Starting in the Dark

in #blog7 years ago

I have never really done a blog, or even really thought how this could be a fun and exciting adventure. I am constantly plagued with many questions I am sure any one who wants to be a curator of content has to ask themselves. What am I going to write about and what is going to be my angle? Well I find that question is hard to really answer, since I want to write about something I am passionate about obviously, which would be I should be focusing on paleontology, archaeology, design, film, crypto currency, conspiracy theories, script writing, etc.

So that basically sets me up to write about something that could be really hard to focus on, I see many great blogs and videos about each of these, yet arguably less so on some of thous topics. Yet when sitting down and thinking about how any of these could fun it came to me. A topic and angle that I did not listen above, yet its something that has frustrated me for years, and now I can get out there and type like no tomorrow.

Now I am sure by leaving out a ton details in these short paragraphs designed to drive certain people insane you could be wondering what I am talking about. I want to take the angle of dyslexia and how that has molded my adult life and struggles to be successful. Yet I will not be focusing on this issues, but I will be expanding out into the categories above, with many mistakes in my writing. Only with practice and a ton of reading will I get better. So now I guess this where I put some back stories into this.

I was never diagnosed with dyslexia as a child, that was my sister. I just had ADHD, and I still cant focus to save my life and the medication is outstandingly horrifying. How can I explain that to you guys? The best way I can do this is by taking the example of focusing on a single task, no distractions or music playing. You have spent years with this so you do not know any other way to coup with what is going on, and for the most part this is fine. Now they tell you something wrong and give you a medication that changes how you think. Not just a small nudge but fundamentally changes everything. You can no longer focus just on the task at hand, but you need something going on, background noise, moving your hands, tapping, drawing, anything really. You can no longer sit still and you notice everything that is going on around all the time. That is basically what the medication was like for me, but in reverse. I enjoy reading, drawing, and all the other normal tasks people like, but I never do just one. One good example of this is reading, I have to have music going or a lecture on TV, so my brain can focus on both things at once.

Yes, my thought process is really that much of a mess, and boy o boy has my writing really suffered from it. I wanted to do this blog to blert out my thoughts, while coming up with structured information and writing something you might see in a newspaper. Removing my voice will not be something I will be focusing on most of the time, since I am not a journalist, and I find that to be an awful form of writing. Plus I could never follow the ethics. You throw a fat stack of cash in front on me and I will be all over it like a fly on poop. Yet everything has its meaning, and is crafted carefully. The structure of this blog is part of that, I know surprise you thought this was highly disorganized. At least that was part of my master plan, jumping topics and subjects so the flow is rough and out of sync.

This initial post is not about being well written, but just a glimpse into my mind. Its laying out the ground work for moving forward, where a more thought out article or blog will be posted. Sources will be used and all that jazz. While maybe I should get back to the story I started a few paragraphs back. So after passing up taking medicine I made it through school, never learning a thing, beside being drawn towards coding and programming while lacking the math skills to really progress. I ended up getting pasted up and signing up the join the military since I never had any plans to go to college. I mean I graduated high school with a 1.0 GPA , and now I am finishing college with a 3.4 GPA so its only been a huge jump in skill and willingness to learn. When you are a angry unskilled 20 something year old kid who has been told they are dumb their whole life you want to break out of that mold. Knowing there is a ton of work a head I still have that glimmer of hope I can break the mold and move away from a flipping burgers.

This is the very bare bones version of the story, but it sets the scene for a building anger and drive that consumes me. I have now have a propose and direction, and still have a great deal of work in front of me to perfect what I am doing. Knowing there will be hard times and ridicule are what drive me forward. So here I am taking a shot in the dark to break the mold society has made for me. Until next time, keep your chin up and chest out!


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Nice first post. Try adding pictures though, it makes the post more noticeable (less ignore-able) on people's feeds. Also, more pictures help to spread out the ideas listed on the page. You can also show more with a single picture than pages of text. Just swipe whatever from google image search. the average person is so behind on crypto right now that they won't even notice we've been doing that for years.

Best of luck to you on the platform.

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