Steemit blogging guide

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

GUIDANCE FOR BLOGS – Here is a guide to the things you must do – and what not to do.

This is about blogging rather than commenting. There are many other guides to the do’s and don’ts of commenting. This guide is only about writing blogs not comments.

Here is a list of things you MUST DO if you want your blogging to be successful.

a) If you are just starting in Steemit, set your expectations low. Don’t expect to get many rewards, votes or comments before you have written 100s if not 1000+ blogs. Steemit is not an easy money place. Just because you see some bloggers in the hot or trending section earning $100s of dollars does not mean you can do it. These bloggers are already famous and have thousands of followers. Your next blog may be much more brilliant than theirs, but sadly you don’t have the followers yet. They do. No votes is the norm when you are new. It will take a long time to grow worthwhile followers.

b) Make sure your blog would be interesting to others. Write well. Write intelligently. Don’t make spelling or grammar mistakes. Take care of your layout. Use correct punctuation. Use headings and paragraphs to groups ideas. Make your text and layout pleasing to the eye. Always proof-read what you have written many times. Could you write something better? Can you improve something? Is what you have written clear?

c) Photos are not essential. They can be useful to illustrate a blog. Photos just for the sake of it may not add anything. There’s no rule. So use your brain to judge what is appropriate. If you are writing about a family day in the park then a lot of photos can make your blog come alive. On the other hand, if you are writing about “Does God exist” – or a blog like this one, then it is hard to see the added value of inserting photos. It could seem quite contrived.

d) Use tags appropriately. You don’t have to use all 5 tags. Make sure the first tag most closely reflects the topic you are writing about.

e) Write because you love writing, not because you are trying to earn a reward.

f) If you have written about 25 excellent and interesting posts, you should expect between 5 and 10 genuine followers. If you have them, then you are on the right track. “Genuine” means followers who have a reputation above 40 and who share similar interests and write similar blogs to your own.

g) If after 25 blogs you still have less than 5 genuine followers, and are getting less than 2 or 3 meaningful and interesting comments per blog, you could be doing something wrong. Maybe you need to change something.

Here are some recommendations to keep your most valuable followers:

i. Don’t allow the quality of your writing to deteriorate. Your blogs should only get better, not worse.

ii. Don’t write pointless posts.

iii. I sometimes see people who start writing here with a few brilliant posts. I follow them. Then they get disillusioned and write shorter less entertaining or less interesting posts hoping for another vote from me. I see these boring posts clogging up my feed, so I un-follow them.

iv. If you write boring articles you will still get followers, but not the type you want. These will be the kind of followers who don’t read your articles and whose votes are worthless.

v. You want followers like me. Having one follower with my voting power is worth 1000 times that of the people who follow just for the sake of follow-for-follow. You want to keep high reputation steemians – those with a reputation above 50, like me, interested. If not, - if I find your latest blogs lack quality, - I will simply un-follow you - to keep my feed clean.

vi. Don’t expect everyone who reads your blog to vote. Your readers are not charities. They want to be entertained, by something original and interesting. I only reward effort that I enjoyed. It’s like the movies. It does not matter how much time and effort was put into making the movie, I’ll only pay to watch it if I like it. I’ll only come back a second time to pay to watch the sequel if I enjoyed the original. If Star Wars versions 1,2,3,4 and 5 were brilliant, I’ll keep coming back for more. But if versions 6,7 and 8 aren’t as good, then I won’t come back for versions 9, 10 and 11.

Here are the things you MUST NOT do:

  1. Don’t cut and paste news stories from other websites. That’s theft of copyright material. You are depriving the owners of their revenue. You are trying to make a profit for yourself at their expense. The journalist did the hard work and you are lazy. If everybody did that, we would have the contents of every newspaper clogging up steemit. You will be flagged if you plagiarize.

  2. Don’t cut and paste content from elsewhere on the web if you are not the author. The same comments as above apply. It’s OK to quote a phrase, a sentence or a paragraph if you cite the original source provided your motive is to illustrate a point you are making on your own original blog.

