Introducing MySelf..
Hey there everyone,
Just wanted to start by saying Thank you for letting me "IN" into this community :D
Lemme Start ..
Im Kenji Batiller, 20 years of age I live at Paknaan, Mandaue City. I have 2 younger brothers 2 pets specifically 1 domestic cat and 1 cockatiel bird we have a little sari-sari store at our house and my father is a plastic delivery man my mother is only a housewife cause my father wants to take care of us even though we're already grown up .
I love playing online games also offline I like writing stories, reading books specially if it's very interesting or very mysterious and inspirational i also like watching movies specially a sci-fi category movies like "Tomorrowland" and also inpirational i also love singing but god didn't really gave me the gift of good voice haha.. soo i only sing when im alone or when im at our house i also love going to the beach cause i really want to swim haha .. i also love swimming that's obvious and then reserving the last for the best that is dancing i think for me dancing is what gods blessing or this is the way that im going to express my emotions cause since i was a child dancing was the only way that i can express my emotions when words can't explain it cause when I dance i got that feeling that when i move i feel like im in a whole new world a world that only me can see it or only me can understand i feel happy also when i dance it's kinda my stress reliever
I have a facebook Acoount where I upload all my Dance Cover that i made I also have a youtube account before but recently youtube suspended my account because of violation i think so now im still waiting to the youtube company to make my account active again i also do vlogging when my account is still active i also have instagram where i post most of my pictures taken with my phone I also do video editing like creating some awesome transitions and graphic etc.
Thank you for reading my post I think that's all that you need to know about me,
Hey if you want to follow me on instagram my instagram is @prince.gino and if you want to add me on facebook my facebook is Keenjii Batiller