🌴20 Fun Facts About Weed (Marijuana)🌴steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

1. It’s physically impossible to overdose

So you plop down on the couch to smoke a joint. If you smoke over 800 joints in that sitting, you might die. Your death, however, wouldn’t be caused by the herb itself. It would be from carbon monoxide poisoning. For cannabis to kill you from an overdose, you would need to smoke 40,0000 times the average amount within a short period of time. And smoking that much in one sitting is impossible. No one has ever died from smoking weed.

2. Cannabis users eat 600 more calories each day

Cannabis users eat an average of 600 more calories per day. BUT, they also have lower BMIs and smaller waistlines than their non-smoking counterparts.Weed kicks your metabolism into overdrive. This makes you crave food but also acts as a digestive aid. It makes you hungry but helps you use what you eat better.

3. Rates of obesity are 33% lower in cannabis users

Studies have shown that cannabis cuts your risk of becoming obese by about a third. This could be because weed helps your body regulate blood sugars.This statistical coincidence is partly the reason why the herb is currently being studied for as a treatment for Type 2 Diabetes.

4. Every hemp plant could save 12 trees

Let’s just say this: It’s ridiculous that the world isn’t growing more hemp. Hemp, weed’s non-psychoactive sibling, can easily be made into biodiesel, paper products, and hemp concrete.Making the switch to hemp dramatically cuts down on our need for timber and our use of fossil fuels. This plant is one of the most sustainable choices out there.

5. African-Americans are 330% more likely to get arrested for possession

According to a report by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), that number eight times more likely in some states. Namely, Iowa, DC, and Minnesota.The same ACLU report found that on average, whites and blacks consume cannabis at about the same rates.

6. Legalizing cannabis in all states would earn $10+ billion in tax revenue

Legalizing cannabis would save state and federal governments more than a decent chunk of change. It would also generate billions in additional tax revenue.It’s estimated that states spent roughly $3.6 billion on cannabis law enforcement in 2010. A necessary expense? What do you think?

7. Cannabis is the fastest growing industry

 Market Research found that the recreational cannabis market grew 74% in 2014. This staggering number has earned cannabis the title of the fastest growing US industry. The medical industry wasn’t far behind, bringing in $1.2 billion in 2014.

8. Cannabis prohibition costs the US state and federal governments $17.5 billion each year

If the government were to legalise all drugs, we’d save $41.3 billion annually. This is an interesting statistic when you keep countries like Portugal in mind.Portugal managed to cut its rates of drug abuse in half within 10 years of decriminalising all drugs.

9. In 2014, the DEA took over 74 million joints from the US public

In 2014, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) seized over 163,638 lbs (74,225 kgs) of domestic cannabis. That’s the equivalent of 72,226,196.8 one-gram joints.

10. 160+ million people in the world use cannabis

That’s 2.5% of the global population. Cultures around the world have been using the cannabis plant in some way or another for centuries. It’s no surprise, then, to find that it’s currently the most commonly used illicit drug in the world.

11. Today’s flower is 57-67% more potent than herb from the ’70s

The invention of the hydroponics gardening system may have been the best thing every introduced to the cannabis industry.The herb of the 60s and 70s was nowhere near what it is today. In fact, it was common for people to smoke stem and fan leaf bits instead of bud.

12. California and Colorado bring in over 75% of all cannabis sales

The two biggest states for cannabis have a foothold in the industry and have achieved almost 4 billion dollars in sales last year. That’s more than every other US state combined!

13. 1/3 of American crops are grown indoors

Because cannabis is federally illegal to grow, outdoor growing is often off limits. Unfortunately, indoor growing nationwide uses about the same amount of power as 1.7 million homes. According to Mother Jones, that’s the same output given by 7 power plants.

14. 9% of cannabis users become dependent

By comparison, 15% of alcohol users become addicted. Rates of tobacco addiction outpaced heroin by 9%. A whopping 32% of tobacco smokers become addicted, and 23% of heroin users.

15. 28 U.S. states now have some sort of legal policies for cannabis

That’s right: over half of US states now have some type of relaxation in cannabis policy. In some states, it’s only the legalisation of CBD oil. In other’s it’s decriminalisation. Eight states and Washington D.C. have voted to legalise recreational cannabis, however, not all of the states have implemented legalisation.

16. There are 111 different cannabinoids in cannabis

Cannabinoids are the unique chemicals found in the cannabis plant. THC and CBD are the most common cannabinoids in cannabis. THC and CBD may be the main stars of the cannabinoid world, but they’re far from the only beneficial compounds found in the plant.Other cannabinoids like CBN and CBG are known to have medicinal effects. Imagine what we’ll find when we research the other 108?