  3. Don’t publish third party photos, even open source ones, without citing the source. Posting someone-else’s photo without any meaningful discussion or commentary about it serves no purpose to steemit users. There are plenty of photography sites which are designed for that. If you post other people’s photos – whether open-source or not, then, if it is not part of a useful discussion, or to illustrate a blog, it will be seen as spam posting just like copying news articles.

  4. The same comment as above applies to videos. Publishing someone else’s video in your blog, on its own, does not justify you getting rewarded for it. We can go to Youtube to find original videos by original authors without your help. Once again, doing this is downright theft. It’s like stealing goods from Walmart and then selling them in your own store. You will be flagged if you try to milk the steemit reward system by doing this. It is OK to use an extract of a video to illustrate a point you are making in your original blog.

  5. Do not engage in blogging activities designed to “game” the steemit rewards system. Examples could include publishing lots of short boring blogs with the motive of harvesting votes from friends or an army of bots. There are lots of ways people discover to try and game the system. Experienced steemians are no fools. They will see it for what is. Sooner or later a whale will start flagging you. Your reputation and rewards will be shot to zero.

  6. Do not publish blogs containing only the same information that would already be found on a dedicated site, such as dictionary translations, sayings, anecdotes, famous quotes, idioms, and so on, unless what you are writing is original, i.e. your own work. It should be more useful to others than what is already found on the dedicated sites.

  7. Do not misuse tags. Adding a tag like “life” or “photography” to this blog would be misleading.

  8. Do not post advertisements or quasi-advertisements. Do not add your own referral links to try and re-direct people to some “money-making” scheme where you will earn a commission for the referral.

  9. When blogging, remember that some of your readers will be very different from you. They will have different backgrounds, religions, cultures, and ways of thinking. What you find funny, some may find insensitive, offensive, or plain rude. Don’t stop this from letting you voice your opinions, but be prepared to face disagreement or arguments from others.

  10. Don’t abuse others, exact revenge or act like a child. We’re grown ups. Someone didn’t like your blog? Tough. Forget it and move on.

  11. Don’t try and write when you are drunk or on drugs. You might regret it later. Remember, this is the blockchain. Everything you write is stored forever.

  12. If you are a school-teacher or a preacher, do not encourage your students to write here. They are not ready for the harsh criticism that can be meted out by those who are not trained in dealing with sensitive little souls.

  13. Don’t spoil your blogs with banners or non relevant animated gifs.


Using an image you found on the internet? That’s stealing!

You could be in serious legal trouble if you use someone else’s picture.

I found a brilliant, and very humourous blog by @rubencress which discusses the issues.

Even if you would never steal a photo, this blog from an amazing professional photographer is worth your time to read it. You will enjoy the humour.

I'm glad that you liked it and found it of use. Copyright is a dull topic to talk about, so I tried to make it as fun as possible to learn while reading it. Thanks!

I made this mistake myself.

Although I've made sure to use only photos under CC0 license (free for commercial use, attribution not required), looking back I've should still attribute the authors. Technically, I'm not required to do it, but it's something I've should have done anyways.

Since my blog is not a traditional blog (betting tips I share with the steemit sport bettors community), I've hired a designer to create the graphics that I'll use from now on. I've joined steemit less than a month ago and I'm still feeling my way around here.

There are around five guys I interact with regularly and that makes me hopeful for the future. Cheers!

If you need any digital task that could be done by a guy on the other side of the planet (make a logo, sing a song, write a story, critique your essay, and so on), then look at Everything is supposed to cost just $5.

Looks interesting. Thanks

A perfect article for beginners and a must read for almost every category of user @swissclive. So thank you for publishing this article.

Now coming to some of the important points as described here in this article.


As you said, expectations must be kept low. This is very very true, because if the reward is not at par with the expectations, the passion will die out quickly in this platform and if someone is just starting here, then it is very very essential to keep those expectation low and one should be more focused on blogging than on reward.


This is also very very essential, as here people are writing so many things but those lack grammar at times and the topic of discussion may be of good quality but the way it is being represented is very poor in terms of grammar and typo error and this can be avoided by checking it at least two times after writing it and that is why proof reading is essential.


While we are writing a blog, we must also know the basics of html code and this is very very useful to present our blog, because most of the time we dont just have to post good content but it would also be well presented to the public and this can be done with the help of html code and markdown styling.

