Liquor Store Gold Pt.3 (As Good As It Gets)

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

As Zellda finds her way through the crawlspace she realizes that it leads to a small room. A very dark room, rather cold, damn near comparable to a deep freezer. She pulls out a lighter and strikes it, to her surprise it leads to a small hatch in the ceiling of the cold room. She heads up the later with her duffel bag of gold and goes through the hatch. To her surprise she's in a grocery store. She notices that it's rather late and tries to head out believing that the supermarket is closed, But not just yet workers are still doing their last duties before getting off. In the back, she observes one of the workers ingesting some form of red power. He looks around and she peeks around the corner and then he sniffs a form of red powder.

Unbeknownst to her (The Supermarket Worker) "Mark" has just ingested a research chemical by the name of "XY-0803" or "Chilly".The drug "XY-0803" is a powerful hallucinogen that has 3 plateaus of a "high". The first plateau being mild hallucinations, surge of energy,confidence booster. The second plateau consists of strong hallucinations, energy, shallow breathing, and irregular heartbeat. The third and final plateau Consist of complete disassociation, users have reported hearing things from the future, entities visits, and OBE's. Zellda has just seen Mark take enough to reach the second plateau.

She then comes to the understanding that she has to make a move and make one fast before she is seen and given up to authorities. She begins to make her way throughout the grocery store in a "007" type of way. Zellda's plan is to make it out the grocery store and to a supermarket so that she can get into a vehicle and make her way for the nearest highway.
Back at the liquor store police are trying to put together clues as to what exactly happened and why? What were the motives? Who was in involved?
Greg is hospitalized for his gunshot wound in his arm and is questioned by police and detectives at the hospital. Greg tells the police that the lady who's behind the madness that occurred this morning was by a woman named Zellda, and that she wanted her phone really badly because it had information about something of value that was hidden in the liquor store. Detectives run her record and she has a long history of misdemeanors and violations and she also has served one 5-year prison sentence and a warrant for her arrest is currently active. Greg's mother shows a liking to one of the main sergeants(Sergeant. Braggs) . Sgt. Braggs believes that the suspect is still in the city and has not went that far and that they will find out who shot her son. But more importantly who lead a plan this thought out and did not care about the casualties of their henchman.Looks like Sgt. Braggs might be on to something.

Back at the supermarket Zellda sneaks stealthily around employees wit her duffel bag of gold. Mark ( Now tripping Major Balls!!) on chilly or "catching the chills" as they call it spots Zellda near the freezer area as she tries to obtain the keys to a semi-truck outside. Mark looks in awe at Zellda, She stops and sees the employee in some sort of daze. She leans to the right and leans to left, does a twerk dance and he still doesn't make even the slightest facial expression. He just looks amazed she thinks to herself "he's high as shit". Mark visualizes heads emerging from ice along with spirits enticing him and coming from the walls. Zellda says to herself"um. okay, noted." So she takes some wine,Mark's phone,that red powder substance that he ingested along with the keys to the semi-truck out back.Meanwhile, police are still circling the area looking for her as she hops in the driver seat and begins to head for the highway.

While driving zellda contemplates ingesting the drug, but instead she decides to research it on Mark's phone.TShe does take a sip of some wine though.The research she did on the drug made her laugh to herself. She also has read that gold is normally traded for high quantities of the drug on the blackmarket. That raises eyebrows for Zellda, all she can see is dollar signs at this point. Back at the grocery store employees report the semi-truck stolen and has one person to blame and that's Mark. They also find that mark was swimming in a pool of his own vomit in the employee lunch area. They fire Mark for him being incoherent in the workplace and conspiracy of using psychoactive substances while on shift. As Zellda rushes up the highway she sees plenty of police cars, i mean the highway is full with them. So she gets nervous and slows down a bit. She also notices that the highway has flares on the road for detours because their is a huge county wide hunt for her.Police are searching every vehicle as well. Zellda now sits in traffic contemplating her next move because she doesn't want to get caught but she needs a way out of town, and fast.



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