Critique of Danny Shine

in #blog7 years ago

I recently watched a video on Jeff Berwicks channel Anarchast and for around 19-minutes the interview went rather well, Jeff was asking questions and explaining who Danny Shine is, however, at around the 19-minute mark, Danny begins to progress towards some rather anarcho-communist style questioning. From here on, the interview begins to turn more into a Anarcho-Communist vs Anarcho-Capitalist debate. Dannys line of questioning begins with "Doesn't money corrupt things?" at which point Jeff Berwick of the Dollar Vigilante begins to explain how the central banking system, has in fact corrupted money and that it is not money itself that is the issue but the people who are forcing us to use a particular type of money.

Jeff in this interview remained very professional in his interviewing, or what many might consider more of a debate towards the 19-minute mark, but towards the 40 minute mark nearing the end of the interview, Danny very rudely asked Jeff if he would be willing to donate all of his steemit earnings to the steemit community or at least those who went to anarchapulco. This seemed incredibly rude of Danny and many in the comment section of that video found this to be appalling to say the least.

Danny shine in his exact words said "Invest in steemit yourself and if you were to buy a million steem and delegate it to either some people or someone, so that people like myself and all the people who came to anarchapulco can like get by until something better comes along. Is that something you'd consider doing? Because I think that steemit is, for anyone who is watching here who's an investor, I think steemit is (as much I btw have huge problems with ned, the marketing is pathetic, the user experience is really not good enough) all of that stuff I can complain about and I can complain about that but it's not going to help anything and having said all that, at the moment, it's the only kind of thing out there, that's actually working and I think it's a really interesting opportunity for people like yourself, who are investors, that have money, to be able to kind of create, to have an investment, that can actually be used in a philanthropic way. It's a very very unusual investment, but I just want to put that to you to help us out there, to help all of the anarchists who are on steemit, the platform, there are thousands of people who should be on there and there are thousands more who probably should be on there. Like Dayna Martin who i did a little interview with. Is that something you would consider."

This is where Danny Shine is absolutely wrong in his evaluation of what is going on. Danny is suggesting that Jeff should take millions of his hard earned money, place that money into steemit and redistribute his wealth to the less fortunate. This isn't why steemit was created, steemit was created so that people could be paid based on the value of their labour. If on steemit, you put in little effort into writing articles, expect to see little results, however, if you maintain persistence in your writing and people enjoy what you are writing about, you will receive up-votes and you will make a living off of the platform, as many are already doing.

Charity can work but charity will only work when there are thousands of people willing to put in monthly donations to give to a set group of people and who's to say that set group of people won't squander their earnings on things they don't need? Therefore calling on someone like Jeff Berwick, with a few million in savings, to donate the majority of his income to a charitable cause, is in fact not sustainable or needed. Steemit in it's short time on the internet, has managed to raise money for multiple charities, in fact there have been cases of someone's loved on dying of cancer and as a result that person has went on steemit and asked for donations and managed to pay for treatment for their loved one.

Steemit can be used in whatever way you choose to use it, however, if people do not enjoy what you post but don't beg someone for money because you're not as successful as that person you are begging. Be happy with what you have and be grateful when more comes your way. This is more of an opinion piece but I felt this should be brought to people's attention. Charity is a luxury, not a given and that misunderstanding has lead tot he socialist atrocities we have seen in the 20th century and even the century of today. Be careful in your thinking Danny.


Good points man! I'll have to watch the whole thing.

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