17. Couples that smoke together are less likely to experience domestic violence

The good news? The more cannabis they smoked, the less violence there was. This could be because cannabis slows you down. When you smoke weed, you’re less likely to become aggressive when met with threatening stimuli. Couples that smoke together may also be more likely to share other common values as well, making them better matched.

18. Moderate smokers may have higher IQs

A study completed at Carleton University found that cannabis consumers that smoked 5 joints a week or less had higher IQs than non-smokers. IQ scores of 70 test subjects were measured at ages 9 to 12.They then measured again when the subjects were between 17 and 20, each categorised by level of cannabis use. Moderate smokers scored the highest.

19. Today’s average bud contains between 14-18% THC

The invention of the hydroponics gardening system may have been the best thing every introduced to the cannabis industry. The herb of the 60s and 70s was nowhere near what it is today. In fact, it was common for people to smoke stem and fan leaf bits instead of bud.

20. 9.6% of adults 50 and up smoke recreational weed

Though, if you’re shopping at a dispensary, it’s not uncommon to find strains containing 20%+ THC. This is a huge potency spike when compared to cannabis from 1970. Back then, you’d be lucky to find some herb with more than 1 to 3% THC.

Follow Me @sixteen4narchist (:


tell this to mothers who lost thier sons and tell people who are addited to drugs and have no life .Drug is shit sorry pal

Within a few years, you will see Marlboro Highs and Camel Highs on sale. It's going to come very quickly as there is no way the Tobacco industry will be losing market share.

super cool post! thx. upvoted and resteemed.

Thank you (:

Great post, very informative and well set out. An interesting sidenote is that the war on hemp and associated cannabis stemmed (if you pardon the pun) from the oil industry's fear that hemp would take over from oil. It's cheaper to produce and far cleaner than oil, a point made when Henry T Ford made a car that was made from and ran on hemp! of course the oil indsutry couldn't have that so they lobbied governemt and started a campaign of fear and disinformation that lasts until this day. So its very nice to see such a thought proking bit of truth, thanks for sharing!

There are many factors as to why it's still illegal in many places, It's the miracle drug, and it solves too many problems for the gov's liking. It's all about money, and weed causes the selfish corporations and gov's to lose out.

Oh yes, there are so many angles to this. A friend of a friend literally just cured his cancer using oil and cbd oils .. it certainly is a miracle drug but because its already out there the pharmaceutical industry can't patent it and so can't make money on it.

It's really disgusting isn't it, and that's nice to hear how he cured himself through self-medication. 😊

I know its disgusting that they would prefer to let someone die in pain than supply the help they need. And thanks :) resteemed.

thank you it means a lot, also I've followed you too. (:

Credit where its due for this great post. Thanks and also following you.

If you have yet to see it this is a great film:

No I haven't, but i'm always looking for new movies to watch while stoned 😂 thank you!

Well done @sixteen4narchist! Pretty dank! upped and resteemed 'n followed!

Thank you, It means a lot as I put time into my post, I won't disssapoint😊

Love, love , love it.
And the post :-D
Great work and good info for those out there that fear the lovely weed.
Got a light?

Great post resteemed

😂You sir, are getting a follow if I don't already follow you, but I think I do, and unfortunately not :(

You sound confused, are you stoned? :-D

No, I was just unsure if I followed you or not. (: I wish I was!

Only joking, you are most certainly a follower and followed. 😎

Great facts to choose from. There are many reasons why it should be decriminalized and legalized.

Medicinal reasons alone can help so many people with their or family medical issues. Many people across the U.S. cannot have simple access to medicinal cannabis, and have to settle for inorganic pharmaceuticals which can have many side effects. There are many more solutions that marijuana can provide than issues that it causes.

I agree, but the gov is involved with the cartels, so they make more money that way. If it became legalized, then their profits will be diluted.

Cannabis legalisation is on the way as the taxes from it are irresistible to government .

Great info my friend, following and I have some marijuana posts as well. Check em out if you get a min. Steem on 420.

!! And you have a pic of the fed as you pp, I take it you're a fellow stoner exposing the truth? (:

Yes you are correct. Wide awake my friend. I just do not prefer the word stoner. The fed, Those are the true gangsters inc...

It's just a word bro..

really informative post. you have just given me more reasons to keep smoking weed,lol.

HAHAHAH YES! That's what we like to hear. 😂✌🏼

Nice blog..I am a legal medical marijuana patient in the state of new mexico. One of my name ill's is I have hashimotos disease..which has caused major weight gain and extreme inflammation to by body..the use of marijuana without trying has brought down my inflammation and has allowed me to lose weight that had been impossible to lose previous..as well as gives me great pain relief and the ability to sleep..heaven sent..fer real..it also has worked wonders on my ptsd which had made life a prison for me..has brought back my wings..blessed be the herb.

What an inspiring comment! Thank you for sharing it with me. 😊 I hope everything works out for you!

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