Photos and Illustration

If we are putting photos/illustrations then it should be relevant to the subject matter and if we are taking the illustration from somewhere else then it should given proper credits. This way we can maintain the basic etiquettes of this platform and really make its standard very high.


Tags are very very essential, because it not only directs the post to the relevant readers and curator but also it enhances the proper use of tag while blogging. The proper use of tags can also generate votes to the post and all the tags should at least have some relevance to our content and people should not use irrelevant tags just get a upvote and this sort of practice should be avoided and that is not going to help as well.

Thank you so much for writing this article @swissclive and many things just got refreshed about steemit blogging while reading this article.

Thank you @crypto-wisdom. Grammer and presentation are so important. I’m not discriminating against those whose mother tongue is not English. However what I read must be easy on my eyes.

You have presented and laid your comment so well. You have the skills that I like, and you are doing it right.

Thank you so much mam @swissclive.

I personally believe in this global world, English is our global language and it is really necessary to get well versed in this language, so that there would be clarity in our thoughts what we are expressing and the person standing next to me can also understand it properly.

So communication skill plays a vital role in this world and for that to happen we need to strengthen our vocabulary and also grammar and then if we present an article it will look professional and also we feel good when it is appreciated in this platform.

Thank you again.

Well said! Many things in this world require the use of the English language.

Imagine trying to become a respected diplomat, scientist, banker, economist, doctor, or senior manager in an international company without mastering English.

Those who master it have a significant advantage - an even bigger advantage than those who were lucky enough to be born English.

For the first time, ever in history, it is possible for everyone on the planet (except North Korea) to access free of charge all the books and lessons needed to master English. Many foreigners now speak better English than 70% of the population of England.

One very good place to find English lesson resources is the BBC.

Hahah yes after travelling for the past year I can second this...

I've met so many people on the road who speak English as a second or third language, and their understanding of the language surpasses many of those from back home!

I am learning Spanish and can actually say the same the other way round. Many times when I am texting Spanish speaking friends, my grammar is much better than theirs.

I guess sometimes we get lazy with our own native tongues and forget the importance of correct grammar, well-structured sentences and clearly presented layouts.

An important comment @crypto-wisdom - a very valuable addition to an already very useful post... thank you both!

Thanks so much @swiss-clive for the informative post. I have really missed out on your posts update and i feel like slapping myself right now.

well, you still remain one of my mentors on this platform, no doubt about that, because when i got frustrated and was about to quit steemit, you were part of the people who revived my spirit. How? by sharing informative posts like this one.

when i read this post of yours,
if i told you what later happened to me, you might not believe.

i am telling you the utmost truth right now, that post revived my spirit and i jumped back on my feet with determination to succeed on steemit. I also got to know about engaging in other steemians' comment section from you @swiss-clive and @humaearl and some few other steemians.

I am really grateful for what you have done for me. You might not know me, but i know you and can not forget you.

Thank you so much for everything. Reading your posts give me encouragement. Pls keep up the good work.

Thanks so much for the great comment which definitely deserves agood upvote. There is no easy way to be successful in anything. Every profession and every skill requires alot of hard work to get from the bottom and move up the ladder. Nobody joins a company and gets the top position unless they have years of proven hard work and expertise behind them. Steemit takes time to hone your writing skills and build reputation.

No ma. Thank you so much for being the best. I am so glad u found my comment useful..

And yh, there truly isnt any easy way to success in anything.. People some times wanna take the lift/elevator to success but it just lands them in destruction.. To be successful, one needs to take the stairs and endure and enjoy the process.. Its same thing on this platform and i am a living testimony to that. If someone told me i'ld have my reputation @46 one month after my stay on steemit.. I'ld doubt that, but look at where i am today because of determination, consistency and persistency.. Sorry i used my self as an example, i just couldnt help it.

Thankyou so so much @swiss-clive for this.

And lastly, thks for the upvote, it even boosted my reputation... May God reward you, You are the best!😇

Yes!!! Upvoted (not that that really means much from me!) and resteemed... I think this is a really important article and you've articulated it really well... New steemians like me get a potent dose of very valuable information in a relatively short read! Thank you!

