in #blog7 years ago


Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are because the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of mankind do not realize it and challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew ,they're what makes the instrument stretch, what makes you go beyond the norm and my message to you is looking at your life , look at the challenges and the troubles that you've got, and realize that you've got , to adapt , you've got to look at yourself and your situation a little, differently, it may not be over , it may be just beginning .


Why Did God Create Us ? What is the Definition of Soul ? What is the Definition of Time ? What is the definition of Black Energy ? the purpose for the creation of human beings in this world is to test their conduct , this world of life and death, wealth and poverty, sickness and health, was created to sift out the righteous souls from the evil souls and without knowledge of the purpose of creating human beings wander aimlessly through life, like ships at sea without rudders , their goals are either wrong due to incorrect religious teachings, or materialistic and thus confined to this world , it is, therefore, essential for their own well, being that they know why God created them, fundamentally , God created in order to manifest.


His attributes, consequently, creation is the consequence of His being the Creator , paradise manifests His mercy and grace, hell, His justice, humankind's errors, His forgiveness, living and non-living beings, His Generosity , however, it is of even greater importance that human beings know the purpose for which they were created , the final revelation teaches that it is to worship God because humankind must worship Him in order to attain righteousness and the spiritual status necessary to enter paradise, the significance of this knowledge is that human beings understand that worship is as much a necessity as eating and breathing.

It is also essential that human beings grasp the importance of this world's bounties and trials, without knowledge of the purpose behind their creation, humans tend to look at this world as being hostile to them.

However, God created it primarily for their benefit, the tests of good and evil are designed to bring out the higher spiritual qualities of the human being , however , humans are not able to benefit from the tests unless they put complete trust in God and have patience in what He has destined for them , for those who reject God , the trials of this world become a punishment for them in this life prior to the eternal punishment in the next world because the composition of human beings is far less complex than the composition of the universe in which they exist, however, very few people reflect on this reality, because of the apparent supremacy of human beings over the other creatures on this earth, man’s journeys through space and the continued advancement of their technology and knowledge.

Humankind in every age becomes arrogant and considers itself the greatest thing in this world, it is worth noting that the majority of humankind’s amazing discoveries are not concerning the human being, but his surroundings, thus, human efforts tend to be focused on the material world rather than human beings , God brings human beings back to their actual status in this world , humankind is merely a small part of the existence which resulted from the miraculous act of divine creation , thus, in order to understand why GCreator,d mankind.

Creation is fundamentally the consequence of the divine attribute of being the Creator , a creator who does not create is something of a contradiction in terms , this is not to say that God needs His creation , God is free from all needs , it is creation which needs Him , but , as the greatness of a writer becomes apparent in his writings , the perfection of the divine creative attribute is manifest in creation , creation in the true sense is unique to God alone , although humans ascribe the act of creation to themselves , what they do is not true creation , humankind merely manipulates what already exists - what was already created by God, a table is made from wood which came from trees and is held together with nails and screws made from metal that came from rocks , human beings did not make the trees or the rocks.

In fact , all human creations can be traced back to basic elements which humans cannot make , even the artist ‘creates’ designs based on what he has seen , it is not possible to imagine what has not been perceived by the senses , thus, all of the artist’s thoughts are reflections on what was already created , only God alone creates from nothing , this basic fact was and still is incomprehensible to some , some ancient as well as modern philosophers , who could not comprehend how God could create from nothing , claimed that the created world and its contents are all originally a part of God , that is, according to them , God took a part of Himself and made the universe , this conclusion is based on comparing God to man , who can only ‘create’ by modifying what already exists.


