Most people do not have the concept of how an automatic transmission works, but they know how to drive a car. You do not have to study Physics to understand the laws of motion to drive a car. You do not have to understand these things to use Macintosh.

in #blog7 years ago


Life is like driving a car. The long road was the life I had to travel, the car was just a tool, and I was the driver. I'm the decider, I'm the leader of my life. I'm the one who should know where my car is going, I'm also the one who determines whether I should be slow, fast, or stop in the middle of the road. Yes. This car We are the driver, and this life we ​​are penentunya, karna, life is ours. Your life is yours, my life is mine. Not once did anyone else contribute to the control of my life. Because life must be controlled by 1 person, ourselves. What happens if the car is controlled by 2 people or more? I will always need someone else in life, and They 'should' not interfere in the car's control, but are beside the driver. Provide advice, encouragement, criticism, advice and remind us of the pace of my life. Yes, just that. I have a religion, which I am supposed to make my way guidance, so my life goes in His corridor, not deviate to hurt the people around me. And it will be me later that will be responsible for every thing I do. Not other people. Sometimes this road is too steep to pass, But I believe we can get through it..
Hidup ini ibarat mengemudi mobil. Jalanan panjang adalah kehidupan yang mesti aku tempuh, mobil hanya sekedar alat, dan akulah pengemudinya. Aku lah penentu, akulah pemimpin atas hidupku.Aku lah yang ‘harusnya’ lebih tau kemana arah tujuan mobil ku, akulah juga yang menentukan apakah aku mesti berjalan lambat, cepat, ataukah justru berhenti di tengah jalan. Ya. Mobil ini Kita lah pengemudinya, dan hidup ini kita lah penentunya, karna, hidup ini milik kita.Hidupmu milikmu, hidupku milikku. Tak sekali pun orang lain boleh ikut andil atas kendali kemudi hidupku. Karna hidup mesti dikendalikan oleh 1 orang, diri kita sendiri. Apa jadinya jika mobil dikendalikan oleh 2 orang atau lebih? Aku pasti akan selalu butuh orang lain dalam hidup, dan Mereka ‘seharusnya’ tidak ikut campur dalam kendali mobil, tapi berada disamping pengemudi. Memberikan saran, semangat, kritik, nasihat dan mengingatkan kita akan laju hidup ku. Ya, hanya sekedar itu. Aku punya agama, yang memang seharusnya aku jadikan pedoman jalanku, agar hidupku berjalan di koridorNya, tidak menyimpang hingga menyakiti orang-orang disekitarku.dan dihadapaNYA nanti akulah yang akan bertanggung jawab atas setiap hal yang aku lakukan. Bukan orang lain. Terkadang jalan ini terlalu terjal untuk dilewati, Tapi aku percaya kita mampu melewatinya..

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