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RE: Returning To Steemit After Trolls Nearly Got Me Down

in #blog7 years ago

Please ignore the comments below.

Some trolls from YouTube have followed me here.

They make huge claims and accusations against me.

My only guilt was blocking them on YouTube for harassing and threatening my subscribers.

If you are in doubt or have questions, please feel free to PM me.

Please do not engage the trolls for your own safety.

They are dangerous in the real world and will destroy anyone who supports me.

For a troll free experience, you can "mute" them and hide their comments.

I occasionally answer some of them in order to tell my side of the story.

All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

No humans were harmed in the making of our videos.

Chickens and deer are not so lucky.


I think it is. All accounts are registered in the owners name and the wallet is simply divided by that number. Very little can be gained by this, only less confusing tags.

troy has stated on here that the reason he has all these steemit accounts to to have more steem to upvote his work. He claims it's fair because so many people down vote his blogs. Personally I look at it as a way to weed out the trash on steemit.

I'm really new at this format and I think trying to say anything really solid is just conjecture. Having said that you or Troy may be correct, it may work that way on up-votes and such, but at the wallet you have one account and earnings are averaged (that's as much as I know).

"Some trolls from YouTube have followed me here."

No one 'followed' you here. You made two Youtube videos promoting this site. You invited us here.

Thank you for your post, it is very useful against trolls :D


I have known troy since January 2012 and we were good friends until fall 2013 over a year and a half+. troy reid got severely mad when he was booted from a radio talk show hosted by back in summer 2013. He demanded I leave with him in protest. I said no because the owner of that site was a long time good family friend for nearly five years at that point and about 9yrs now I think.

So roughly 2 weeks later The radio show was contacted by a tv producer wanting to speak to me about making a tv show. It was called America Unplugged and later aired on the Sportsman Channel on national tv. I was episode 4. troy reid again was furious and DEMANDED I give up the show and tell the Sportsman channel to do it on troy reid. I refused obviously.

troy reid decided then that he was going to try and convince everyone I was attacking him and going to his home destroying his stuff in an attempt to get me kicked off the show. His goons even made videos claiming I was a pedo and more. Of course none of it worked and I had one of the highest rated shows on the series.

troy reid learned he could profit nicely off the drama and so for 5yrs now he has kept it up. troy reid has continuosly made false claims about me going to his home in Pine Bush NY several times per week to destroy his stuff. Of course it is all lies. troy reid has made a multitude of lies about me destroying his truck, tractor, tents, killing his chickens, knocking over his fences, and many other things.

One thing troy reid has never ever not even once shown, is a single shred of evidence of his claims about me or anyone else. troy reid says that he has said proof but has never shown it. troy reid has dozens of video and picture surveillance cameras up so he claims. Yet he cannot provide a single picture or video of me EVER on his property.

troy reid has used these lies of his to incite dozens of his hardcore followers to attack me on false pretense. I have actually had to get the police involved and have had a few of troy reid's goons arrested or given police order to back off or go to jail. It is all public record for all to see.

troy reid cannot produce a single piece of evidence to proof anything he claims about trolls attacking him at home or in real life anywhere.

The only thing troy reid can prove is that there are literally 1000's of people fed up with troy reid's lies, libel, slander, fraud, and theft among other things. And yes he can prove there are people here that are openly standing up to troy reid and his crap.

Anyone that has a difference of opinion from troy reid, makes claim that troy reid did something wrong, claims troy reid does not understand something, or just plain disagrees with troy reid is automatically in most cases deemed a TROLL by troy reid and all of their comments are deemed an attack against troy reid.

For once troy reid can you tell everyone the TRUTH why so many people are after you???

I hope it helps someone. I was thinking about a longer article on the subject of how to handle them since I have so much experience. 5 years long and still growing strong on social media.

Who exactly have you "handled"?
In motion, the complete trashing of your name and "business" on Google. This trashing continues to this day. The only thing you have to teach is that its better to stay in school.
Doomkoff ;)

Yip, your videos keep going from Strength to Strength!

Did trog drive Ming Ting through this part of Detroit to show her where they will soon live since he refuses to work to support his family? The burned out meth houses are in better shape than the shit pile he built in New York


youve got some nerve reid.youve got to know that theres something very wrong with you and you need serious mental help to find out why you are the way you are. its like you have at least 2 or more personalities to be able to cope with your lying,conning,stealing,ebegging, bullying ways. i suspect youre bipolar and schitsophrenic. you claim to be a christian but you have no humility like jesus. quite the opposite ,you seem to have delusions of grandeur about yourself and tell lie after lie about how wonderful you are,how smart you are and how you deserve other peoples money because you believe the lies about yourself to justify the con jobs you perpetrate on everyone you can scam money and gifts out of. you must switch effortlessly between personalities to protect your fragile ego because otherwise it would destroy you. that is knowing the truth about who and what you are reid. your post is another lie. you cant handle your OWN LIFE let alone handle trolls. your claim to be growing stronger on social media is an even bigger lie. your income and bought subs prove it. nobody has 104k subs and maybe 3k views. like your father satan you are a liar. you are not going to heaven. you do not pass go and collect 200 dollars. you are finished on social media. help yourself reid by getting psychiatric help and figure out why you are the way you are. i for one would not want you to go to hell. i am a sinner myself. but i do want you to stop hurting others because you are the way you are. amen.

"My only guilt was blocking them on Youtube. Are you an idiot? Yes you must be. Very few people have blamed the banning on you. You never banned me. Trolls just make up another account and keep going so banning us has little or no effect. The truth is your only guilty of lying and cheating and deceit and now on steemit you have been caught plagiarizing fellow steemit member's work. You are nothing but filth

Troy we didn't follow we were invied for fun and make money

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

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