However, God denies any such comparisons which would give Him human limitations and So in our sinning and asking God’s forgiveness, the attribute of God's mercy and forgiveness becomes manifest, God knew what we were going to do before He created us , He knew that He was creating a species who would sin , if He didn't want them to sin , if it was not His intention to permit them to sin , then He could have created angels , more angels , but He had already created angels , so He chose to create a being, that would disobey his commandments through forgetfulness or just simple disobedience, but would turn back to Him in repentance , and His attribute of forgiveness would become manifest, similarly, His mercy and let’s use it wisely and refuse to waste a single one and success in life is founded upon attention to the small things rather than to the large things and our lives are a large collection of single days one right after the other , the sun rises , the sun sets , and it rises again and in the end, the lives we chose to live will be determined by how we choose to spend each day, however long and complicated any endeavor might be , it always needs to be initiated with something short and simple , it could also be interpreted to show that no journey ever gets completed that isn't started and the path behind us has been incredible because it has taken us to where we are, with all its lessons and nuggets of wisdom gained and the path before us holds every treasure we need to keep us moving forward, and we have strength, love, wisdom, and divine guidance at our side and in our every day life every body wants to be good at what they do , “Shining Bright Like a Diamond” but in saying that most people aren't ready to listen to the words that will form and shape them into that very diamond , mean getting ‘cut’ is a metaphor for realising criticism , taking the positive and throwing away the negative. this is listening when a person remarks about you , whether you like it or not, taking it in , accessing it to see if it’s actually true and then acting upon it to get you a step further to becoming that diamond and we can begin getting cut into the diamond we want to be but it no way do i mean take an insult , it’s taking criticism and breaking down the positive from the negative , change your mindset and try it out today , take it in, break it apart then act on with it , there is someplace where your specialties can shine , somewhere that difference can be expressed , it's up to you to find it , and you can , we're beautiful like diamonds in the sky , it doesn't matter if you are moving fast or slow , only that you keep moving! and the best way to ensure that you continue to do that is to cherish each step along the way and try not to get lost in comparing yourself to others and discover your gifts and we all have the ability to shed light on our own paths , to make the roads we're traveling down brighter , awesomely enough , we also have the opportunity to shed light on the paths of others as well , give some thought to how you can brighten your own path and how you can give others a little bit of that bright light too and the super ego is the part of personality that is composed of the internalized standards and rules that we acquire from our parents and from society and the ego is the part of personality that mediates between the demands of reality , the urges of the id and the idealistic standards of the super ego and Honesty , see how honest and open you can make your character and be honest in your dealings with others ,stop pretending and hiding who you are and share yourself openly with the world , courage , continually push yourself to face your fears instead of shrinking from them and this will give your character more options , exploration , experiment and learn by trial and error , step into the unknown and learn by doing , develop an ego that loves to dive in and explore new things , service , tune your ego in the direction of serving others , such that the stronger your ego becomes, the more you push yourself to help people. make service to others part of your identity , acceptance , when you accept yourself as having a strong ego , you’ll be more willing to accept other strong people into your life as well instead of feeling you need to attack the strong in order to justify your own weakness , discipline , develop an ego that identifies itself with good habits like regular exercise and solid productivity , connection , develop your social skills, so you can connect with others easily and learn how to surround your ego with social support that helps to refine your positive character qualities while chipping away at your unwanted attributes , checking out from life and trying to pursue ego less enlightenment may be popular in certain spiritual circles , it’s a path that can feel comforting at first because it gives you permission to avoid many of your fears instead of facing them , you can shrink away from life instead of boldly pushing yourself , you don’t have to stand out much ,you can simply sit still and quiet your mind ,there are many benefits to meditation of course , but don’t let the practice turn into escapism , even though your truest identity is the consciousness behind your ego and not the ego itself, that doesn't invalidate the reasons for building a strong and capable ego as your primary means of interacting with the physical world , an underdeveloped ego