat and I have not read more than 150 pages of the Bible. Maybe I will put some SERIOUS reading time in tomorrow? Guess I blew it with keeping this to myself!!!!!!! People NEED to learn this is NORMAL, so I don't know.

My brother caved in as I was posting this, I did not feel like editing the entire post. I am bummed but he did go 5 days so that is better than nothing. He is still Smoking. Thanks for the encouragement!-Dave

I actually think your sharing your experience is cool because maybe you will be an encouragement to others and also I think its really brave and neat what you are trying to accomplish. You are following the example of Christ who fasted for 40 days and nights. A true Christian is one who takes action.. thanks for your response.

AWESOME, those are my thoughts too! I truly believe fasting is a SUPER HEALTHY activity and agree that Christ was showing us the way. I was an atheist only 7 months ago haaha! How sad I was! Peace!

Actually, I believe it's very ok your posting this. Jesus said to keep fasting a secret when you're undertaking it to seek God's face, not when you want to purposely detoxify your system. You need to clarify this. The former is what Christians are used to. Thanks for the enlightenment.

Thanks so much, I hope I can turn it into something that brings me closer to God, that would be nice.

I just posted Day 19 Water Fast update its on video if any interest...

That's interesting, my aunty has done over 20 days fasting.
Do you find your energy is affected ? Do you have to plan a kind of relaxed down time for it?

That's cool regarding your aunty, the more people hear about this the better I think . For me, my energy seems lower but I have read of many people who exercise while fasting. I do not work full time so I pretty much maintain my normal routine with a bit more sleep to pass the boredom. Thanks for stopping by .

I just posted Day 19 Water Fast update its on video if any interest...

It is a cool fact that when we are fasting, our bodies allow the damaged cells to be consumed for energy first. I enjoy the benefits that you discuss by completing only intermittent fasting on a daily basis and end up eating one meal a day typically, but it is certain that a fast of any amount cannot continue to benefit you when returning to the lifestyle that got us to our crisis level in the first place. I'd encourage beginners to try shorter fasts with an eye kept on electrolytes to keep from headaches and brain fog that can discourage. Best of luck with your mega fast!

100%, I have done intermittent fasting myself. I agree also that beginners can easily start with a far shorter fast, although to me , the first 3 days are the hardest so why not enjoy not eating for as long as you can after you get through the hard part. I will hopefully show pics of my psoriasis 100% cleared up, I think it is very likely!

I agree the first 3 days CAN be rough but with sodium, potassium and magnesium, easily added to water, will take that away. If anyone else is familiar with keto, it is referred to as a flu and is avoidable, especially when you stay away from simple or too many carbs when you break a fast. You keep it up, it clearly works for you!

Check this out:

Water is very important to our health I am understanding, Andrew Webber has a ton of info on distilled water and Urine therapy, which I started s few days back and is really really interesting.

I just posted Day 19 Water Fast update its on video if any interest...

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