A few days on Koh Sri Boya, a small Island that not so many tourists are visiting🌴🐓🐂🐐

We have traveled on all possible roads on the island and some almost completely unthinkable, it is not a big island and the roads are not so many. There are little houses here and there along the road and some of them you can see glimts of in the djungle, couple of small shops selling some noodles, drinks and ice cream and other necessities. We saw a few gaspumps for self-service without handle but still in use.

Everyone seems to have their own little animal herd consisting of a cow, some hens, and a couple of goats. As far as the wildlife is concerned, we have come in close contact with a couple of giant spiders, a big waran, a bunch of monkeys and a rat ..the rat though we did not see, but heard, and he also had the bad manor of eating our soap.

A guy has created a pretty lucrative business on the island, he has a schooled a monkey picking down coconuts from the palms to the villagers for 20 baht pieces, which is both for benefit and with pleasure, when the nuts are a real danger if they fall down on someones head and they are being used in almost all cooking. So it will be like a win win.

We also found another resort on our excursion where we stopped for lunch and were having a beer, they had no guests at all. The owner told us that it was very few tourists on the island this season because the weather had been a bit bad, cloudy and rainy. But on the other hand, I do not think they are supercrowded here other seasons either.

The only tourists we saw now were those staying at our resort and maybe there were a total of 10 and they seemed to just hangaround the resort. There were not a lot restaurangs to choose from, it was basically just on the resorts .. there was 3...maybe 4. There was a fish restaurant in the water on a raft, we went there to have a look and talked a bit with some of the locals and they said it was open but it was hard to tell because there were no people in sight.

On our way home we ended up in a real heavy rain that made the already bad roads in to red slippery mud and we were completely wet before we managed to get home.

Accommodation was cheap at both resorts we visited, Siboya bungalow and Racha sunset from 350-700 baht but on the other side was the food and especially the beer expensive so it's like ”what you lose on the swings you get back on the carousels”.
But The people we met were all super nice , the food was great and everything felt very family and warm.

Although some of the traveling guests has been there since November, we felt that two nights were enough for us, we are probably a little too restless to just sit down and chill, or maybe its more that we like to have the choises ... and the water came back for a short time a couple of times, and in between there was like no beach..or maybe..more beach depends on how you see it.

So after two nights på koh Sri Boya we catched the local boat in the morning with our bike and went to Laem Kruat pier and drove about 100 km to Koh Lanta
I will tell you more about that in my next post.

You are so welcome to follow rest of our journey have a beautiful day 🌺❤️☮️
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We have the same interest. I love traveling too. But when I become a crypto trader my journey becomes less. Im always watching the price now.
What do you use when you do out of town? Mine is motorcycle.
We rent a motorbike most of the time, this Journey We rented one for almost 3weeks driving around but We Will be traveling for 10 weeks all to all and We are going for a couple of weeks to Vietnam so please follow our Journey if you want to 🌺❤️☮️PS I also Putin in some stories now and then from old places We have been visiting, i am trying to translate from my swedish blog that i have had for a couple of years 😁