won’t do your consciousness much good anyway , a weak ego will only limit the range of experiences that are possible for you, thereby stunting your conscious growth , so don’t be so quick to buy into the notion that ego-less enlightenment is an intelligent spiritual ideal , Consider that building a stronger ego may be the more intelligent, heart-centered choice for you , with spiritual faith , your heart and mind open up and guide you in your search for personal truth , faith in the spirituality of life is what makes your spiritual path possible and everyone is good at some things and not so good at others , don’t weigh your security against what you know or can do, weigh it against your willingness and capacity to learn and If someone criticizes you , take it is an opportunity to improve , if someone does better than you , see it as an opportunity to learn from them , if you fall short at something , realize you can get closer next time , don’t worry if you’re not confident in what you can do now, be confident in your potential and Confidence comes from a space of humility and People often think confidence means knowing you can create the outcome you desire , to some extent it does , but this idea isn't universally true for anyone , no matter how talented, smart , or capable you are , you cannot predict or control everything that happens in your life , even confident people lose jobs , relationships , and sometimes , their health and confidence comes from knowing your competence but acknowledging it’s not solely responsible for creating your world , when you take that weight off your shoulders and realize that sometimes the twists and turns have nothing to do with what you did or should have done , it’s easier to feel confident in what you bring to the table and It’s amazing how easy it is to believe all the negative things people say and yet discredit the positive , taking a compliment is an art sometimes , it’s instinctive to assume they’re just being nice or that maybe you aren't really skilled and occasionally , this may be true , but for the most part you earn the praise you receive , don’t talk yourself out of believing it , Instead, recycle it into confidence , you did a fantastic job on your project at work , that means you can do it again ,you had an amazing performance , that means you can trust you’re talented and other people want you to succeed , now you just have to believe them when they show you you’re worthy and Like anything else in life , your confidence will improve with practice , a great opportunity to do this is when you meet new people , Just like if you were the new kid in school, they have no idea who you are meaning you have an opportunity to show them and as you shake their hand , introduce yourself , and listen to them speak , watch your internal monologue , if you start doubting yourself in your head , replace your thoughts with more confident ones , ask yourself what a confident person would do and then try to emulate that and you may have confidence in some areas and not in others , that’s how it works for most of us , draw from those areas where you’re self assured and above all , remember you are capable and worthy, just as much as anyone else , regardless of what you've achieved , regardless of what mistakes you've made , knowing that intellectually is the first step to believing it in your heart , believing it is the key to living it , and living it is the key to reaching your potential , and remember true creativity quite simply starts with balancing your emotions and challenges are what make life interesting , overcoming them is what makes life meaningful because the human spirit will always aspire to shine , to taste the elixir of life and to bathe in the glory of love , you were given this life because you are strong enough to live it and Imagine and Live a bold brave Life and invite fear into your life , when you fear something , move toward it , feel it , and breathe through it and do the things that frighten you , action builds courage , tell yourself “This fear will pass ” your world expands as your courage expands because fearful thoughts attract more fear , positive thoughts attract success , Instead of expecting the worst , train your mind to expect the best , make positive assumptions about your future and hold yourself accountable , be consistent , be prepared , be dependable , and focus on solutions and Be innovative , take the initiative, and go the extra mile , if you don’t take action despite your fear , opportunity will pass you by and learn to think , speak , and live as an abundant person , celebrate what you have , be generous and Focus your attention on being ready , willing , and prepared for the beauty , wonder, connections , good fortune , and favorable circumstances that are yours if you are willing to work and be open to it and Strengthen your belief in yourself by reflecting on the last years of your life and every success you've experienced and Close your eyes and feel the celebratory emotion of each one , bring the same drive, persistence, and talent into now and allow it to inspire and motivate you and Use the success stories of others ,Read how the Brooklyn bridge was built , Study the success of Bill gates , Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Steven Spielberg, and Oprah Winfrey ,take note of the courage they developed and follow their path to greatness and Step into your power and dream big .

