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RE: Growing Apart
Yes I think that once you look down on people you’re in just as in an unhealthy mindset as someone using to self medicate away their pain. Super curious, you feel like it’s a slippery slope for you and described yourself as ‘wired that way’ and I came across some info about sugar addiction and it’s connection to alcoholism. I talked briefly to my dad about it before he passed away, and for him personally he had a huge sweet tooth. I’ve always wondered if other people who felt that alcohol was their archilles heel also had sugars cravings.
I don't eat white sugar or refined flour products. I do eat bakery sweets once in a rare while. But it's not part of my regular diet. So not me. I've never been a carb queen- unless we're talking salads.
To explain what I mean by wired, this is a good article -- link is safe.
It can explain it better than I ever can. And predisposition is another factor. Vices, like talents, are passed down from parents to children through epigenetics. Here is a study on it. also safe, .gov site. And another gov site
Basically, addiction has a different reward wiring. And we can be born with the wiring, or develop it through addictive behaviors. In my case, both.
Hmmm I find the topic interesting so thanks for the links 😊