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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 07/16/18> Civil asset forfeiture…or as I call it, ”highway robbery”.
Water is liquid gold now, oil use to be, but people pay more for bottled water than the do petrol when you do the math. A 20 ounce bottle of water, nothing fancy is $1. that works out to $6.40 a gallon while gasoline is about $2.75 a gallon here right now.
Water is being privatized in several parts of the world right now, and the prices will continue to rise at more privatization takes place.
Have at with the hash tag, sorry that you need it as much as we do though.
That is crazy when you think about it! About a year ago there was a lot in the media about the importance of conserving water, which didn't have much of an impact in Scotland, where we're practically drowning in it! Though this summer has been unusually dry, so I'm sure it won't be long before someone tries to make money out of it.
Hmm... we were discussing the theories about water-powered vehicles recently. Maybe the technology for that is indeed out there, but it won't be released on a gullible public until water is seen as a very scarce and expensive resource...
You might be on to something there....