nice pictures,remembers me being there in march.we stayed near gympie in goomboorian with friends and made a day trip to rainbow beach.beautiful part of AUS.
btw your voting power is very low,its not helping thing to keep it between 80 and 100 percent...
im not spying on you,im looking on and just saw that yours is very low...if you dont know this site,just type in your username and you get a lot of details...
cheers mate
Thank you so much @urs.
having trouble understanding it all.
But how do I get it up ?
no worries mate,all good....
you get took me a while too.
you keep your fingers from the upvote button for 3 to 4 days,then you are up to a 100 percent again.there are posts around who tell you how many votes you can do to retrain full power..i reckon 8 to 10 a day or something like that.
its an old one i found of a resteem in my posts....maybe some aint up to date,most still work i guess,using some frequent....
i just found this,just put voting power in the search bar....
i hope it helps you a bit mate
Thanks mate, it clears things up.
I just got to wait. 😳
Keep a balance over all and slow down.
no worries mate,thats good news.
yes,wait until its fully up and then slow down a bit....