The answer to how to get rid of stress
In the body of every person from birth, the ability to overcome the negative impact of stress is inherent. If there were no such mechanisms, then in the course of time, from the accumulation of negative emotions, the organism would simply perish. The change of climate, the arrival of medicines, grief or a happy event can cause stress. Sometimes it happens easy and almost invisible, but sometimes - very long and heavy.
Some, after experiencing mental trauma, take themselves in hand and continue to live a happy active life. However, it happens that it is very difficult for a man to cope with his experiences and negative emotions, he becomes isolated in himself, thereby aggravating his condition.
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The causes of stressful situations:
Self-doubt and self-sufficiency, complexes. Fears, suspiciousness, phobias, increased feelings of anxiety. Child psychological trauma, possibly related to the attitude of the parents. Increased self-criticism, inability to perceive and adequately assess the scale of the problem. Wrong perception of the world (a person deliberately adjusts itself to the fact that life is hard, and there is no joy in it).
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The stressful and depressive state can be overcome not only with the help of medicines, but also in quite natural ways. Change your lifestyle and nutrition - it will be easier and more useful for the health and general well-being of a person.
Useful and favorite food. One way to overcome stress is to consume your favorite foods and dishes. To get rid of a little stress, you can drink your favorite "American" and eat a little chocolate. And to increase the level of the hormone of joy - serotonin, enough is a few bananas. Sport. Active sports improves not only the mood, but also removes the state of depression and extra pounds. Recreation. To overcome depression and get rid of negative emotions, you need to go on vacation on the seashore or on the banks of the river. This allows you to avoid work, get rid of fatigue and overcome stress.