How to stop dreaming, and to start fulfilling? It not so difficult how, it seems to you.

in #blog6 years ago

I know many people which are dreaming of something. And I am not talking here about the list to Hogwartu at all, the herd of unicorns or sailing across world wpław, but about these such ordinary, more realistic dreams - associated with the work, the life and the development. We want to earn more, to change one's profession, to do what we like, to move and to breed alpacas. We are dreaming everyone. But only few are carrying these plans out.
Why? Because the rest is getting down to it from completely of the disadvantage.

I won't sum up, how many times I can hear questions: how are you managing to fulfil these all decisions? How are you managing to carry out what for yourself you will decide? Where from are you finding the time to it? I would also want/want to do it …

People are asking and are fixing their eyes intensively, waiting for some secret provision, mysterious prescription, some "patent" which will help them day by day to change the life and finally to throw everything and to go in Bieszczady to breed the alpaca or to fulfil other "crazy" dream about which intensively they are only thinking.

Unfortunately, the reply is very brief and blunt, as well as outstandingly disappointing. I apologise for the tongue - it is necessary to work its arse off.

The fact that hardly anyone believes in it is funny.

Somebody had happiness, luck, good beginning, quirk of fortune, case or something still met him other - into it better to believe us. Somehow it is easier …? A million times I could hear from somebody, that Y person whether from he has what he has, because she had luck in the life. Rarely I hear that somebody is admitting, that from simply on that's all quite well drew.

We are searching for some secret recipe for the success, although we have him under the nose. I don't know why it is so hard for us to believe somebody can simply reach something with work.

One as the son a rich businessman which is devoting the time to him after work is being given birth and is enrolling the descendant in all activity clubs, about which the one is only dreaming, and second - in families in need, in which they aren't shunning the violence. At everyone road to will be longing for the "dream" differently - with more difficulty or more easily and there is no what to delude oneself, that everyone we have the same distance for defeating.pexels-photo-257897.jpeg

What isn't changing the fact that it will be possible to accomplish quite a lot, if is drawing. There is only one hitch in this recipe for fulfilled dreams: alone drawing it too little.

It is necessary still to whack on good direction.


Very work won't be enough.

Met still other conditions must be.

Firstly - the work must have good direction. It is possible to the end of its life to labour and to do something in circles, not seeing effects. Even a good idea turns out to be times to be out of order and one what we can do, then to stop, to swallow the defeat down somehow and to start anew. Differently. Plans sometimes change in the route and it is necessary simply to react. I know quite a lot of persons which are aspiring to something - of for example developing its business, winning the "fame" in the Internet, promotion, work of which they are dreaming and so on forth - but still are doing it alone and are frustrated, that entire the one the "hard work" isn't acting, and the ones which managed, certainly had to cheat. Because after all they are trying and that's no use!

They can't see it, that their attempts don't make sense. And a long time ago could already make their dreams come true, if in the end admitted that a time could change something.


Secondly - the work must not at all be very heavy. He must be sensible. With times (of course not always) you must not work $on's$ guts out at all, to sleep for two hours and to work for three jobs in order to reach at one's target. Sensibly planned milestones and cells really are facilitating carrying their plans out, simultaneously not taking the man to the verge of the nervous breakdown. Most probably: in many moments it is necessary really to labour in order to achieve what is wanted to reach, but really it is sometimes possible to do it differently, if only it is sensibly and sensibly planned.

Thirdly - you must believe in it. If somebody is starting on the run with the assumption that he/she won't win and will be last, it this way will probably just be. Very much we don't appreciate strength of our head: I am not saying, that if you believe in God very firmly into something, it will fall off the sky tied packet with big bow, in which your granted wish will be; but really much it is easier for motivation, when indeed you believe that what you are doing, can bear fruit.


Dreams are being fulfilled. And best, if before the work on them from dreams will still turn into cells - it will be much more easily.

I would like, so that more people stop persuading themselves that they need a boot up the backside, shining from the sky of motivation, happiness, four-leaf clover, rainbow and the green dwarf at her ending or of fish scales in the wallet.

Because actually, to the majority of dreams need only themselves. And attitudinal changes.


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