The secrets of life as I have learned.

in #blog6 years ago


First thing we have to grasp, life is a struggle and by no means is it easy. Control what you can control and let go of things or events that are out of your control. This mean, we have to learn to forgive ourselves and others. We have to learn to let go of bad experiences to gain positive ones. We have to love ourselves unconditionally. So, I say this so you understand. You never lose as long as you continuously keep giving 100% at whatever your trying to achieve each and every single day. Take the little wins as you get them. We have to be adaptive to change. Because change is the only constant in our every changing world.

Little wins, like waking up or going to work, or being able to walk without the assistant of others are all blessing from Our father who art in heaven. Little wins can amassed over time. Know that those little Wins overtime can and may even catapult themselves into something big which you deserve. Which, will allow you to then start to see yourself as a success. Lose all fears, lose all anxiety, lose all depression and see what you become once there is no fear. In my personal opinion as a individual who suffers with anxiety and depression, once I was able to let go of all my fears which included my thoughts. I felt I had a redo in life and I wasn’t going to let this one go by being hopeless.

Remember, true success does not always mean money. Success can be whatever you worked hard to achieve, and because you never gave up you were able to see the fruits of your labor flourished. Meaning if you wanna start a business, start a business. I ask you this, what’s stopping you from becoming the best version of yourself? Know tat constructive Criticism are okay as along as it comes with an explanation and the other person is open minded enough to listen to your reasons, but do not be defensive. Hence, do not tolerate anyone criticizing you without providing their reasons for coming to their conclusion which is the why.

What’s stopping you from making new friends online, or learning how to build that thing you always wanted to learn to build? What’s stopping you from going outside and talking to strangers without any preconceived notion’s or judgment? What’s stopping you from changing jobs if you are unhappy in your current job?

From my personal experience, I worked in Informational Technology IT field and I enjoyed helping out clients resolve their computer, server, printers and software issues. I liked talking with the client to gain a broader prospective of life. Unfortunately, things were not going so well at the office so I put in a request to change supervisor. I was told to give it time and I was valuable to the university and they wanted to see me succeed. Knowing that information I did everything in my power to work even harder. However, I saw I wasn’t happy at my job due to false judgment about me. A month later, as I walked in to start working, my supervisor approached me and told me they had a new training which I had to complete. When we walked upstairs, I saw the CTO and his manager sitting at the desk. Long story short I was terminated because of tardiness. I accepted I was being let go, gave back all university properties and left the campus.

Later after talking with my dad, I noticed my spirit wasn’t broken. So, I saw this opportunity as a way to travel the world like I always wanted to. Two months later I said goodbye to my family and close friends. I didn’t let my anxiety stopped me from seeing the world. Because I didn’t allow my anxiety to control me, I was able to meet my girlfriend in Southeast Asia and now I swing trade in both the stock and crypto markets.

Life is not easy, life is not fair, there will always be obstacles which you will have to overcome. Listen, there will always be individuals trying to mitigate your progress to try to stop you from being the better version of yourself. There will always be rumors, lies and deception about you, your family or those closest to you. The sooner we understand that the sooner we are able to cope and move on with our life.

Fortunately for us we cannot allow those things to predetermine our future or our life. We have to keep pushing regardless of the outcomes.
We have to use each and every single day to our advantage, by reading, and or listening to podcasts to grow our understanding of our modern day society. We can use the tools we learn to our advantage. By implementing and utilizing those techniques we learned from the books we read and or the podcasts we listened. Which, can help us to adjust our every day life and journeys in accordance to how we see fit for our survival and success.

Life will always be a struggle and we have to understand that in order for us to truly be our self without relying on others Perception of us as validation for living. Even a fly has a purpose in this life. Why can’t you find yours? The world is big And the Internet has brought us closer but also separate us with social media. But I see this as something we can take advantage of and use it as a means to our ends. We can utilize those social medias as a means to help others and create real solutions to others needs, by adding value.

From my personal experiences, in order to be successful we have to be able to assist others in their time of need.


You said that you didn't allow your anxiety to control you. Was that specifically in traveling? Or was it on other ways?

Long response here.

When it come to anxiety it becomes a cripple affect. Once, I spoke with my family and friends, I suddenly realized over the years I have allowed my anxiety to put a pressure down on me and take full control of my life. I figured I wasn’t ready to give up, because life create a purpose for us when we follow our desires to help ourselves and others in the process. I took on more reading and learning about meditation, by readingbooks and listening to a podcast about individuals who were able to overcome there anxiety.

One common theme in all of there success, was that they did not allow there thoughts to govern their wellbeing. They allowed all thoughts to freely come in and out of their mind without paying much attention to those thoughts. Over time the racing thoughts cease to exist. Because as Buddha once stated “What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.” Our fears are just that fears, they shouldn’t be construed as our reality. Make your desired reality, by being prepared for each and every single day so you are not so anxious.

We shouldn’t allow our mind to mislead us into a future we do not desire. Example, if I go ahead and say I’m not gonna do this task because I believe if I complete this task I would be viewed as being wrong, so I stop and just ignore the underlying task. By doing so I just created a problem for myself and subsequently also allowed my mind to negatively effect my life. Because I allowed that, now Im going to second guess everything I do moving forward even if I’m right, I would feel as if I’m wrong. That’s the negative ramifications my mind just created for me because I listened to it. Now it has all the power to control and govern my life. This is because I stopped myself from doing what I really wanted to do.

Hence, I learned just complete the task regardless right or wrong. You maybe amazed as to how much you can really accomplish once you start believing in yourself and completing even the the smallest task around your home and job. I learned not to be so focused on the overall outcomes but instead enjoy the process. So, i would say if you believe what you are doing is the right thing and it would benefit others, why should you worry about others interpretation? Just do complete the task and never be defensive to constructive criticism, have an open mind. others can help you become your best version overtime.

Never be afraid to leave yourself vulnerable to criticism. Mainly, because no one is perfect not even a dog. Be yourself because that’s what am I doing. Don’t be so caught and focus that you lose sight of your vision. Do not be so focus on others attention or consequences and ramification by delineating from your true happiness. Hope this help

Good response. I notice that for me, belief in myself comes in waves. Sometimes I do and I fully believe what Buddha said, and other times, I don't. I'll definitely keep in mind what you wrote. Thank you.

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