Taking a knee.
So by now you would have heard that there are athletes and private members of the public taking a knee during the playing of the National Anthem at some sports venues in the USA. It started really small with 1 or 2 players and in the mean time entire teams are doing it and its even gone international recently at a football game somewhere in Europe.
Most talk about the act of bending the knee, the supposed disrespect etc. but the real issue is why is there even a Anthem being played at a game between two teams from the same Nation. Why are people expected to want to go to a game and be subjected to a half an hour or more of some kind of patriotic show with Flags, Anthems, Politics etc., give me some fucking cheerleaders and some hot dogs and maybe a mascott or two. If you want Anthems go to a Government event or join the Army. And that's obviously what it's about. The Government is using and abusing public sport events to indoctrinate the general public to toe the line, their line.
Isn't it interesting that out of thousands of people at a stadium and millions watching the game that it is a scandal when 1 man out of many thousands decides that he will not kneel. I'm pointing that out because we need to understand the context. It's really a small percentage that take the knee. It's time that the Government stops imposing patriotism on civilians who just want to watch a game.
Their offense just shows that Colin Kaepernick was right to take a knee. Mandated patriotism is unhealthy for a Country. Patriotism must come from the heart. If he has a grievance with his Country it is brave for him to do what he has done. Those who salute the Flag at these events have nothing to lose by toeing the line. They are not braver or better than Kaepernick. He is putting his name and his money on the line. It must also be said that the media and its faux outrage made him stronger than he would have been. Call it the Trump effect. Somebody does something controvertial and the media reports on it, often parts of the media that are pushing an agenda (Leftists, feminists, Gays, Globalists etc.) and the tone is basically how dare this person do or say what they did, they then demand that this person apologize. Trump didn't apologize, Kaepernick didn't apologize. Had they apologized they would have been finished instantly but they stood their ground and that only outrages the elites and their media presstitutes more and more.
A Country that cannot stomach the refusal of mandated patriotism maybe is not a free Country. Nazi Deutschland?
Think about it.
Steeming Stadex.
I'm not US person. From outside the whole NFL & knee thing seems strange.
Knights of old used to kneel before a king etc! But whatever.
I found it funny that taking a knee can be seen as an insult I mean the guy is literally on his knee it's almost like paying homage.
That's what I meant, head back to viking days etc.