How deleting the Facebook app from my phone reconnected me to myself... and saved hella battery life!

in #blog7 years ago

Last week I was browsing through one of my favorite subreddits, "saved you a click".

You know those clickbait links that are generally answered with one word of picture, but make you scroll through a 20 image gallery for the answer?

This subreddit disrupts just that.

!Captura de pantalla 2017-07-04 a la(s) 10.33.08 a.m..png

I came across this headline:

Delete Facebook and Save Battery and personal Life

I had already been seeing a wave of anti facebook sentiment from people I respect and admire, as well as having some friends just leave the platform altogether after the 2016 politipocalypse. I still have flashbacks, but wether you were against or for a specific issue, All Facebook was on 2016 was Politics.

The revelation that facebook was creating echo chambers and bubbles, combined with the fact that they had started implementing unskippable MidRoll ads on their video content, and playing one video had become a rabbit hole of useless videos, I took the plunge, deleted the app from my phone, and... nothing much really happened.

And that was the GOOD part! My phone had become a notification ticker, rather than a powerful supercomputer connected to all human knowledge that it could be.

bye felicia .png

Downloaded the coursera app and have been consuming classes and more knowledge instead of the 48th picture of some baby I'm never gonna meet.

So I now have, more storage space on my phone, better battery life, no more unnecessary invitations or my phone's calendar getting synced to my facebook calendar for events I'll never go to.

If I ever DO need to get into facebook for any given reason, their browser version is just as good.

And yes, my battery life improved, but without planning it, my personal life also improved.

I'm not saying, LEAVE FACEBOOK NOW AND ONLY DO STEEMIT FULL TIME... But try deleting their app from your phone and see if there's any impact in your life, negative or positive.

I'm excited to see if any of you will do the same and what are your results!

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