I just got into Steemit and am so thrilled to find so much awesomeness here... many inspiring people and writers, contests, chat communities, so much inspiration and a wealth of knowledge and information... I feel very lucky to be here!

Saying that I want to ensure that I bring high quality content to this website... which is exactly what I plan to do! This excellent post will help me stay on track with that when I do start writing for this platform properly... right now I am focusing on just getting involved in the communities and getting to know people here! If you have any other tips for a complete newbie just starting out here I'd really appreciate any extra guidance you have for me!

Thank you once again for a great post. Resteemed mainly so I could keep looking back on it and remind myself of the important points!

Keep up the great work my friend. Happy to have found your blog and this post today!

With love
Hart Floe

@hartfloe. I am delighted that this has helped you. I can see from your comment that you already write very well, so I think you will go far on steemit. After I have upvoted your comment I will be off to have a look at your blogs to see what else you have written.


This is a very good post for the beginners that are just here for the sole purpose of "making money" here alone. That phrase "making money" is what most them have in mind instead of having the orientation of "Getting Paid." I picture these phrases differently and i will explain that.
Making Money; They have the feelings or orientation like steemit is a dumoing ground where they can come with all sort of blogging or materials just to come have money out of the system.
Getting Paid; They believe they have to work their ass up real hard before they could earn a penny. So those with this orientation tends to grow faster than the "making money" people.

They still don't understand that you can't take out of this system if you are not adding a value to it. For instance, you can only make a withrawal from your bank account if you have a savings in it alone, without savings in your account, you can't. I see steemit as a bank account where i have to make savings before i could say i want to withdraw out of it.
Most the new people i have around always compare themselves with those trending without considering swhen they started, their time and effort to the system or the dues they have paid before they could be trending too. Looking at some of your articlewhen you started too earned you no dime but likes and comment, yet your consistecy and determination got you this far. I think i would personally be telling all newnies now to start following first before anything because you always take your time to tutor newbies on how to grow without a ny hitch on this platform, i wish i had this opportunity earlier than this though

"Don’t spoil your blogs with banners or non relevant animated gifs."

This is one of the main reason why i have put a STOP on an unnecessary contest becaues it always require to RESTEEM and getting my blog littered with un informative post which will tend to drive my followers away. Yes contest are good though but not all contest are going to work to your long favour.


These issue of "copy-copy"needs to STOP. I count it as stealing, you can't be reaping from what you didn't work for, which can't work here. They should seat their asses down and work is what i tell those i brought to the sytem and also advice them to desist from comment "nice post, nice picture, you are nice" because it makes them spammers and no author like spammers at all. Rather, good constructive message that would engage or strike a conversation bewteen them and the author.
Thank you for sharing, and these kind of messages are proofs that you are really adding to the development of the platform.

Please do have a wonderful weekend and my regards to your lovely family over there.

Your Agent,

Spam Detector

As you have spotted, my first 10 blogs earned me only a few cents, despite spending many hours of work on each one. But I persisted, and slowly a few followers came, then more, then more and so on.

Yes! Funny enough, the post are worth more than they could imagine. You thought me the power of consistency and I'm still learning from you as my mentor. Thank you for being there for people like us (minnows) to grow is deemed highly altruistic by everyone.

I think it's about what you say, gathering truly loyal followers willing to vote for their content, there are many who succeed here because they get some sponsorship from people with big votes, but I think that regardless of that, users should try to give the best of us when it comes to providing content, try to make it as original as possible, their advice is very good, but really quite understandable, with some time on the platform one should notice what you say.

The formula that has worked best for me to grow a little here in Steemit and get some votes has been to constantly comment and vote on the content of other users, in such a way that a relationship is created in which it can be interactive, after all it is a social network, so I read the content of the people I follow, that's why I follow very few people, and I think some do the same with some of my publications.

Indeed you have grown, thanks to your high quality blogging. Like many of the people who commented, I looked your recent blogs and read one. It was about the crypto event with skateboards etc. You write well and illustrate your content with high quality photos, so it is readable to the end.

It does not surprise me that you have come a long way in steemit. Effort pays.

Thank you very much for your words, I try to learn from other users who do it very well, and try to be a little better each time.