Follow it up with calculated risks and deliberate action steps , have no doubt about your success , your dreams are at stake here and You have the power to do what it takes to break through any obstacles that stand in the way of yourself, your dreams, and your happiness and Maybe you’ve never been as unsure of yourself as I used to be , but you can likely relate to that feeling of wanting to do something but feeling terrified to start , this not only limits your potential in life , it also minimizes your ability to make a positive impact on the world around you and there’s a lot that goes into overcoming those fears , you may need to challenge limiting beliefs formed years ago , or take yourself out of a situation where other people undermine your abilities , one thing that will definitely help is working on your confidence and Once you developed a sense of self-awareness, you started forming doubts and insecurities about how other people saw you ,you learned to crave praise and avoid criticism , and maybe you started getting down on yourself if you got more of the latter than the former and Learning who you are doesn't happen overnight , for one thing , it can be hard to know which parts of you are you , and which parts are who you think you should be , Confidence comes from success , But confidence also combines another quality because you can be successful, yet lack confidence , It requires a mental attitude shift to an expectation of success , and this alone can bring about more success , reinforcing the confidence and no one in the world knows everything , everyone is good at some things and not so good at others , don’t weigh your security against what you know or can do, weigh it against your willingness and capacity to learn and If someone criticizes you , take it is an opportunity to improve , if someone does better than you , see it as an opportunity to learn from them , If you fall short at something , realize you can get closer next time , don’t worry if you’re not confident in what you can do now , be confident in your potential and confidence comes from a space of humility and People often think confidence means knowing you can create the outcome you desire , to some extent it does , but this idea isn't universally true for anyone , no matter how talented , smart , or capable you are , you cannot predict or control everything that happens in your life , even confident people lose jobs , relationships , and sometimes , their health and confidence comes from knowing your competence but acknowledging it’s not solely responsible for creating your world , when you take that weight off your shoulders and realize that sometimes the twists and turns have nothing to do with what you did or should have done , it’s easier to feel confident in what you bring to the table and It’s amazing how easy it is to believe all the negative things people say and yet discredit the positive , taking a compliment is an art Sometimes , it’s instinctive to assume they’re just being nice or that maybe you aren't really skilled and Occasionally , this may be true , but for the most part you earn the praise you receive , don’t talk yourself out of believing it , Instead, recycle it into confidence , You did a fantastic job on your project at work; that means you can do it again ,You had an amazing performance , that means you can trust you’re talented and Other people want you to succeed , now you just have to believe them when they show you you’re worthy and Like anything else in life , your confidence will improve with practice , a great opportunity to do this is when you meet new people , Just like if you were the new kid in school , they have no idea who you are meaning you have an opportunity to show them and As you shake their hand , introduce yourself , and listen to them speak , watch your internal monologue.

Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you , they’re supposed to help you discover who you are because the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind , but most of mankind do not realize it and challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew ,they're what makes the instrument stretch, what makes you go beyond the norm and my message to you is look at your life , look at the challenges and the troubles that you've got, and realize that you've got , to adapt , you've got to look at yourself and your situation a little , differently, it may not be over , it may be just beginning , Why Did God Create Us ? What is the Definition of Soul ? What is the Definition of Time ? What is the definition of Black Energy ? the purpose for the creation of human beings in this world is to test their conduct , this world of life and death, wealth and poverty, sickness and health , was created to sift out the righteous souls from the evil souls and without knowledge of the purpose of creation human beings wander aimlessly through life , like ships at sea without rudders , their goals are either wrong due to incorrect religious teachings , or materialistic and thus confined to this world , it is, therefore, essential for their own well , being that they know why God created them , fundamentally , God created in order to manifest His attributes , consequently , creation is the consequence of His being the Creator , paradise manifests His mercy and grace , hell , His justice , humankind's errors , His forgiveness , living and non-living beings , His Generosity , however, it is of even greater importance that human beings know the purpose for which they were created , the final revelation teaches that it is to worship God because humankind must worship Him in order to attain righteousness and the spiritual status necessary to enter paradise , the significance of this knowledge is that human beings understand that worship is as much a necessity as eating and breathing , it is also essential that human beings grasp the importance of this world's bounties and trials , without knowledge of the purpose behind their creation , humans tend to look at this world as being hostile to them , however , God created it primarily for their benefit , the tests of good and evil are designed to bring out the higher spiritual qualities of the human being , however , humans are not able to benefit from the tests unless they put complete trust in God and have patience in what He has destined for them , for those who reject God , the trials of this world become a punishment for them in this life prior to the eternal punishment in the next world because the composition of human beings is far less complex than the composition of the universe in which they exist , however , very few people reflect on this reality , because of the apparent supremacy of human beings over the other creatures on this earth, man’s journeys through space and the continued advancement of their technology and knowledge , humankind in every age becomes arrogant and considers itself the greatest thing in this world , it is worth noting that the majority of humankind’s amazing discoveries are not concerning the human being , but his surroundings , thus, human efforts tend to be focused on the material world rather than human beings , God brings human beings back to their actual status in this world , humankind is merely a small part of the existence which resulted from the miraculous act of divine creation , thus, in order to understand why God created mankind , creation is fundamentally the consequence of the divine attribute of being the Creator , a creator who does not create is something of a contradiction in terms , this is not to say that God needs His creation , God is free from all needs , it is creation which needs Him , but , as the greatness of a writer becomes apparent in his writings , the perfection of the divine creative attribute is manifest in creation , creation in the true sense is unique to God alone , although humans ascribe the act of creation to themselves , what they do is not true creation , humankind merely manipulates what already exists - what was already created by God , a table is made from wood which came from trees and is held together with nails and screws made from metal that came from rocks , human beings did not make the trees or the rocks , in fact , all human creations can be traced back to basic elements which humans cannot make , even the artist ‘creates’ designs based on what he has seen , it is not possible to imagine what has not been perceived by the senses , thus, all of the artist’s thoughts are reflections on what was already created , only God alone creates from nothing , this basic fact was and still is incomprehensible to some , some ancient as well as modern philosophers , who could not comprehend how God could create from nothing , claimed that the created world and its contents are all originally a part of God , that is, according to them , God took a part of Himself and made the universe , this conclusion is based on comparing God to man , who can only ‘create’ by modifying what already exists, however , God denies any such comparisons which would give Him human limitations and So in our sinning and asking God’s forgiveness , the attribute of God's mercy and forgiveness becomes manifest , God knew what we were going to do before He created us , He knew that He was creating a species who would sin , if He didn't want them to sin , if it was not His intention to permit them to sin , then He could have created angels , more angels , but He had already created angels , so He chose to create a being , that would disobey his commandments through forgetfulness or just simple disobedience , but would turn back to Him in repentance , and His attribute of forgiveness would become manifest , similarly, His mercy and let’s use it wisely and refuse to waste a single one and success in life is founded upon attention to the small things rather than to the large things and our lives are a large collection of single days one right after the other , the sun rises , the sun sets , and it rises again and in the end , the lives we chose to live will be determined by how we choose to spend each day , however long and complicated any endeavor might be , it always needs to be initiated with something short and simple , it could also be interpreted to show that no journey ever gets completed that isn't started and the path behind us has been incredible because it has taken us to where we are, with all its lessons and nuggets of wisdom gained and the path before us holds every treasure we need to keep us moving forward, and we have strength , love , wisdom, and divine guidance at our side and in our every day life every body wants to be good at what they do , “Shining Bright Like a Diamond” but in saying that most people aren't ready to listen to the words that will form and shape them into that very diamond , mean getting ‘cut’ is a metaphor for realising criticism , taking the positive and throwing away the negative. this is listening when a person remarks about you, whether you like it or not, taking it in, accessing it to see if it’s actually true and then acting upon it to get you a step further to becoming that diamond and we can begin getting cut into the diamond we want to be but it no way do I mean to take an insult , it’s taking criticism and breaking down the positive from the negative, change your mindset and try it out today, take it in, break it apart then act on with it , there is someplace where your specialties can shine, somewhere that difference can be expressed , it's up to you to find it , and you can , we're