in #blog6 years ago

Probably each of us read Harry Potter at one time, anyway each of persons well-known to me. The majority enthused about it, told about the favourite hero and about, how great it would be like .. to have a wand, power of casting spells and to learn the school in Hogwart instead of the normal. I wasn't also different - I adored Hermione Granger, I dreamt of the own inoculant of the time and flying on the broom.

Soon, encouraged by nice experience with Potter, I started reading the Trilogy of the Black Magus, where maguses could drop in to the second mind and used with telepathically sent thoughts. I adored these series and until then, when some acquaintance asked me "what power would you like to have?" without hesitation I answered, that:


This power seemed to me with something fantastic, I imagined, that if I could include so thought-reading, it certainly a lot quickly there would be left of my problems solved. Because after all I would know which friends like me really, and which are only pretending nice. I would realize it, are saying something else about my subject. I would know what is being said against strangers for me people and I would not have to personally find out for whom to trust, and for whom not. I wouldn't have to oneself so much to teach to tests, because I could use the knowledge of friends, and they from my. I would know about many interesting adventures and funny stories of other people.

It is the entire wagon carrying virtues!

However I didn't notice that it was also a much larger wagonload of defects. Why?16921707486_5264931104_k-e1459451904789.jpg


Supposedly in the communication body language it as far as 55%! The honourable second place is filling the voice (38%) and words are only … of the 7%! That is is leaving to it, that if I will quarrel with somebody and the one somebody really will hack me off, my body language and the tone of the voice are already indicating it, that I have of it ktosia quite and what's more I am deciding, whether he will hear these all unwelcome things which are throwing themselves for me to the mouth.

And unfortunately, I am not perfect and I often happen to think something what came on an impulse, of bad moment and not necessarily I would like so that somebody can hear how exactly I am throwing mud at him in my thoughts. The same I during the quarrel, also wouldn't like to hear all really disgreeable expressions, which given person has in the head.

And words are often able quite well to hurt and to stay a bit longer in the head of the "victim" for the long time e.g. in the form of complexes, and I wouldn't like it both for my "of opponent in the quarrel", as well as of oneself.


Than I wouldn't like so that e.g. the teacher from maths knows that at a lecture from maths I think about the fact that I would like for myself now to lie in bed, under the warm duvet with the book and the coffee. The same I am doubting that the majority would like students so that their academic teachers know that during the examination for them thoughts are taking the half of the time for writing in the style "it is interesting what Anna has in first?", "how here to turn so that doesn't notice me?" or what is worse "but witch! She had to make such a difficult examination paper up! ".

Not talking already about, how it would be hard to keep the surprise secret then before a person celebrating his birthday!


Even in the modified version thought-reading only for some time and only at described persons it wouldn't be included good. Or else every solution has some hooks and bypasses, so I will bet, that certainly somebody would find a remedy in order to have a thought-reading included all the time. And hence already very close for full surveillance of the society as a whole.

Now we often pay attention to what we are saying in the company of other people, and you are also imagining to have such a filter non-stop in the head in order to pay attention also to it, what do you think? No thought would already be in the 100% ours.


And what would happen with authors of all kinds, with creative souls? E.g. somebody is inventing the idea for the sensational business, but at the moment he is lacking money, so all the time is collecting them in order in half a year to start with the own business. And here somebody in the bus in order to "read" his thought, and in addition he already had much cash enough and used this idea for own purposes? Ow, with the universal thought-reading poorly I would see it fate of artists and other people, of which the work consists above all in creating new things!

So, now to the question "what power you would like to have" no longer I am answering - thought-reading!

Because after all flying would be better *!

And what power you would like to have?

  • at least until, positively again for me he will switch

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