[RANT] All the fuss and ruckus about taking a knee... [09.24.17]

in #blog7 years ago


No, not "...until a took an arrow to the knee." This isn't that.

As many of you are probably very well aware by now, there is a whole entire shitstorm brewing (ongoing actually) over the NFL players who are taking a knee during the playing of the National Anthem. It has received so much attention, in fact, that even the POTUS has weighed in his thoughts on the subject.

A quick history lesson for those that are actually blissfully unaware...September 1, 2016 at the 49ers' last preseason game, Colin Kaepernick (then 49ers Quarterback)opted to take a knee during the playing of the National Anthem. This sparked immediate hostility and outrage from the NFL as well as those watching, all the way to the common schlub watching at home. It seemed that everyone had something to say about this "disrespectful" gesture. It blew up the internet for a while and subsided somewhat until very recently when it hit new levels of "WTF".

So why did he do such a disrespectful thing?

Well that's just it...was it really disrespectful? To whom exactly was it disrespectful to? It all comes down to a matter of perspective really. His, yours, and everyone else's. To him, it wasn't disrespectful at all. It was a protest. A message. A silent and non-violent way to get something across to people.

In his own words:

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder..."

To make a long story really short, he was referencing the perceived racial violence that led to the spurring of the BLM. He felt that POC were so beyond disenfranchised and that the flag that's supposed to be waving for one and all is waving for only a select few...and none of them POC. That's about the gist of it all. He feels that POC are being denied the same rights and freedoms that everyone else seems to enjoy routinely.

So why the disrespectful gesture??

Again, this is all a matter of perspective. To whom is he being disrespectful? The most common argument we see online is that he is being disrespectful to the armed forces folks who fought for their country. To not honor the flag is to somehow not honor them at the same time.

But hold on now...is that really the case?

If that were true, then why did hundreds of veterans rally BEHIND Kaepernick and his gesture, fully supporting and endorsing his protest and even hitting Twitter with the hashtag, #VeteransForKaepernick ? It would seem kinda odd to say that these folks are offended or disrespected when they are, in fact, lining up to endorse his actions? When something offends YOU, do you run right out and stand behind it? When someone or something disrespects YOU, do you throw your support behind it and applaud?

Um yeah...not.

So if these people were so disrespected...why the support then?

Oh that's right, because you still need someone to be a victim of all this, so you latch on to the first convenient group you can think of without first seeing if they are ACTUALLY feeling at all, in any way, disrespected.

SPOILER ALERT: They were not - they supported his action.

In fact, when you strip away all the hyperbole and impotent outrage, what the fuck did those folks risk their very lives for in the first fucking place? Those men and women of the armed forces who gave their lives?

Freedoms. Rights.

Believe it or not, that means that Kaepernick gets to enjoy them just like you do. They didn't fight for YOUR freedoms and hey, fuck everyone else.


Though you raging, testosterone fueled shitstains wanna believe that's the case. That YOU have rights and freedoms and hey, fuck Kaepernick. Fuck anyone that dare "disrespect" the flag too.

And that's why you are all helping him establish the very point he had been trying to make all along. He was kneeling to imply that POC don't get to enjoy the same freedoms and rights that the rest get, and he was tired of it...and with each word you write in your wee, flailing, ignorant rage...you're doing nothing more than proving him RIGHT.


That's right, knuckle draggers of the world...you're proving his point perfectly with each passing day, and each feverishly typed word in anger. Oh, you didn't realize that every time you attempt to spit your venom his way that he is substantiating his protest that much more, and with YOUR assistance?

You fucking morons just don't get it, do you?


Even the goddamn POTUS has now proven Kaepernick's point, when he decided to meddle in shit that has sweet fuck all to do with running a country. Odd, he insists that people leave their politics at home and do their damn job...while at the same time, he is treating this issue like a National tragedy that needs to be addressed when he should really be leaving this alone and doing his own damn job. The world hates a hypocrite, so pot better watch his Ps and Qs and leave kettle to his business.

Listen, we find it stretched to see a millionaire who is in a position that few get to achieve in their life, complaining about his people having it so rough...and normally we'd roast him for it. But we get his point. We understand it now, and we understand WHY he chose to do it the way he did it. Millions of people from all over the world tuned in, and just like the 1968 Olympics with the Black Panthers power fist...he used his stage and his opportunity to make a statement that few would miss or forget.

But...but...teh disrespekt...

Nope. He ain't disrespecting anyone or anything that didn't already disrespect him and his people. We appreciate that not every black that gets gunned down is an innocent, and in fact, far from it...though there are numerous examples of the black man being held back and gunned down in broad daylight just because he was black, and thus looked at as a "lesser" human being. That's not anecdotal - that's hard ass fact. A 5 second Google search will verify this.

Even very recently, entire TEAMS of players were in their dressing room during the playing of the anthem. Deliberately. That wasn't an oopsie or accident. And what about the Jags and Ravens, two opposing teams that saw players locking arms in solidarity for this "disrespectful" gesture?

Well that's just the straw that broke the camel's back, right?

Some argue now that the NFL's ratings are being body slammed like a drunken midget, and they may be right. Who is responsible for that dropoff? Well look no further than the mirrors of those simps that keep tossing around the word "disrespect" like they understand what it means, and have effectively boycotted the NFL they held so dear and so in due course, the ratings decline.

Oh wait a sec - what was that? They boycotted the NFL? Ain't that...a protest? Aren't they then too exercising their rights and freedoms the exact same way Kaepernick did?

It's okay for them do it, but not him?

And how is this NOT proving his point...yet again?

That's right. Every one of you that boycotted the NFL for this "outrage" have each lined up to help Kaepernick prove his point beautifully...and you didn't even realize it til RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT.

So hold on to this moment for a minute...and think...really, really think...

Why is YOUR protest any different than HIS protest? Why is YOUR protest so important and awe inspiring and HIS so damnable?

Because you're all a bunch of sanctimonious asshats. That's why.

You're just exercising your rights.

So was he.

So maybe instead of draping the flag over him (or choking him with it) while wrapping it around yourselves...maybe you should all just try to hold it up together?

Just a thought.

The world hates a hypocrite. So stop being one.

Free your 8
~ SC

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