The Best Time to post Follow-up

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Some weeks ago I did an experiment to see what time would be the best for me to post. My assumption was that posting when the U.S. was online would get the best results. However, after trying out this method for some time now, I feel that it is time to do a follow-up


The best Time

In my final results post I concluded that for me the best time to post would be around 3AM CEST. I still believe that for maximum exposure this is the best time to post. I still see that posts submitted around that time get more attention than posts submitted at other time slots.
With Streemian it is easy to schedule your posts and post them at your desired date/time.

For some reason the max. payout when you post with Streemian is $1000, but I am not at that level yet to be bothered by this maximum payout setting.

Posting at 3AM

I have been using Streemian for some time now and posting at 3AM.
The results are a little better than posting at night (around 10 PM) but there is one major drawback. I also commented on this in my previous post but I underestimated the consequences.

This is what I concluded in that post:

"Although it is close I am going to say that I think that the best time to post is around 3AM CEST/9PM EDT/6PM PDT, this post got the most views, upvotes and comments directly after it was posted. If your post does not get noticed after 3 hours of posting then the chances of getting a large amount of views and upvotes are very slim.
For Europeans however there is one major drawback. You can schedule your post with Streemian if you are not willing to stay up that late but you will not be able to reply to the comments your posts receive until the next morning. This makes directly interacting with the people who took the time to comment on your post very difficult."

I highlighted the important part of that conclusion because like I said, I really, really underestimated this drawback.

I thought that I could just post at 3AM and reply the next morning (CEST). However at that time the people in the US would be, for most part asleep. This means that they would see my reply hours later and I would see their reply again the next morning. This is not beneficial for a good exchange about something you posted.

The Breakdown

In this case the best time to post actually isn't the best time to post for me because it makes one very important aspect of Steemit almost impossible and that is communicating with the people who took the time to read and comment on your post.
Replying on comments and having a conversation about a subject that you wrote about is something I really enjoy and posting at a time that I am normally asleep takes away that part of Steemit. Replying hours after someone has commented just isn't the same as having a direct conversation with someone in the comment section. I also believe that someone is more inclined to follow you if you immediately reply to their comments instead of 12 hours later.

So yes technically posting at 3AM still is the best time to get the most views for my posts but if this means that I will not be able to see how my post is doing and reply to the comments of other Steemians then it kind of defeats the purpose.

A new timeslot

I still take the US exposure factor into account when I post but I also make sure that I will be able to reply to comments left by Steemians who took the time to read the post and leave a comment. I now post when it is most convenient for me. It probably means that my posts will receive less views but at least I can give feedback to those who are in the same timezone as me.

It is interesting to experiment with timeslots to find out what the best time is to post on Steemit. But my take on it now is that in the end it doesn't really matter. Post when and how you like, the most important thing is your engagement with your fellow Steemians. If done correctly then your following will grow anyway and your posts will get the attention they deserve

classy signature.png

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Thanks for the Streemian suggestion. I was going to do a search for this type of tool; you saved me some effort there.
I published an article on this subject a month ago.

I live in US, so I had concluded either before 1pm, or 6pm Mon-Thurs. I think that is close; but maybe Sat is very popular, and monday not so much.. ;-)

Hello bro, Thank for the heads up! you should write down a guide of how to post with streemian at a desired time. Cheers!

Good idea, I will probably do that next.

Very interesting conclusion. I will take it in count the next time I post.

Yeah, I was to much focused on the technical side of things and forgot about the human factor

Great!! You did some great research :)

It was a fun experiment, I encourage everyone to try it out for themselves.

Thanks For Share.

No problem, I love sharing this kind of info.

intriguing as always

:) It is a very interesting subject. With the global aspect of Steemit it is very difficult to say when your post will benefit the most from posting, almost feels like a complicated puzzle game. So much things have to be taken into consideration.

I totally agree with you. I was wondering the same thing and trying the different time to post for a while but I need to sleep! Lol :) Great post! Thanks for sharing!

That's why I stopped posting at 3AM and now I will just post at times that suits me. I guess for Steemit the best thing would be to move to the US or have more Europeans join.

Allright, this is valuable information, thanks for that.

Just a small side note: You should also take into consideration where your audience is located.
I post quite a few events taking place in Spain, which are primarily of interest to Europeans, not so much people in the US or China.

I will check if I place them round 17:00 if that makes a difference in number of views.

Of course I also place posts about other stuff, also e.g. how to improve Steemit. I'm going to do a little experiment and copy/paste one of these posts and post that tonight at 01:00. See if that makes a difference.

I'm fortunate that I'm my own boss, working at hours which are most convenient for me, so Steeming in the middle of the night is no problem for me.


I call it delayed post ping pong lol. I wrote about the same thing many years ago when trying to figure out the best posting time and like you came to the conclusion that there is no best time.
My view for a long time now has been to treat comments like pen pals
I don't know if you are familiar with the genre but it works fine for me and my community.
We just pick up the thread wherever and whenever we are.
#oldtimers lol