Orange is The New Black

in #blog7 years ago

Not my photo*

Wow, I just finished season five of Orange is The New Black.
And all I can say is wow.
What a powerful show.
Now the first few season introduce you to the characters and sorta set the mood for the show. But by the fifth season they really send such a powerful message and take a different turn with the show.


Season 4 ends with one of my favorite charters Poussey Washington dying because of a guard. During what seems to be an emerging protest against the terrible prison conditions, the guard captain yells for the other guards to take every prisoner back to their bunks as every woman is standing on the tables.
As one untrained young guard, Officer Bayley takes Suzanne Warren off the table she starts to freak out. Suzanne has so mental issues and processes situations almost as a child. Poussey, a friend comes to her rescue and Bayley grabs her instead and pushed her to the ground, placing his knee on top of her. Suzanne trying to get him to stop takes Bayley's attention. As the scene increases in chaos, Bayley unaware, crushing Poussey, kills her in what seems to have been an accident. Every woman saw the incident take place. It was very intense, and after the leaving her dead body there all night and the next day to figure out legal situations, the warden Caputo addresses the situation, going off script, and says Bayley will return to his post. Poussey's friend Taystee, overhearing this, runs out of the room exploding and telling everyone "HE DIDN'T EVEN SAY HER NAME." And the prison break out into a riot. Everyone up in arms for Poussey.
It was powerful and exciting.
A total asshole guard brought a gun into the prison and pulls it out as the prisoners corner him and another guard in the hallway. A prisoner pushed him and he drop the guns and Dayanara picks it up and after freaking out...

Season five

She shoots him in the leg.
The riot has officially begun, and the prisoners are taking the guards hostage.
The rest of the season covers different events that take place during the riot.
...ending on a high note with the last few episodes.
Piscatella, the evil guard captain is lured in by Red and Frida.
Things went horribly wrong and Red, along with her prison family were captured.
Piscatella cuts Red's hair along with some of her scalp in front of the family who is tied up. Alex, breaking free tries to stop him and instead he breaks her arm. All this is caught on video by Gina and is later uploaded to the internet after Piscatella is secured by the ladies.
In the end, some of Poussey's friends, Red and her family, are all in the old pool holding hands waiting for the riot team to break in and take them away, not knowing if they are about to die.
Piscatella, who the had released on moments before, was shot in the head by a riot squad team member.
All the other inmates have been secured, but the 9 in the pool and Dougett who is at a guards house.

Seeing the women standing together like that, after all they had been through, was powerful.

If you haven't started watching or stopped watching. This is the show to pick back up.
I almost said goodbye at the beginning of season two. I'm glad that I stayed for this season. Because season 5 is the best season of them all.

Now this is definitely a rated R show with lots of nude scenes. So I'm not recommending it for everyone.
But this is probably one of the better shows on Netflix.
I was really in my feels at the end of this season and I can't wait for season 6 to come out this summer.

Now some things that have happened on the show may seem out of reach, but it is all very possible, and these events are very realistic and perhaps accurate in ways you may not realize. But the only person I want to hear a comparison from, is someone who has actually been in prison.

I don't know why, but it is so possible to get phones in prison. What's even more mystifying is how inmates get to post to Facebook. I'm not mad watching women with petty crimes use phones all the time. But what gets me, is how a prisoner can be sent to max for contraband such as a cell phone, and somehow, get another cell phone?
The man who killed my father and my father's friend has posted to facebook multiple times since being sent to prison.
Why is this possible? Perhaps Correctional officers are not being trained properly?
But hey, perhaps inmates are not being treated as human beings.
OITNB really hits on issues from both sides of the coin. Not just the inmates, but the guards, the warden, and everywhere in-between.
I really recommend this show.
Please comment you opinions on the show below.
Is there an issue in prisons you would like to discuss?

January 30th, 2018


I've heard of this show before and I'll probably start watching this sometime soon. Anyway, have you watched black mirror? It's a very good show, and its very depressing.

The show pretty accurate on some of the abuses that can happen in Prison. (juvie prison perspective here) I still want to see cell phone blockers installed in Prisons. Guards are not suppose to have their cell phones in them anyways. So there is no reason for them not to install them. They install them in hospitals so this shit that it is against their civil rights is bull shit. That is what the state told me when I reported the man who killed your dad was using facebook. Thankfully the Warden though takes it more seriously.
And what they guards are not smuggling in, inmates and their friends, families smuggle it in.

I started watching Orange Is The New Black due to its comedic value, which in my opinion is high. I slowly got hooked to it considering the show's knack for one-of-a-kind and unexpected season finales.

Eventually, I realized it's more than just the comedy that I'm after. I realized how insightful it is and how it doesn't force the lessons it gives on matters that could be hard-to-talk-about.

I approve of the fact that it tackles important issues such as racism, double standards, discrimination, same-sex relationships, and human rights. Somehow, it delivers the message that "you can do the right thing but life can't always make a situation right for you."

And I'm with you in when you said you recommend the show. I hope you watch Season 6! :)

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