[RANT] 40-Love, game point...(Marriage equality in Australia) [09.20.17]

in #blog7 years ago


“Australian tennis champ Margaret Court is doubling down against marriage equality in Australia, saying that proponents of equality are seeking to destroy marriage and all major holidays in the country.”

Ok, wait...what the shit??

So her implication is that GAYS are destroying marriage, or will if they get the access to actual marriage and not a pithy “civil union”? Wouldn’t that imply that marriage, as an institution, was already rock solid and beyond reproach?

Newsflash: Marriage is on the skids and has been since roughly 1969 (or 1976 or so in Australia) thanks to the fantastic No Fault Divorce decrees that took hold.

Gays had sweet fuck all to do with marriage being a joke, a sham, and an institution with a near perfect 50% fail rate.

Heterosexual couples did that all by themselves.

So by allowing gays to marry and be recognized as such, this will destroy marriage? How can you destroy something that is already destroyed? Marriage, as an institution, has been on life support for decades running and the future for it looks pretty bleak too.

So what is all the fucking fuss about?

Oh yeah, some old fucking crone who was raised with “the good book” more likely than not, who believes in the “traditional values” and sanctity of man and woman in holy matrimony. Holy moley is more like it.

She also implies that if gays are allowed to marry and be recognized as such, this will lay waste to the holidays.

Man, you just can’t make this shit up...


Ruined holidays now?

Here’s another newsflash for you and your like-minded ilk...gays have been around probably since mankind was able to walk and play with their own junk. Holidays; at least the ones we traditionally celebrate; haven’t been around as long. That means in no small way that these gays that you are trashing have been celebrating or not celebrating holidays since they began.

Allowing them the right to be married and recognized as such will have exactly zero impact on these cherished holidays. It will be very much status quo as nothing will change at all. If they celebrated or didn’t celebrate PRIOR TO being allowed to marry and be recognized as such, they will continue to celebrate or not celebrate as they always have.

Being married or not will have exactly zero impact on their holidays.

Or yours.

We don’t get the hate? We really don’t. Why should heterosexuals be the only ones with the right to be married and miserable? Why can’t the gay community get the right to be as miserable as the rest of the married couples? Why should the heteros get exclusive access to that misery?

The better question is, how does their marriage affect YOUR marriage in ANY way? How would them getting married make your own marriage any more or less valid? The gays getting married would have, again, exactly zero impact on YOUR marriage.

So what the actual fuck, people?

What’s your fucking hangup?

Sitting back and musing for a few moments, we feel that we know the answer to that question.

For us, in our opinion, we feel the reason that heteros have been so staunchly opposed to gay marriage extends far beyond a mere “good book” and actually delves into the territory of pride. Pride being a sin, by the way (and a personal fave we may add). They’re afraid that, if given enough time, the marriage rates/divorce rates may see a change and see less and less divorce BUT this will not be on the backs of the heteros. Nope. For generations the heteros have maligned marriage to the point of a near perfect 50% failure rate, and they’re positively petrified that here come the queers getting’ all married and stuff, and showing the hetero community how marriage really works, and what sanctity of marriage really means.

To be honest, we could easily see that within as short a time as a decade, the divorce rate will fall and the statistics will point to the gay community for that change. As more gays marry and STAY MARRIED, this will establish marriage, as an institution, as a success once more. Except this success will be attributed to couples who truly love each other staying together because they love each other...and not because of some “good book”, an unexpected baby (OH NOES can’t have a kid outta teh wedlock!!_), or because the law compelled them to remain married (the time in history where it was forbidden for a woman to ask for a divorce).

All reasons why marriage was such a “success” before 1969. Technicalities.

Now, once the stats come in, we’ll see legitimate success in marriage that have nothing to do with technicalities.

And that thought alone is terrifying to the hetero community.

That “those damn gays” can accomplish something in short order that they couldn’t accomplish in several millennia.

What are your thoughts?

Free your 8
~ SC

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