DC Versus Marvel: The Difference in Storytelling

in #blog6 years ago

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It’s undeniable, Marvel is kicking DC’s ass.

Deadpool came around and crashed all expectations, then came* Thor: Ragnarok*, and then Black Panther... And they all did the same.

Infinity War is only a few weeks old and it’s already one of the most popular movies ever made, one of the best-selling in history and it’s still going strong.

Then Deadpool comes back again and wrecks havoc. Standing in strong contrast with their rival franchise The DCEU.

On the other side of the spectrum - and aside from Wonder Woman - almost every DC movie in the recent years have faced some serious criticism, quite justifiably I may add.

You see, the first thing that jumps to mind comparing the two franchises is that Marvel movies are engineous, fun, vibrant… They bend the rules, and because of that they’re often refreshing.

The DC movies however are none of these things.

The curious part comes when you compare some extremely similar plotlines that both franchises share, and observe how the way each of them approaches the story couldn’t be more different.

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Let’s try a fun exercise.

Tell me if this sounds familiar: In a movie where most superheroes of the franchise assemble (Civil War/ Dawn of Justice) the main plot revolves around a Billionaire orphan (Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark) taking on one of the most popular superheroes (Superman, Captain America) trying to put their power in check.

There are plenty of other similarities that we will skip through, such as both movies starting in Africa, both having an event that backfired causing world wide outrage, both having the United Nation assemble and a bomb exploding in that meeting, both movies have a seen where the billionaire orphan watch their parents get murdered… And a bunch of other plotlines.

However this is where the balance starts to tip.

The Tale of the Two Storytellers: The Compelling Struggle

In Captain America: Civil War, the struggle is a one of ideologies. On one side we have Tony Stark who values safety over liberty because of the guilt he’s carrying, and on the other we have Steve Rogers who doesn’t understand the Post-Patriot Act America, and instead he values freedom and privacy over “security”.

The main subplot revolves around Bucky Barnes, who is the only example of what happens when they surrender their powers to the government. They corrupted him, brainwashed him and turned him into a killing machine for political gain.

Tony Stark wants to send Bucky back to the state so they can do with him what they want, knowing that the orders are to kill him on sight.

Steve Rogers remains loyal and defends his friend, he doesn’t accept the “shoot-first, ask questions later” and doesn’t seem to fit in this new world he’s been brought to. No matter the stakes, he still believes in investigation and the right fair trial.

Later on, Tony discovers that Bucky was in fact framed which leads him to re-examine his own beliefs.

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In the midst such a brutal face-off, most of the superheroes side either with Iron Man or with Captain America.

All of them caught in clash of ideologies between safety, security and blindly following the law… And others leaning towards freedom, privacy and the unalienable human rights.

And there are some who can see both point of views, like Natasha Romanoff who understands that Tony’s guilt is what’s pushing him towards those draconian laws.

And she understands Steve Roger’s side too, which is that governments can be - and have been proven - to be corrupted, quite easily and with vast frequency.

You see, this is a struggle that everyone relates to. They seem real, because they are real. Your brain is stimulated in a similar manner than if it was a real situation which allows the storyteller to take you into an emotional roller-coaster.

The role of the storyteller to make you care. To make you care about the plot and to make the characters relatable to the audience.

In Batman v Superman however, there was a clear oversight in this regard.

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Why were Batman and Superman fighting? For some reason Superman rubbed Batman wrong and he just wanted him gone.

Even his closest and oldest friend Alfred struggled to understand such animosity. “He is not our enemy, Bruce” he kept trying to reason with him.

At some point, it has gotten so ridiculous then when Clark Kent saved hundreds of people in Mexico, Bruce Wayne says like something like “Big deal! We don’t need him to save a cat from a tree”.

Now why in hell would you make your darkest character sound like a jealous teenage girl?

Needless to say, the character development lacked a lot of substance.

In comparison to that, in Civil War neither of the character had the absolute knowledge of what’s right and what’s wrong. Which makes it all the more realistic.

Both sides are full of doubt, and constantly re-examine their views (like Tony stark meeting with the victims of Sokova..etc) and despite everything, they still don’t know.

At the end, no one has a choice but to fight for what they stand for.

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These are complex multi-layered characters and the viewers resonate with that because they too have multi-layered and complex personalities and life stories. They too have faced struggle in their lives.

And best of all, no one has the absolute truth, no one knows for sure. All they can do is to stick to their principals no matter the cost while delivering the audience a trepid clash of ideologies.

There is no clash of ideologies in Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice. Hell, there is no compelling reason behind the clash.

The technical term is known as the “Compelling Struggle” which is totally absent in the DC franchise.

This is how the main clash resolves in Dawn of Justice:

Batman tries to kill Superman and he almost succeeds. Just when he was about to end his life with Kryptonite Superman says “Martha…” and Batman realizes that his mom too is called Martha, so Batman immediately turns from absolute enemy into BFF mode.

Just like that, poof! They bonded on their motherly love for Marthas and a new friendship is born.

Ironically, this not lead to a deluge of Martha Memes and parodies, but even contributed to some light comedy in Deadpool 2.

Not only does the main struggle lacks of any substance, but even the reason behind such struggle is not clearly defined, and the same goes for the character's drive and motivation.

On that note, we close our story today but stay tuned for Part 2 where we discuss Character Development.

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The superman-batman fight was pulled out of The Dark Knight.
Which is fight over ideologies. Exactly like the Captain America movie.

But, DC left out ... like everything that made The Dark Knight so powerful.
Sure we wanted to see Batman vs Superman... but, without the backstory, it is a couple of teenagers shouting, "no, you did it."

It is very sad.

