Hello everyone!
English, like all languages, is full of problems for the foreign learners and even sometimes poses some threats to the native speakers. Some of these points are easy to explain, for instance, the difference between:
How do we pronounce the following words in English?
Are the following words or phrases the same?
Do the following words really exist in English?
For the purposes of providing the right answers to the questions raised above and many more of their kind, I have done an extensive research and created a short course on these queries, which will be shared with the community as a practical reference guide to speaking and writing correct English. We will learn more about;
- Common Mistakes
- Grammatically Bad Habits
- Pronunciation
- Difficult Spelling
- Commonly Confused Words
I hope you enjoy this course and also learn something from it. Check my blog daily for updates and new topics.
Thanks for reading!
Yates Yean (1996) Master The Basics. First Edition, USA.

Thank you for posting ENGLISH HUB, hopefully useful for readers
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