beautiful like diamonds in the sky , it doesn't matter if you are moving fast or slow, only that you keep moving! and the best way to ensure that you continue to do that is to cherish each step along the way and try not to get lost in comparing yourself to others and discover your gifts and we all have the ability to shed light on our own paths , to make the roads we're traveling down brighter , awesomely enough , we also have the opportunity to shed light on the paths of others as well , give some thought to how you can brighten your own path and how you can give others a little bit of that bright light too and the super ego is the part of personality that is composed of the internalized standards and rules that we acquire from our parents and from society and the ego is the part of personality that mediates between the demands of reality, the urges of the id and the idealistic standards of the super ego and Honesty , see how honest and open you can make your character and be honest in your dealings with others, stop pretending and be hiding who you are and share yourself openly with the world, courage, continually push yourself to face your fears instead of shrinking from them and this will give your character more options , exploration , experiment and learn by trial and error , step into the unknown and learn by doing , develop an ego that loves to dive in and explore new things , service , tune your ego in the direction of serving others , such that the stronger your ego becomes, the more you push yourself to help people. make service to others part of your identity , acceptance , when you accept yourself as having a strong ego , you’ll be more willing to accept other strong people into your life as well instead of feeling you need to attack the strong in order to justify your own weakness , discipline , develop an ego that identifies itself with good habits like regular exercise and solid productivity , connection , develop your social skills, so you can connect with others easily and learn how to surround your ego with social support that helps to refine your positive character qualities while chipping away at your unwanted attributes , checking out from life and trying to pursue ego less enlightenment may be popular in certain spiritual circles , it’s a path that can feel comforting at first because it gives you permission to avoid many of your fears instead of facing them , you can shrink away from life instead of boldly pushing yourself , you don’t have to stand out much ,you can simply sit still and quiet your mind ,there are many benefits to meditation of course , but don’t let the practice turn into escapism , even though your truest identity is the consciousness behind your ego and not the ego itself, that doesn't invalidate the reasons for building a strong and capable ego as your primary means of interacting with the physical world , an underdeveloped ego won’t do your consciousness much good anyway , a weak ego will only limit the range of experiences that are possible for you, thereby stunting your conscious growth , so don’t be so quick to buy into the notion that ego-less enlightenment is an intelligent spiritual ideal , Consider that building a stronger ego may be the more intelligent, heart-centered choice for you , with spiritual faith , your heart and mind open up and guide you in your search for personal truth , faith in the spirituality of life is what makes your spiritual path possible and everyone is good at some things and not so good at others , don’t weigh your security against what you know or can do, weigh it against your willingness and capacity to learn and If someone criticizes you , take it is an opportunity to improve , if someone does better than you , see it as an opportunity to learn from them , if you fall short at something , realize you can get closer next time , don’t worry if you’re not confident in what you can do now, be confident in your potential and Confidence comes from a space of humility and People often think confidence means knowing you can create the outcome you desire , to some extent it does , but this idea isn't universally true for anyone , no matter how talented, smart , or capable you are , you cannot predict or control everything that happens in your life , even confident people lose jobs , relationships , and sometimes , their health and confidence comes from knowing your competence but acknowledging it’s not solely responsible for creating your world , when you take that weight off your shoulders and realize that sometimes the twists and turns have nothing to do with what you did or should have done , it’s easier to feel confident in what you bring to the table and It’s amazing how easy it is to believe all the negative things people say and yet discredit the positive , taking a compliment is an art sometimes , it’s instinctive to assume they’re just being nice or that maybe you aren't really skilled and occasionally , this may be true , but for the most part you earn the praise you receive , don’t talk yourself out of believing it , Instead, recycle it into confidence , you did a fantastic job on your project at work , that means you can do it again ,you had an amazing performance , that means you can trust you’re talented and other people want you to succeed , now you just have to believe them when they show you you’re worthy and Like anything else in life , your confidence will improve with practice , a great opportunity to do this is when you meet new people , Just like if you were the new kid in school, they have no idea who you are meaning you have an opportunity to show them and as you shake their hand , introduce yourself , and listen to them speak , watch your internal monologue , if you start doubting yourself in your head , replace your thoughts with more confident ones , ask yourself what a confident person would do and then try to emulate that and you may have confidence in some areas and not in others , that’s how it works for most of us , draw from those areas where you’re self assured and above all , remember you are capable and worthy, just as much as anyone else , regardless of what you've achieved , regardless of what mistakes you've made , knowing that intellectually is the first step to believing it in your heart , believing it is the key to living it , and living it is the key to reaching your potential , and remember true creativity quite simply starts with balancing your emotions and challenges are what make life interesting , overcoming them is what makes life meaningful because the human spirit will always aspire to shine , to taste the elixir of life and to bathe in the glory of love , you were given this life because you are strong enough to live it and Imagine and Live a bold brave Life and invite fear into your life , when you fear something , move toward it , feel it , and breathe through it and do the things that frighten you , action builds courage , tell yourself “This fear will pass ” your world expands as your courage expands because fearful thoughts attract more fear , positive thoughts attract success , Instead of expecting the worst , train your mind to expect the best , make positive assumptions about your future and hold yourself accountable , be consistent , be prepared , be dependable , and focus on solutions and Be innovative , take the initiative, and go the extra mile , if you don’t take action despite your fear , opportunity will pass you by and learn to think , speak , and live as an abundant person , celebrate what you have , be generous and Focus your attention on being ready , willing , and prepared for the beauty , wonder, connections , good fortune , and favorable circumstances that are yours if you