But, like The Watchmen, you cut too much of the back story out, and you are left with nothing. And there were pages in between chapters in the book that could have been turned into entire movies unto themselves.
Or, you could watch The Watchmen (light), The Incredibles (where they still had to cut it way down)

Oh yeah, they left out all kinds of key tools and even subplot (Lex Luthor was supposed to be an old friend/turned enemy of Clark Kent) and that aspect would be used for more dramatization as Superman is already clashing with Batman.

That's an excellent remark about The Dark Night, it is as if that movie and the Dawn of Justice one comes from totally different planets.

Take the depth of the villain for example, on one side we had Bane, and we had the Joker (from the other Nolan's Batman movie)... In Dawn of Justice, we have this:

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" I smash!" haha... That's the storytelling depth of the arch-villain that they all assemble to fight.

Btw, you got a great point about cutting too much of the backstory out. I may even add Suicide Squad there, since they fast-forwarded through some awesome stuff.

Thanks for the awesome and engaging comment!!

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I think the core of the issue between the two franchises is that Marvel characters are more human, they are not perfect, they are broken beings like us while DC tries to paint these god like bigger than life characters, that used to work in the past, but thanks to Marvel humanizing heroes, it won't work anymore.

Yeah exactly! You're right, many of them are broken, Logan, Thor... Deadpool has his baggage..etc.

As you said, it used to work in the past but not now :)

Thanks for the cool feedback!

This describes it, at best. At least to me.

Marvel really carries the cinematography in complete single direction with many ways to get around while DC is just confused where to go next i literally gave watching any movies of dc after justice league that was such a disappointment but glad marvel from the beginning carrying that perfection on a massive scale each concept is unique and futuristic in theirs movie and other on the other hand you described everything amazingly :) great to see you and your post after a long time again haha :D

Haha I'm glad to be posting again :) Sorry for the absence and thank you soo much for still being here!! I really appreciate it.

I agree with you, DC seem so confused to me as well. Chadwick Boseman who plays the Black Panther said that when he watch Justice League it seemed to him like there were many people deciding on the story and ended up like that.. Haha so we are not the only people who felt they're confused. :P

One of the only reasons why I like DC is because of Vertigo, DC's darker line of comics. The Sandman series by Neil Gaiman is still my favorite and I re-read all the time for inspiration.

Apart from that, superheros in costume-wise, Marvel definitely wins.

Oh yeah, Gaiman is a fantastic writer. He just won that lawsuit not too long ago (about the rights of a character, I think he will develop it with Amazon studios).

DC had some darker stuff before, but lately it seems like children's cartoons :P Take the latest movie, they hype up this villain Steppenwolf and Superman comes, punches him and that's it.

Haha I hope they find their way back.

While it sure is given that the pots and the story line of Marvel is going very well compared to DC .While as not only being a fan of Marvel CIn.Universe I do enjoy watching them as because they arrange it very nicely and all the things are going on cordially with all the details.

Whereas DC seemed like came out of nowhere and started to assemble the characters without any thoughts given seriously.There were lot of expectations from the Justice League but the story seemed to easy !

While just shared the feelings hope they both (Marvel & DC )can keep the momentum and give us some exciting movies in the coming days ;)

I sure hope they give us more exciting movies as well!

Haha "it seemed too easy" so true!

DC really needs better writers and less studio interference. Writers are the backbone of any movie and if they fail to capture the essence of the characters then the whole movie collapses. With regards to studio interference, another reason why Marvel is on top of the game is that Kevin Feige has full creative control meaning he can run everything in the studio without hesitation or taking someone's permission. In WB studios, Zack doesn't have that kinda control and when it came to the editing the studio just interfered a lot with the movie.

That's an excellent point! They don't seem to focus so much on the story and writing in comparison to editing and graphics.

Re-Feige, I think that's the best thing they have done. They let him take some "risky" chances such as hiring Taika for Ragnarok..etc.

In DC on the other hand, it seems like there is even a Snyder's cut (when you have the director shooting a version they think is best and a separate one where the studio think is best) you know there is no synergy and very little room to operate.

I actually once wrote about that Zak intereference once :P https://steemit.com/blog/@the-alien/zack-snyder-sucks-an-alternative-review-of-justice-league

But now in retrospect, I think that the Ben Affleck script was a much better story. Too bad it didn't to production.

Thanks for the great conversation.

Glad to have one!

Gosh!!You nailed this @the-alien! DC movies used to be so amazing now they are just kinda boring while Marvel movies are rather fun and refreshing. What about the mindless cruelty of DC villains? Not cool! Marvel villains are so compelling! I guess the DC script writers need to be overhauled, it's killing the stories

Thank you so much for the kind words!

Haha you nailed it "mindless cruelty", and you're right. DC's villains are ridiculous! Marvel on the other hand did an amazing job with Loki, Hela, Thanos..etc.

It seems like for DC the villain should have no depth nor an interesting background. I hope they reconsider. :)

Superheroes or not, some of the plots on DC were either too short-lived or not properly connected. Like you said, a lot of jt just wasn't relatable. Maybe we want to see the extremes, Maybe not, but at least add a bit of humanity to it. Batman, a supposedly sworn enemy of superman in the movie stops dead in his tracks because of the name Martha. Twasn't villain enough, and it showed that the scriptwriter needed a way out and chose the easy one. I used to be a fanboy. Hurts a bit.

I shall stick around to read the next one.

Yeah I think that one of their main failures is to make the characters relocatable and to make people care about the story.

Thanks for the input, I'll try not to disappoint in the next one.

P.S: I'm actually a Batman fan as well, but I can see that Marvel is doing a better job.

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