Remembering Loretta Smith

in #blog6 years ago


The far extremes of the socio-political spectrum have always appropriated impoverished and working-class culture to push forward their agendas. This is how they lure you in. They use language that you recognize. They use images and media you enjoy and have deep connection with. They use fashion to make you believe they are on your level. They use social media, memes and virals to hashtag you into to spreading the influence. Woven into all of it is subtle rhetoric to push you into their agendas of hate, exclusion and tyranny.

They use you and a lot of the time, you do not know it.

The gates to your soul are your five senses. Guard them absolutely. Become your own logic checker. Fact checking is not enough. If you do not understand what logic is, learn. And your intuitions and instincts, unless they are protected by logic, will misinform you because those tools are based in emotion.

Data mining, search engine manipulation, and social engineering are bad when corporations do it. The far extremes have learned how to use these tools too.

Those that I mentioned are hand tools like a hammer, or a screwdriver, or a knife. Tools are neutral. Intent and action turns those tools into something else. The sword that kills can also be the scalpel that saves a life.

I have been noticing a trend. All sub-cultures, even those that you would think logically would not be aligned with an extreme viewpoint, are being appropriated. I have found numerous examples of sub-cultures now supporting extremist, hate filled groups. The reason for this is simple.

They have no culture but, need one to push forward.

I do not want to share this evidence because I do not want to be another mouse with a megaphone squeaking sonic booms of validation. I am trying to be responsible for my own digital impact. The only agenda I have is love. And I want to try and make sure that anything I say sticks to that agenda. Everything we purchase, review, tag, tweet, like, share, text, video or speak is being tracked, recorded and cataloged in some fashion. This is a fact. I have been involved with the marketing side of the internet for over twenty years for many large clients. You are indexed and they know how to use your data against you.

This is a gentle warning. Think before every interaction.

Open your mind wide enough to understand and empathize but, do not let your brain fall out. If you think that fists will solve this problem, you are wrong. Violence only gives birth to more violence. Righteous anger motivated by love to actions that care for all lives and liberty is the solution. Be civil but, disobedient. This will not protect you from arrests, fists, violations or death. But, you must be brave, prepare for the worst and value your opponent's life as much as you do your own.

All life is indeed precious, even when we do not agree, or have harmed another.

"I'm Loretta Smith. You killed my son...You broke God's law: Love thy neighbor. I wanna hate you but I can't. I feel pity...tears...but no hate. I didn't realize that until this moment. You are my neighbor. And, I love you. And I forgive you. With all my heart. That's all."

This is from the television show Oz written and produced by Tom Fontana, in the episode "Plan B". Loretta Smith is the mother of one of the correctional officers who was killed by an inmate named Donald Groves. Groves is on death row for this crime. Loretta is black. Donald is white.

Imagine if we took a moment, stood face to face, and each of us, in turn, spoke these words to each other:

"You are my neighbor. And, I love you. With all my heart."

Think about all the emotions you would feel. Think about all the little fears and weird shit would come out. Your tummy will go all which way, trembling and quivering as it goes. Heart will pound, lungs will breathe faster, tingles bounding through your spine. All those trust issues will scream out "OHFUCKOHFUCKOHFUCKFUCKFUCK...what did this person say?...only my mom says that to me!'re NOT my mom...". And the creepy issues will mutter "whatdidtheysay.whatdidtheysay.idunnoidunno.theysaidloveyouallmyheart.idunnoidunno...noonlytheonetime.theonetime.theonetime...idunnoidunno... Okay, nail 'em!" But, then, this little nervous paw at the door marked hope pushes open a tiny crack and peers a fuzzy eye into a simple, disarming realization of " serious, brah?" which invites love in. And your tummy will go all which way, trembling and quivering as it goes. Heart will pound, lungs will breathe faster, tingles bounding through your spine. Just like life intended.

And if this last bit made you uncomfortable then...

"You are my neighbor. And, I love you. With all my heart." :D


I agree with your sentiments we are starting to see the rise of more and more extremist views its like a new type of counter culture and anything that is deemed conformist even if its not necessarily a bad thing is being shunned! So many poeple are just tryng to board this outrage train and riding the waves of some bias moral superiority

FYI I liked your post so much I decided to nominate it as my @Pifc post of the week you can find my nomination [here]( and more about the project [here](

Thank you so much! What a great gesture. I will be following you and your finds here.

An important cautionary tale for our modern times! Thank you for sharing.

I found your post because @chekohler featured you in a Pay it Forward Curation contest entry 😊

And thank you for your kind words.

Nice post and wonderful words. Unfortunately, to some people that speech enters one ear and come out the other. They'll keep the Genocide they are engaged in.. as committing Genocide is the only way they feel normal. In their countries, being against Genocide is considered to be a crime. So they all act like sheep and follow the path of violence. It's all they'll ever know.

I've found your post because @chekohler featured it on his entry for the Pay It Forward Contest

Thank you so much!

Oh the world we live in. I think so many just turn a blind eye, they don't want to know they're being watched. That what they do on the internet is not private. Sadly, anyone that though it was even before the 'Snowden Incident' really had their head in the sand.

I like the quote from OZ it is the 'Christian' ideal. It honestly is how we should view the world. If my neighbor came up to me and said that to me I'd probably panic and find a dead goat on my front porch in the morning. It is their gesture of friendship from their village in Mexico.

You were featured in week 44 of @pifc's Pay It Forward Curation Contest by @chekohler

I just started re-watching Oz recently, which was the inspiration for this. There are so many great ideas in the sub-text of that show. Thank you for your comment. I really means a lot.

✅ Enjoy the vote! For more amazing content, please follow @themadcurator for a chance to receive more free votes!

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