As I sit today to think how beautiful those days were of growing up in 90’s, my mind had an overload of these thoughts. To see how things are changing, today’s kids enjoy a lot more freedom which in a way is good too but isn’t this generation a whole lot different?
Thank God, I had a childhood before technology took over. Do they know the importance of those Sunday cartoons, family brunches, street games, Britannia cakes and the list can go for forever?
Stress took care of itself, a grandma’s hug and a Band-Aid made everything ok, shopping trips or spa weren’t required to revitalize. “Settle down” was one thing we often use to hear from our last generation, be it career or marriage as soon as you hit your sweet “25”. Earlier, barely has one completed graduation, that the pressure to “settle down” would start building. We saw our growing cousins settled into jobs and marriages, and the parents felt satisfied that they had performed their worldly duties. Everyone played it safe by settling into a secure life, with a steady marriage, cushy jobs, stable friends, fixed dine-out places, daily routines and the comfort of familiarity. Taking time off to understand or “discover” oneself, meditation for stress management was not heard of. You just got along with life and it taught you whatever you needed to follow.
Praying and meditation were private affairs, Buddhist chanting was considered to be some saintly thing only, and mantra reciting weren’t talked about. Family didn’t need holidays as a bonding exercise; they ate together, prayed together. Some dared to step out of their comfort zones but those were considered as aberrations.
Today, the rule is not to follow any rule. Youngsters (including me) begin life by setting off on self-discovery voyages. The goal has shifted, now the aim is self-discovery and maximizing your potential, they have started to think about the things that they are inclined too, take time and have begun to examine these.
Parents seem to understand the urge and are willing to support and provide the cushioning. The pressure to “settle down” fast is slowly diminishing. Interestingly, our older lot is now more cohesive with us, I remember my dad asking me if the latest movie released would be liked by them or not. J So technically there has been the reversal of roles. Though their true self lie deep down within them, which I would too never want to go but yes the positive thing is they are accepting the new way of life- changes are welcomed if now executed.
Being the kid of 90’s, I still relate to being among the people who loves the concept of joint-families. Where, at a point of time, you just don’t see your parents but a bunch of siblings and relatives to spoil you with gifts, choice of food, pampering and not to forget the accompanied advices and instructions. Today the younger lot wants a lot more privacy, find their comfort zones over online chats and social circles, playing monopoly in those summer break is now a thing of the past. Forget about a separate room, a dedicated closet was a luxury. We have been with our family so much that it is fun to hear about listening to their era, “growing up” stories and struggle days of the 50’s.
As much as they want to be a part of our lifestyle, the feeling is mutual; we too want them to be a part of our daily routine. As we the children step out to find ourselves, parents simultaneously begin the journey of discovering the new ways. And while we stir up life’s cauldron, creating new patterns, learning and unlearning, we bring into focus everything we took for granted. It gives us a great advantage in understanding each other; we are in the journey of self-discovery together.
I am glad that my earlier discussions with the family that were used to be more of one-sided interactions and a downward communication (from parents to children), it’s now gravitating towards talking about spirituality, community services, taking off on treks and rejuvenation centers, learning to love ourselves or a simple coffee at the café. The older generation too is no longer just sitting back; they are very much engaged in active lifestyles of their own.

So, with the new mantra of being “stir up and discover”, nobody is anymore happy by just ‘settling down’ to anything.
I Totally agree those were the Golden days,
But We can not blame Technology for this massive change,
Technology has both advantages as well as disadvantages, it's up to us how we use them, Either in a positive way or in a negative way, it Should be the Parents responsibility to educate their child's to use technology in a positive way, not negative.
Absolutely @abdulmanan. Technology is surely a blessing in our lives. It needs to be used carefully and productively.
yeah, otherwise it can be destructive too.
When i was a kid, we use to play games like hide and seek, run run etc.
Nothing was bad at that time.
It was peace everywhere.
but now a days we are seeing many negative and things happening around us,
Kids learn what they see,
If They see negativity they will negative and if they see positive, they will learn positive.
We were blessed to have lived the 90s childhood. I often get nostalgic thinking about those days filled with innocence.. We do have a lovely change now as well. It's upto us how we use this..:-):-)
Hi @weavingwords,
"shopping trips or spa weren’t required to revitalize" - I don't know if this statement is funnier or sadder.
Examples with your dad and family are very positive. For both "new" and "old" generations, the acceptance of the fact that times are changing is essentially important for happiness and healthy family relationships.
While "old" times gave us more peace and less stress, the "new" times give us much more freedom and individuality. Although I am too a bit nostalgic about my childhood (I was born in '88), I am happy with the new opportunities - I don't have to have a regular job, I can be a freelance business plan writer and Steemit blogger, which leaves me more free time for my hobbies, such as the Argentinian tango.
I'm glad that I've bumped into your blog as we seem to be like-minded, I'll follow you! 😊
Have a wonderful day,
Thank you so much and I am so humbled by your response. I am glad too, be in touch and we shall connect here more often. Have a fab week ahead..:-):-)
Good read. Our childhood was really amazing. One thing I wanna add here, the new generation is always in so much hurry, everybody wants to achieve everything so quickly. Nobody wants to put the effort in, to suffer the hardships of struggle. Everybody is trying to find a shortcut to settling down. Bitter reality.
Well, good read though. Keep it up.
Thank you so much. The new generation including us has a lot more pressure and competition now. But yes, there are many out there who work very hard and are not after shortcuts which is so good to see.. Well, good to be in touch with you.. Have a great day ahead.. :-):-)
True that. I would say the overall shift is positive and more inclusive when it comes to gen50.
Thanks for the like on my blog. Appreciated.
My pleasure.. good to be in touch.. have a great day ahead..:-):-)
It is very nice to read this article. Actually you have said a beautiful feeling, which is very similar to my thinking. Thanks to you for sharing a nice post with us.
My pleasure..:-):-) Stay tuned for more.. have a great day..
Thnks for upvote my post
Pleasure. Keep in touch..:-)
i was just comparing my self and my schedule with the kids nowadays and which kind of routine i used to had those days back..
waking up at 9 then cricket till 1o clock then lunch shower and back at stadium with cycles at 3 to 7
this was the way i used to spend my vacations
and kids nowadays are getting much obsessed with social media and their friends of opp sex @weavingwords
Well every phase is beautiful.. Enjoy this too. Have a great week ahead..:-):-)
Excellent post, you are absolutely right. I am also a girl from the 90s and it is remarkable the difference between one generation and another.
Thank you so much. Absolutely, there is a huge difference. Followed you..😊 Keep in touch..
You're welcome, I followed you too ... Of course we'll keep in touch
Really I miss those days that without technology we had enjoyed a lot. I think playing in streets of those time is much funny than playing with toys nowadays. Thanks
Absolutely. I miss the beautiful childhood too and those innocent street games..😊