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RE: Agenda 2030 in 11 years. The "God of Chaos" asteroid due to hit in 2029 according to NASA. The name of the asteroid takes the biscuit yet ignorance reigns supreme.

in #blog6 years ago

I have no confidence in many people. I have some confidence in some few, and great confidence in very few. It is good to note that the American Revolution was won by about ~10% of the colonists. Most were loyalists. Many didn't take a position. The few that did won.

Moral courage and indomitable will is something far more powerful than arms, money, or hordes of savage killers, as England found out in the late Eighteenth Century.

Teach them as can learn, reckon what you can know, and do as you can. Note that after the American Revolution, even the loyalists to the crown thereafter raised sons loyal to the American Republic, for the most part. Sheep follow power, not reason. Note also that ~10k people rule the world today, a miniscule number, and if just 10% of the people they lord over act to prevent them from ruling, they will be powerless against the horde (about 700 million rebels today) and the world order will change.

If Apophis hits, it won't kill life on Earth. Apophis is about 300M across, per your statement. That's a lot smaller than the impact that took out the dinosaurs, and it won't take out the ecosystem that supports human life. IMHO, Agenda 2030 is the larger threat. However, we don't need government programs to oppose government corruption. We can see what government does to protect itself all too clearly in the Epstein case. Government is a vector for corruption first and foremost.

What we need is to get rid of political power, and that has not been possible heretofore.

It is now, or becoming possible now, as the massive concentration of wealth has been grossly magnified by the industrial revolution and capital intensive factories mass producing luxury and other goods. Today across all industries decentralization of the means of production is the cutting edge of technological advance, reversing the capitalization flow by reversing the industrial mechanism from mass production to bespoke production of luxury and other goods.

The more advanced technology is the faster it disperses. The more advanced technology is the more it empowers individuals over institutions. The institutional advantage is seemingly massive today, but it is smaller than it has ever been. Facial recognition tech, for example, is brand new, and hasn't even been implemented across tyrannical police states yet, but already we have examples of it being available to individuals (recently an app was released that enabled comparisons between social media and porn).

As 3D printing, aquaponics, CRISPR, mesh networks, cryptocurrency, and AI continue to be developed and dispersed the advantage of being able to produce your own bespoke goods yourself will continue to become easier to seize, and more powerful to resist parasitization, the only thing that enables overlords to rape our kids at will.

Physics determines what technology is possible, and the laws of physics can't be amended or repealed by corrupt politicians. The natural law of the universe is what actually rules this world, not the immorality of vampires and their lies. As AI makes these decentralized means of production easier to use, and continued development makes them able to create more and better goods and services, folks wanting to keep the issue from their labor will adopt them more and more, and parasites will get less and less.

Sooner or later, we'll cure parasitism, and be free - about the time that space travel becomes available to our kids and grandkids, I reckon. Once we take off into the wild yonder, there will be no way to get us to stay in corrals where we can be milked for the benefit of overlords, no police will be able to catch up and collect taxes, no corruption can force us to come back from our free travels and claims of new possessions.

Before that dispersal across the heavens with complete autonomy and luxurious quality of goods is completely available to us at our sole option, things will get worse here on Earth, in the grip of the parasitic social disease we now suffer. Death, destruction, and deprivation will terribly impact many before the cure. However, unless the parasite kills the host - which kills itself - the parasite will eventually be killed as the host becomes first resistant, and then immune to parasitization.

Buckle up, buckaroo. It's gonna be a wild ride.



Thanks for the great reply and sorry it has taken me so long to reply to it !!
I really like your take on things because it is a positive way of looking at the situation which is refreshing for me because I have become more jaded as I have journeyed down the rabbit hole and realise just how messed up things are on planet earth. The main issue I have is that although I agree with your points I fear things are not going to happen fast enough and I am going to have to watch my children suffer until the big things happen that are required for humanity to break out of slavery.

It is indeed going to be a wild ride

Thanks again for taking the time to comment


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