US- Bangladesh relationship going to get a new face and become more visible with the Biden administration.

in #blog4 years ago


The bilateral relation between Bangladesh and the united states are widespread and have ancient roots. In 1971, after achieving independence Bangladesh from Pakistan. The president of Bangladesh sheikh mujibur rahaman visit US in 1974 and met President Gerald Ford. He aptly emphasized the importance of this bilateral relationship. Bangabandhu foreign policy principle follows “ friendship to all, malice to none” thereby this making a sufficient relationship to all neighboring countries and cooperative economy.
Bangladesh-US bilateral relationships are established on a strong basis because of democratic principles, peace, properity and personal freedom following by a similar pattern in both countries. The socio-economic development us became one of the most reliable partners and contributed firmly and fairly. However, this relation has risen until 1996 under prime minister sheikh Hasina government. Then no further progress until 2009. Just only partnership dialogue and the Trade and investment.
The new Biden administration is likely to support developing worlds such as climate, Trade, covid pandemic response, and migrants. So now Bangladesh is expecting indeed reasonably high from US. To develop with economic , politics and people to people ties.
The upgraded US organization seems, by all accounts, to be more steady to the reasons for the creating scene, remembering for zones like environmental change, exchange help, Covid-19 reaction and travelers. Accordingly, our assumptions from the Biden organization are to be sure sensibly higher. Under the visionary approaches of Prime Minister Sheik Hasina, Bangladesh is completely certain of additional fortifying its binds with all improvement accomplices to encourage monetary and political participation and individuals to-individuals ties. Normal two-sided visits and political level commitment between the two nations at the most significant level will hoist the Bangladesh-US organization. Coming up next are a portion of the significant standpoints identified with Bangladesh's impending commitment with the enhanced US organization
In the first place, while we are grateful for the US' principled stand and unflinching philanthropic and political help to Bangladesh in managing the Rohingya emergency since August 2017, we additionally solidly accept that it is vital for take a successful and very much adjusted mediation with respect to the worldwide local area to persuade Myanmar to establish a protected and favorable climate in Rakhine state for the honorable return of 1.1 million Rohingyas to their country. The Rohingya issue was made by Myanmar, and the arrangement additionally lies with them. Fortunately there are signs that the enhanced US organization will investigate the issue of destruction in Rakhine and ideally will proactively make a move for their protected return.

Besides, as we as a whole know, Bangladesh is focused on accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and is likewise pushing ahead to accomplish its public improvement plan, explained in Vision 2021 and Vision 2041. Our development direction in the course of the most recent decade has been exceptionally amazing, however of late the Covid-19 pandemic has eased back advancement and prevented SDG execution, in Bangladesh as well as across the globe. Hence, Bangladesh underscores the need to reinforce further respective and multilateral participation and make aggregate moves to handle the developing elements of wellbeing, just as the monetary emergency, during this pandemic just as in the post-pandemic period. The collective endeavors of our two well disposed nations have just delivered some vital results. The providing of 6.5 million exclusive requirement PPE by Bangladesh to the United States in the most limited conceivable time during the pandemic is an incredible illustration of this collaboration.
Third, the issue of the extradition of Rashed Chowdhury, a sentenced outlaw and enemy of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman, has stayed forthcoming on the US side for over 10 years. We have mentioned the US government to accelerate the arrival of Rashed Chowdhury. Considering the two nations' shared soul of building up equity and the standard of law, I accept that the upgraded US organization should investigate this matter genuinely. Indeed, this could be a distinct advantage in the Bangladesh-US association. We likewise have a removal deal forthcoming with the US side for quite a while.

Fourth, we accept that exchange and speculation can be probably the most grounded obligation of organization among Bangladesh and the US, Bangladesh's single biggest fare objective. With an upward pattern of fare and import, the complete exchange volume with the US leaped to USD 4.1 billion of every 2009 from USD 1.5 billion out of 1996, mirroring a 59.4 percent expansion. From that point forward, the figure shows an expanding pattern, adding up to USD 6.4 billion out of 2014 and USD 9 billion of every 2019. Regardless of the pandemic, until mid-2020, the exchange figure with the US was USD 3,405.4 million. In 2018-19, Bangladeshi fares to the US were worth USD 6.8 billion. Presently, we need to differentiate our items portfolio away from single things. We as of now have our customary strength in the RMG business. Indeed, in spite of high import duties, almost 15.6 percent all things considered, Bangladesh is the second biggest clothing exporter to the US, after China. Because of the pandemic, to help hard-hit US buyers of pieces of clothing, the US may put a ban on duties on Bangladesh trades for a time of three years. We are additionally prepared to start international alliance dealings with the US.

Fifth, Bangladesh inspected its post-Covid-19 recuperation technique to extend homegrown interest through open interests in framework and administration conveyance to set out occupation open doors, and to improve the pace of unfamiliar direct interest into trade enhancing areas. Bangladesh has arisen as a rewarding objective of unfamiliar direct speculation today, and is quick to operationalise its proposed 100 Economic Zones and 28 innovative parks, with unfamiliar ventures from public and private areas.
Bangladesh invites US interest in these Economic Zones, including through the migration interaction from China. We accept that US backing will proceed for the protected and suitable utilization of science and innovation, including biotechnology, to help address the agrarian difficulties and purchaser needs of the 21st century. Truth be told, Bangladesh-US specialized collaboration has developed significantly throughout the most recent decade, despite the fact that its maximum capacity is yet to be figured it out. More logical collaboration among exploration and scholastic establishments of the two nations, just as specialized limit working of government and private foundations, are important. Our two nations as of now have close contacts concerning worldwide peacekeeping endeavors. The US government could take some part timers from Bangladesh to work in their rural areas too.

6th, Bangladesh stays focused on advancing network in the area. The idea of a free and open Indo-Pacific would assist Bangladesh with advancing the Blue Economy and availability, bring enhancements of the venture environment, and fortify measures against psychological warfare and other coordinated wrongdoings in oceanic spaces. We demand US interest in the infrastructural advancement of Bangladesh to improve the viability of the Indo-Pacific methodologies. We have joined the Belt and Road Initiative of China from a similar desire of accepting interest in our framework improvement, focused on the financial advancement of our kin.

At long last, environmental change is a quick and developing danger to the entire world. Bangladesh has been perceived worldwide as perhaps the most weak nations in such manner. It involves help that President Joe Biden has just marked the Executive Order to rejoin the Paris Agreement. I accept that the commitment of the US will assist Bangladesh with battling against environmental change as the current President of the 48-part Climate Vulnerable Forum.

There are motivations to be cheerful about the consistently developing Bangladesh-US relations, which are required to accomplish more current statures during the Biden organization. There are such countless roads to be investigated, and Bangladesh is quick to harvest the maximum capacity. We anticipate proceeding with our basic work together to additionally reinforce our suffering relationship, address shared difficulties, and expand on the advancement and thriving we have made on such countless fronts. Making a more prominent cognizance and uniting all the partners to fortify Bangladesh-US two-sided connection under a typical stage is significant. I generally accept that, aside from G2G commitment, exceptional individuals to-individuals contact is consistently useful for two-sided relations. For instance, individuals of the US helped us in our Liberation development. In this association, as over a large portion of 1,000,000 Bangladeshi-starting point residents live in the US, this huge Bangladeshi diaspora can likewise assume a valuable part.

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