What Do We Want Internet To be, Can We Open Up, Constructive Debates...Im Tired Of Seeing This!

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

I think

Internet is about getting our collective minds together, to study and to grow. When you are debating on online, I know many of us get reply’s that is so out of content, and are aiming to hurt you. They look up content on your profiles, trying to find ways to stick the “knifes” of their words in to your heart! Are you a girl you are most commonly a whore!

That is why I started this post!

Me wanting to write this post, came when i got these massages after commenting on a video on youtube. Clearly he went in to check up content to write to hurt! Out of content of what we where discussing.

Skärmavbild 2018-03-24 kl. 12.06.50.png

This Was the Video I saw and did comments on. In next picture you can see what I wrote

Skärmavbild 2018-03-24 kl. 12.05.34.png

What I also found was some hatefull comments.

I wanted to comment on them, becous I belive that we creat what we put out! I belived that it was hatefull to one gruop of people and that can never be good. So I worte a comment!

Skärmavbild 2018-03-24 kl. 12.04.52.png

Skärmavbild 2018-03-24 kl. 12.05.17.png

Got commented again, and anwserd!

Skärmavbild 2018-03-24 kl. 12.05.47.png

Skärmavbild 2018-03-24 kl. 12.05.52.png

For me!

We are debating about a subject, we are talking, maybe not in our best tones, at least i try, also hope that he dose! And we have our different belifes! That is fine. I dont hate him becous of his belief, I dont judge him, lest I try! What I feel is that I do not want internet to over floode with the propaganda of hatred towards groups of people our towards some! I belive we can togehter make Internet a connection, a shearing of knowledge, and that we belive in one another, to do chooses that is good for us all, not seperating.

I want to write this post because.

I think we need some kind of collective way, of dealing with this issues, is needed! When Internet gets flooded with this hatred, we need to say NO! If you think that any thing I said in this debate is provoking, mean or out of content please let me know, and pleas make it in to a constructive critisism, so that I/we can learn how to communicate better!

For me this I what we needed to over come on the Internet, today! And that’s way I do this post!

Today It is to easy to sit behind a screen and not get any negative consequences on your actions, we can just put out hatred on to others. I see a big change, that it getteing less and less acepting and you reputation can get low here to!

So that is postitiv and thats why I put out this guy here! I dont wnat him to get hate! Love him as your brother! See him as a humman like you and me! But lets put an end to the nonsent content of the videos and the texts, that is feeds hatred and seperation.

That is of old times!

I’m hurt and I’m said!

I’m sad that people choose hate before acceptance, I feel ill that a lot of us ”western” ,“Christians” can travel were ever we want in the world and we are seen as friendly people, and we can live on being served by others, floating on our systems that helps only us. We don’t get any hassle in most countries and we don’t have problems coming in, but there is a lot of hatred and superiority in our hearts.

Then you have a Muslim bother, a sister or a mother! In this case, the person I’m debating with is aiming at my boyfriend.
He is brought up as a Muslim, did his research and still want to be a Muslim! He is practising! He do not want violence, and are a guy that cares for other people, no matter if they are Muslims or not. I’m not forced to convert to Islam! I’m not forced to do anything. I have my, and I can still have my beliefs.

But just because of this: his label “Muslim”, many “western people” think we can treat them how we like, and mostly it is with hatred and blame, shame and o trial constantly. The media as blown this out of proportion!

But if we look on history! Who did the crusades? Who have been outrageous in killing, starting may wars? Who did the exploitation of indigenous people, forcing them to convert? I’m not saying we should blame them either. I say we should be smarter today!

We need the capacity too look in true diffrent angels



There is country’s where people believe that we should live different, have different values. I know some country’s still have quite a long way to go, in their work towards freedom for everyone. All countries have some degree of suppression. But our rights to chose, our way of live without someoen judging. I believe we are on the way! I say: be patient, be persistent in that we are good and connected, be open, listen, and go deep with in your self! Take what you want and respect others!

We have a whole world of knowledge open here on the Internet today! Lets use it wisely! And with care! As I mention in one of my comment: Freedom of speech, and freedom! Is noting without responsibility!


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

And we have our diffrent belifes!
It should be different instead of diffrent.

Thank you for that!

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