I have some personal thoughts on this after just being here for a little under a month, hopefully it can be helpful to any of your other readers.

a. Because of the way visibility of posts on steemit works it will be extremely difficult to get noticed by just blogging. It might be faster to comment to get visibility, I know swissclive specifically mentions this is about blogging and the tips are good but if you are new then please note that generating a return from any blog post will be difficult without a voter base and/or a capital base to work with. I've seen countless people do nothing but blog all day and because they don't have any outside investments to work with and because they don't have any big followers their blogs always pay under a dollar, even if the content is good. Note that English is steemit's dominant language so try to use a translator if it's not your native language, they're quite good these days.

b. Making good content, even at the start, might seem like a waste of time but if your writing ability isn't "there" yet then it's still good practice to get in the habit of achieving a certain level of quality before you even get noticed by anyone of note, because your later blogs will be better.

d. There are lots of tag guides on steemit related to how to use/exploit tags, if you can only invest so much on a post you need to know how to work the tag system if it's going to get on the hot page. Take time to read those guides.

e. I think that intrinsically because everyone needs to eat food and most people aren't exactly here to learn how to farm that there is a bit of both writing for pleasure and pay going on, some focus more on one or the other.

f. At this point the new pages are so cluttered that to stand out from the noise you have to join one of the many chat groups you can find on discord or steemit chat, don't be insincere and kiss too much ass but if you find like-minded people to converse with then it can jump-start the relationship-building phase.

g. You might not be doing anything wrong in terms of any of the other advice given, but steemit is still in its infancy and it can be hard to find readers of many various niche topics that you might be interested in. Perhaps there will be an audience for that kind of content later when we grow!

iv. You will still get worthless followers like me even if you write interesting things.

v. Basically, spamming feeds to get an average post payout revenue stream might not be the best idea once you have large wallet clients with discriminating tastes.

vi. Let's not kid ourselves, we all watched even the crappy ones to find out how things turned out.

  1. Also, you don't want to get in trouble if you get accused of convincing your students to gamble!

  2. Don't be like literally every other person who begs for a witness vote.

No idea why the two numbers above aren't 12 and 13, lol.

I usually enjoy reading through the comments section to learn and grow. Oh dear, you did a pretty good job. This is the kind of comments that contributes to the post. I wish my voting power was anything useful to encourage your efforts. I'll come to your blog now to see what you do. I have learned a lot from just this one comment.

Thank you! comments like these mean more to me than a nominal upvote. Genuine feedback makes me feel like my essay-length comments are worthwhile. Just because you don't have massive steempower, doesn't mean what you say has no value. I myself don't have a huge amount of SP, knowing this, I would rather make comments of substance as a way to give back to the community, if I cannot do so monetarily. My blog is a bit embarrassing at the moment I am afraid, I've been working on a science article for steem stem, and have some more plans for the future. Check back and hopefully I will have more content for you similar to this. I'm just getting started!

Its okay. I studied chemistry in the university back in the good old days. Will enjoy some science work too.

I'll try my best not to disappoint!!!

Lots of really good points there @charitybot. Lets hope that some newbies benefit from them. Have you thought of turning these comments into a blog? There’s plenty here to make more than just a comment.

Thank you! I hope so too. I wasn't until you mentioned it, and it did give me cause to think about it in the future. I've just been working on a funny/serious science article I've been writing, maybe I'll try to delve into a different take on steemiting in a blog series too.

This is an interesting comment, aside from the useful advice, the witness chasing part I find interesting. Being relatively new activity-wise I'm used to other alternative sites that don't have such a firmly built-in whale system. Not quite sure how I feel about it but it certainly does add a unique feeling to the site.

Well said @charitybot, thanks for the addition

one of the many chat groups you can find on discord or steemit chat,

Any guidance on how to go about this? I am not sure I understand which groups to join and how to use them effectively.

I would like to thank you for this useful topic for everyone and not just for beginners
In fact, most people here are interested in financial gain only
I did not explicitly apply the points I referred to ( There is no one to guide us when it started three months later ) , But I will try Avoid these things .

  • But I have a question .
    I think Steem Power is the most important ?
    Because if you have a good Steem Power they will follow you a lot, even Though your topics are trivial .

