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RE: Reality Of @Sweetsssj She Is Doing Fraud PArt # 2

in #blog7 years ago

While we might not like the strategy used by @sweetssj it is nonetheless perfectly "legal" according to the laws imposed by the current hard-fork. Fact is that nearly all those with significant SP are profiting from that power in one or more ways. Some like sweetssj and haijin just annoy us more.
I have seen a simple comment earn approx $345 because it was upvoted by a single wealthy account. The post itself earned a few dollars! Circle voting and reciprocal voting (to name a few "businesses") are part of the topography here. Just try to enjoy the experience as the rich get richer. The STEEM economy is no different from any fiat economy, sorry.


I am of the opinion, that when one considers all of this monkey business, some of the witness that promoted these changes to sell the last hardfork to us, knew exactly what would happen, because they intended to abuse it.

The Steemit economy WAS different.

Greed tends to morph all economies into the same state where the rich get richer and the rest of us just exist. Cryptos are no different.

just flag... its the only way to say no. instead you all talk...

Some are too small to flag, but they can still research, find and publish. Also very useful to those who do have the resources to flag. Greetings!

How about they buy steempower and not be jelous losers in a crab bucket acting like a stupid shot post from a loser on steemit is PROOF that a WHALE who is one of the TOP content creators is somehow doing something WRONG because she is making money on steemit?

By the way people are allowed to upvote their own posts and have multiple accounts, some of them are accounts people GIVE to other peopel as BUSINESSES as INCOME STREAMS what she does with her money and her accounts and her steempower is none of your business

Stop focusing on the success of others and start focusing on your OWN success

You should work harder to get your own followers and steempower stop squabbling over the Top Chinese steem user, She is CRITICAL to spreading steem in CHina AND helping internet freedom IN china

She barely makes a DENt on the reward pool, go whine about @haejin you sound jelous.... these users are doing nothing wrong

Steem is small, no one is making any good content, if we have followers with steempower we get to make money, get over it

we have the steempower, get your own, stop whining, its not STEALING that money was NOT going to you ANYWAYS

@ackza So, how about some of them giving themselves huge upvotes on material clearly copied off YouTube? Or worse, ripped DVDs? You call that success? I don't! I don't flag; I confront them with the work they copied in the comments. I do this because DMCA take downs do not return me the views, likes and comments of work stolen from me and uploaded to FB or YT, but the lack of views do deny me the opportunity to profit in any way from my work. Maybe I should turn the table and copy their original stuff, ..oh wait, I almost forgot, they don't have any. I'm not jealous, I'm disgusted to the point I may never publish my best work on any platform. Even YT doesn't protect me. If I record a cover band there are 23 copyright holders for 1 song, but if some one copies my original and re uploads on YT or FB, I have to find it my self and put in a claim. Yeah, I know how it works, thieves calling the owner a thief. So yeah, your right, instead of bitching I'll just post the evidence and stop creating new material. Shit posts it is. Greetings!

YEs i agree with you

I think the point is not that its "legal" or "illegal" after the fork but rather to inform people of what is happening so they can be more informed about who they are voting for. While what she is doing is definitely allowed it puts a drain on the daily reward pool that affects all users of this platform. It is similar to informing the people of certain individuals or corporations using legal loopholes to avoid taxation by their governments, the point of spreading the information is not to stop it but rather make people aware it is happening. Sixth day voting is a sneaky way to make money, it keeps posts from hitting the hot and trending pages so no one notices and allows you to maintain your reputation as a "good steemian". I dont like it but as you say, the steem economy is no different than the fiat economy.

6-day vote could be easily monitored by analysing the blockchain.

Well stated.

Its enabling attitudes like yours that will contribute to the downfall of this platform.

"Why not, they can do it if they want."

It isn't whether they can technically do it, its more a question of whether they should do it.

In fact attitudes and comments are NOT what enables on this platform. It is the rule set inculcated in each hardfork. These hard-coded constraints very specifically express the desires and directions of the rich and powerful on the various STEEM platforms. Look closely and you will see the very same greed played out on this platform as plays out every day in the fiat world. The reason for that is that humans are greedy and selfish. While a few may be magnanimous there are many more who are not. I would certainly like things to be different but merely wearing rose coloured glasses really won't change a thing.

Any system that can be gamed, will be.

But this was supposed to be a social site, where a community could rise up and have certain standards -- but they don't.

That is why Steemit will fail.

You'll find that the very ones that should leading us in exemplary behavior are the very ones gaming it the most! Sad :-(

you sound like a communist

Reminds me of a joke:

"It was so cold, I saw a socialist with their hands in their pockets."


Try the veal, I'll be here all week.

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