are willing to work and be open to it and Strengthen your belief in yourself by reflecting on the last years of your life and every success you've experienced and Close your eyes and feel the celebratory emotion of each one , bring the same drive, persistence, and talent into now and allow it to inspire and motivate you and Use the success stories of others ,Read how the Brooklyn bridge was built , Study the success of Bill gates , Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Steven Spielberg, and Oprah Winfrey ,take note of the courage they developed and follow their path to greatness and Step into your power and dream big , Follow it up with calculated risks and deliberate action steps , have no doubt about your success , your dreams are at stake here and You have the power to do what it takes to break through any obstacles that stand in the way of yourself, your dreams, and your happiness and Maybe you’ve never been as unsure of yourself as I used to be , but you can likely relate to that feeling of wanting to do something but feeling terrified to start , this not only limits your potential in life , it also minimizes your ability to make a positive impact on the world around you and there’s a lot that goes into overcoming those fears , you may need to challenge limiting beliefs formed years ago , or take yourself out of a situation where other people undermine your abilities , one thing that will definitely help is working on your confidence and Once you developed a sense of self-awareness, you started forming doubts and insecurities about how other people saw you ,you learned to crave praise and avoid criticism , and maybe you started getting down on yourself if you got more of the latter than the former and Learning who you are doesn't happen overnight , for one thing , it can be hard to know which parts of you are you , and which parts are who you think you should be , Confidence comes from success , But confidence also combines another quality because you can be successful, yet lack confidence , It requires a mental attitude shift to an expectation of success , and this alone can bring about more success , reinforcing the confidence and no one in the world knows everything , everyone is good at some things and not so good at others , don’t weigh your security against what you know or can do, weigh it against your willingness and capacity to learn and If someone criticizes you , take it is an opportunity to improve , if someone does better than you , see it as an opportunity to learn from them , If you fall short at something , realize you can get closer next time , don’t worry if you’re not confident in what you can do now , be confident in your potential and confidence comes from a space of humility and People often think confidence means knowing you can create the outcome you desire , to some extent it does , but this idea isn't universally true for anyone , no matter how talented , smart , or capable you are , you cannot predict or control everything that happens in your life , even confident people lose jobs , relationships , and sometimes , their health and confidence comes from knowing your competence but acknowledging it’s not solely responsible for creating your world , when you take that weight off your shoulders and realize that sometimes the twists and turns have nothing to do with what you did or should have done , it’s easier to feel confident in what you bring to the table and It’s amazing how easy it is to believe all the negative things people say and yet discredit the positive , taking a compliment is an art Sometimes , it’s instinctive to assume they’re just being nice or that maybe you aren't really skilled and Occasionally , this may be true , but for the most part you earn the praise you receive , don’t talk yourself out of believing it , Instead, recycle it into confidence , You did a fantastic job on your project at work; that means you can do it again ,You had an amazing performance , that means you can trust you’re talented and Other people want you to succeed , now you just have to believe them when they show you you’re worthy and Like anything else in life , your confidence will improve with practice , a great opportunity to do this is when you meet new people , Just like if you were the new kid in school , they have no idea who you are meaning you have an opportunity to show them and As you shake their hand , introduce yourself , and listen to them speak , watch your internal monologue , If you start doubting yourself in your head , replace your thoughts with more confident ones , ask yourself what a confident person would do and then try to emulate that and You may have confidence in some areas and not in others , that’s how it works for most of us , draw from those areas where you’re self assured and above all , remember you are capable and worthy, just as much as anyone else , regardless of what you've achieved , regardless of what mistakes you've made , knowing that intellectually is the first step to believing it in your heart , believing it is the key to living it , and living it is the key to reaching your potential , and remember true creativity quite simply starts with balancing your emotions and activating the power of the heart , through practicing emotional management from the heart , you tap into the highest form of creativity possible, recreating your perceptions of reality and our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure , it is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us and when we are afraid, we pull back from life , when we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance ,we need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections , if we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create , evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life and there is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve the fear of failure and tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself , and that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, and the moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us , and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls and Procrastination is the fear of success , people procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now , because success is heavy carries a responsibility with it and we are all meant to shine , as children do , we were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us , It's not just in some of us , it's in everyone , and as we let our own light shine , we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same, as we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others and our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall and the path we tread is fleeting but our souls all yearn to fly , to know and feel love, to soar beyond dreams, to be lifted to faraway magical places, and to be as big and as bright as the blazing sun , courage to dig down deep inside to discover who you truly are , who you are truly meant to be , but it's also a beautiful process as well , because you discover things about yourself that you never even knew existed , you become a new person , you live life differently , you see and feel things differently , you open your life to new possibilities , when you are going through this transformation , yes, some may walk with you through the process , and others may walk away , don't be afraid to discover that person , and don't be afraid to let go , don't miss out on living your life to the fullest , and living from your true authentic self activating the power of the heart



Wow it took some time to read but was really deep

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