Thank you again @swissclive
have a good day

Excellent point, even with a $1000 of steempower, you will attract more followers. The question is how many of them are just chasing a reward?

Hey @Swissclive, Thanks for Guiding, Here I want to add some more points that a steemer should remember

  1. I suggest that we should buy the Steemit cryptocurrency and put it to our wallet and power it up because it allows us so much more influence in the website. we can use thatr influence on this website to produce more currency, more money for ourself and for the other people in the cummunity.

  2. Post as consistently as possible.
    The more consistent we are the more that we gonna get the people to follow you and look forward to hearing from us whether it’s videos, blogs or pictures. Be as consistent as possible.

  3. Get the attention of the “whales”
    A whale on Steemit is somebody who has a lot of influence. we should get their attention by making a really good post, and having a lot of right people steem and reSteemit! and Get the whales on our side.

  4. Build a big following of raging fans
    we have to built a following of people that are actually engaged with us and create really good content for them. If we wanna start trending and earning hundreds of dollars we need to build that following, we should follow people like the whales and the people that are engaged to us and the people that we enjoy their content. And then get in the comments and comment to these people and comment to our post. Be engaging!

  5. Create really good content.
    Create really good content. But also create a lot of things because you won’t know what’s going to be really good until we get out there and do it! Keep trying until we get the results that we want. Put some really good time, energy and effort into it.

Most of them use spam comment like nice post ; great post ....
As you said in one of your subjects

It's on the person on how he will use it. If you use it well and reward people that deserve it, I believe that you will be fine. Of course that's not the only requirement.

Furthermore, @hassanben I would say that a really good way is to go on other people's blog and upvote comments or blogs(while always providing value). Upvote and engage with the people, engage with the community, make connections and things will work out.

I believe that every time it comes down to who you really are! People should stop faking a character and pretend that they are someone else just because they think that this is how people will like them. Be you and keep trying.


Thank you for reminding us. These are simple and practical tips yet most of us failed to do. I, for one was lured in to this platform hoping to earn money by blogging. I do not have anyone in particular to teach me about steemit, which I only learned from a you tube video. It was a tupsy turvy ride, since I really don't know what to do. Unlike Facebook that you can message someone and ask for help. That time I do not know about steemit chat nor discord channel. I was able to make it through alone, looking for ways what these top Bloggers do. I tried to imitate them, but as you pointed they have followers who upvote them substantially, I do not. I tried voting bots, as this is what some Bloggers do and has helped me earn a little. Since, I do not have that money to invest anyway. It is good for us here in the Philippines to encash SBD, a $ is almost 50pesos which can actually give you a budget meal from McDonald's. But to invest a thousand or so, could only mean a few Steem, that might not add up to one's voting power.

And so, these are very good points to remember when writing posts. And I just recently realize, that steemit offers rewards however, the most important thing is the blogger itself. If I wanted to contribute to the community and to the individuals behind each username, I would have to write contents that I know would help someone in some ways. I do not write contents because most trending posts are from those tags. I write contents by heart, I let people see the me behind the username and hopefully inspire at least one. And that I truly belive is better than any rewards monetized.

I will resteem this post, so that my followers which might be newbies also could learn. They may not be substantial, but in the future it will help me read feeds that are worthy of my miniscule upvote.


Thanks for the re-steem. I know of many steemians who started with nothing, never bought any steem power and now have over $1000.

Take this post as an example. It has already earned $40. But half of that is paid in SBD which are worth $5 each, so that’s $100. If you start to build followers, - good followers - the rewards will follow - slowly at first. To get good followers, your writing needs to be good.

Now it's slowly coming to me the things I needed to work on in this platform. I didn't know it was going to be this tough, as sometimes people just advertise it as "blog and earn" thing. Before, people would tell you can earn from upvote blah, blah, blah. But inside steemit there are other things to take into consideration as well. This is unlike the other social media accounts, here we need to work on it daily. It is like going to work on a regular basis. And work on specific skill sets. What I like though, is that as I go along I don't only give value to other people but more importantly I'm re-learning. Making myself better as I blog. At the end of the day, it's not how many upvotes I get but how much part of me I made better. Thanks again and I hope to learn from you more. God bless!

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