Tick and Tock
Life is short. Life is fragile.
Death is long. Death is indestructible.
Death will take us all in the end when we're at our ends. It will take your family and it will take your friends.
No one knows their appointed hour and this next one we come round to on the clock could be yours or mine just as easily as it could be some stranger's somewhere, far or near. And some days it will have to be someone everyone holds dear.
Time is always up for somebody, somewhere, and someday, us too, me and you.
Any of you, all of you who bother to read this. We all share the same inescapable fate in the end. King or beggar, we all have that in common, which should inspire empathy and compassion in us for our fellow humans, but the history of the world is a long list of failed shoulds that never were nor was, so do your best, I guess, and drink a toast for absent friends, embrace your foes and make amends, and live your lives until yours ends.
Tick and tock.
Oh, I made a Yellow slender-man origami (or an alco-pusher)
Haha, slender man! My kids were really into that a couple years ago.
True words my fanfuckingtastic friend ;)
I love your slenderman. I also love your 90's necklace I haven't seen those in years, they are probably back in style now.
As far as death, its true he is a guest, uninvited, who needs no key nor invitation.
I don't know what an alco-pusher is yet, but I love the slender man's shade's. He's charmingly creepy.
Nicely written. Slenderman a bit creepy though.
A toast for absent friends, I'll drink to that.
So very true and well said. And something to ponder too hard will make you squirm in your chair. I like the idea, live as though each day is 'it', as it just might be.
Slender man with shades is very spiff.
very cool your post friend @sandrina.life, Time passes and never goes back. We live in constant change, in constant evolution, immersed in stressful routines, seeing how time escapes from our hands without us being fully aware of it.
I find ignoring any thoughts on 'death', makes life a lot better!
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